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Select Publications
2015, 'The Epidemiology of Death and Symptoms: Planning for Population-Based Palliative Care', in Cherny N; Fallon M; Kaasa S; Portenoy R; Currow D (ed.), Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine, Oxford University Press, https://global.oup.com/academic/product/oxford-textbook-of-palliative-medicine-9780199656097?q=978-0199656097&lang=en&cc=au
,2010, '3.2 The epidemiology of the end-of-life experience', in Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine, Oxford University Press, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/med/9780198570295.003.0007
,2010, 'Oxford textbook of Palliative Medicine', in , Oxfor University Press, Oxford, England
,2009, 'The Epidemiology of End of Life Experience', in Hanks G; Cherny NI; Christakis NA; Fallon M; Kaasa S; Portenoy RK (ed.), Oxford textbook of Palliative Medicine, Oxford University Press, Oxford, England