Select Publications


Roberts M; Callaway MP; Hulse P, 1996, Key Questions in Radiology, CRC Press

Book Chapters

Kuch D; Stringer N; Marshall L; Young S; Roberts M; Macgill I; Bruce A; Passey R, 2019, 'An Energy Data Manifesto', in Good Data, Institute of Networked Cultures, Amsterdam, pp. 77 - 93,

Journal articles

Roberts MB; Adams SM; Kuch D, 2023, 'Social license to automate batteries? Australian householder conditions for participation in Virtual Power Plants', Energy Research and Social Science, 104, pp. 103241,

Heslop S; Yildiz B; Roberts M; Chen D; Lau T; Naderi S; Bruce A; MacGill I; Egan R, 2022, 'A Novel Temperature-Independent Model for Estimating the Cooling Energy in Residential Homes for Pre-Cooling and Solar Pre-Cooling', Energies, 15,

Rispler J; Roberts M; Bruce A, 2022, 'A change in the air? The role of offshore wind in Australia's transition to a 100 % renewable grid', Electricity Journal, 35,

Roberts M; Sharma A; Macgill I, 2022, 'Efficient, effective and fair allocation of costs and benefits in residential energy communities deploying shared photovoltaics', Applied Energy, 305, pp. 117935,

Yildiz B; Bilbao JI; Roberts M; Heslop S; Dore J; Bruce A; MacGill I; Egan RJ; Sproul AB, 2021, 'Analysis of electricity consumption and thermal storage of domestic electric water heating systems to utilize excess PV generation', Energy, 235, pp. 121325,

Fina B; Roberts MB; Auer H; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2021, 'Exogenous influences on deployment and profitability of photovoltaics for self-consumption in multi-apartment buildings in Australia and Austria', Applied Energy, 283, pp. 116309,

Yildiz B; Roberts M; Bilbao JI; Heslop S; Bruce A; Dore J; MacGill I; Egan RJ; Sproul AB, 2021, 'Assessment of control tools for utilizing excess distributed photovoltaic generation in domestic electric water heating systems', Applied Energy, 300, pp. 117411 - 117411,

Roberts MB; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2019, 'A comparison of arrangements for increasing self-consumption and maximising the value of distributed photovoltaics on apartment buildings', Solar Energy, 193, pp. 372 - 386,

Roberts MB; Haghdadi N; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2019, 'Characterisation of Australian apartment electricity demand and its implications for low-carbon cities', Energy, 180, pp. 242 - 257,

Roberts MB; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2019, 'Impact of shared battery energy storage systems on photovoltaic self-consumption and electricity bills in apartment buildings', Applied Energy, 245, pp. 78 - 95,

Roberts M; Bruce A; Macgill I, 2019, 'Opportunities and barriers for photovoltaics on multi-unit residential buildings: Reviewing the Australian experience', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 104, pp. 95 - 110,

Conference Papers

Jäger-Waldau A; Adinolfi G; Batlle A; Braun M; Bucher C; Roberts M, 2020, 'Self-consumption of electricity produced with photovoltaic systems in apartment buildings - Update of the situation in various IEA PVPS countries', in roceedings of the IEEE PVSC-47, 15 June – 21 August, 2020 Virtual Meeting, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Virtual Meeting, pp. 0938 - 0950, presented at IEEE PVSC-47, Virtual Meeting, 15 June 2020 - 21 August 2020,

Jager-Waldau A; Adinolfi G; Batlle A; Braun M; Bucher C; Detollenaere A; Frederiksen KHB; Graditi G; Guerrero Lemus R; Lindahl J; Heilscher G; Kraiczy M; Masson G; Mather B; Mayr C; Moneta D; Mugnier D; Nikoletatos J; Neubourg G; Platt G; Reinders A; Roberts MB; Ueda Y, 2020, 'Self-consumption of electricity produced with photovoltaic systems in apartment buildings - Update of the situation in various IEA PVPS countries', in 2020 47TH IEEE PHOTOVOLTAIC SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE (PVSC), IEEE, ELECTR NETWORK, pp. 938 - 950, presented at 47th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), ELECTR NETWORK, 15 June 2020 - 21 August 2020,

Sharma A; Roberts M; Macgill I, 2019, 'Analyzing Economic Benefits of Installing Rooftop PV on Real Apartment Buildings', in Proceedings of Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference 2019, Canberra, presented at Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference 2019, Canberra, 03 December 2019 - 05 December 2019,

Heslop S; Roberts M; Yildiz B; Bruce A; Egan R; Macgill I, 2019, 'A characterisation of air conditioning consumption in Australia’s eastern capitals', in Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference 2019, Australian PV Institute, Canberra, presented at Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, Canberra, 03 December 2019,

Jäger-Waldau A; Adinolfi A; Batlle A; Braun M; Bucher C; Detollenaere A; Frederiksen K; Graditi G; Lemus RG; Lindahl J; Heilscher G; Kraiczy M; Masson G; Mather B; Mayr C; Moneta D; Mugnier D; Nikoletatos J; Neubourg G; Platt G; Roberts MB, 2019, 'Electricity produced from photovoltaic systems in apartment buildings and self-consumption - Comparison of the situation in various IEA PVPS countries', in Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Chicago, USA, pp. 1701 - 1710, presented at IEEE PVSC-46At, Chicago, USA, 24 June 2019 - 21 June 2019,

Roberts M; Copper J; Bruce A, 2018, 'Analysis of Rooftop Solar Potential on Australian Residential Buildings', in Proceedings APSRC 2018, Australian Photovoltaic Institute, Sydney, presented at Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, Sydney, 04 December 2018 - 06 December 2018,

Jäger-Waldau A; Bucher C; Frederiksen KHB; Massone G; Guerro-Lemus R; Mather B; May C; Nikoletatos J; Moneta D; Roberts M, 2018, 'Self-consumption of electricity produced from PV systems in apartment buildings - Comparison of the situation in Australia, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the USA', in 2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC) (A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC & 34th EU PVSEC), IEEE, Waikaloa Village, HI, USA, pp. 1424 - 1430, presented at The 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Power Conversion, Waikaloa Village, HI, USA, 10 June 2018 - 15 June 2018,

Roberts M; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2018, 'Collective Prosumerism: Accessing the Potential of Embedded Networks to Increase the Deployment of Distributed Generation on Australian Apartment Buildings', in 2018 IEEE International Energy Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Limasol, Cyprus, pp. 1 - 6, presented at 2018 IEEE International Energy Conference, Limasol, Cyprus, 03 June 2018 - 07 June 2018,

Roberts M; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2017, 'PV on Apartment Buildings - Which Side of the Meter?', Melbourne, presented at Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, Melbourne, 05 December 2017 - 07 December 2017,

Roberts MB; Huxham G; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2016, 'Using PV to help meet Common Property Energy Demand in Residential Apartment Buildings', in 2016 Australian Summer Study on Energy Productivity, Sydney, presented at Australian Summer Study on Energy Productivity, Sydney, 24 February 2016 - 26 February 2016,

Roberts MB; Huxham G; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2016, 'Using PV to help meet Common Property Energy Demand in Residential Apartment Buildings', University of Technology, Sydney,

Roberts M; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2015, 'PV in Australian Apartment Buildings – Opportunities and Barriers', in Egan R; Passey R (ed.), Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference 2015, Australian PV Institute, Brisbane, presented at Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference 2015, Brisbane, 08 December 2015 - 10 December 2015,

Conference Abstracts

Rahimpour Z; Haghdadi N; Roberts M; Nourbakhsh N; Bruce A, 2022, 'Generating synthetic residential electricity load profiles using household characteristics', in Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference 2022, Newcastle, presented at Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, Newcastle

Johnson L; Roberts M; Bruce A; Heslop S, 2022, 'Impact of input error on PV system simulation under partial shading conditions', in Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference 2022, Newcastle, NSW, presented at Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, Newcastle, NSW

Kallmier E; Bruce A; Roberts M; Haghdadi N, 2022, 'Impact of tariffs and system costs on optimal PV system size', in Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference 2022, Newcastle, NSW, presented at Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, Newcastle, NSW


Fletcher J; Roche D; Christopher T; Roberts M; Yildiz B; Heslop S, 2024, Consumer Enegy Strategy 2024 - Stakeholder Consultation by NSW Decarbonisation Innovation Hub Electrification & Energy Systems Network,

Roberts M; Adams S; Samarakoon S; Kallmier E; Dillon M; Szczepaniak R; Passey R; Bruce A; Macgill I; Egan R; Kuch D, 2023, Energy resilience in bushfires and extreme weather events: Final report of the ESKIES project,

Roberts M, 2023, Engaging households in electricity flexibility – insights from the UK,,

Roberts M; Abdullah-Vetter Z; Dennis P; Bruce A; Egan R, 2022, Solar Potential of Australian Social Housing Stock,,

Roberts M; Passey R; Adams S, 2021, Rewarding flexible demand: Customer friendly cost-reflective tariffs and incentives (H4 Opportunity Assesment), RACE for 2030,

Abdullah-Vetter Z; Dehghanimadvar M; Nair S; Roberts M; Bruce A, 2021, Powering a sporting nation: Rooftop solar potential for AFL,

Abdullah-Vetter Z; Dehghanimadvar M; Nair S; Roberts M; Bruce A, 2021, Powering a sporting nation: Rooftop solar potential for Australian soccer,

Abdullah-Vetter Z; Ramsden C; Nair S; Dehghanimadvar M; Roberts M; Bruce A, 2021, Powering a sporting nation: Rooftop solar potential of Australian cricket,

Roberts M, 2020, Smart Home Energy Management Systems User Needs Report,

Roberts M; Adams S; Kuch D, 2020, VPP User Research - Final Report

Roberts M; Heywood P; Ramsden C; Nair S; Abdullah-Vetter Z; McCoy B; Nicholls A; Caton E; Copper J; Bruce A, 2020, Sunny side up: how schools, prisons and libraries can power Queensland’s renewable future,

Roberts M; Copper J; Bruce A; Barton T; Hu R, 2019, Spatial Analysis of Solar Potential in Perth,

Roberts M; Nagrath K; Briggs C; Copper J; Bruce A; Mckibben J, 2019, How much Rooftop Solar can be Installed in Australia? Report for the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and the Property Council of Australia,,

Roberts M; Bruce A; Macgill I; Copper J; Haghdadi N, 2019, Photovoltaics on Apartment Buildings,

Roberts M; Copper J; Bruce A; Barton T; Haghdadi N; Hu R, 2018, Solar Trends Report 2018

Copper J; Roberts M; Bruce A, 2018, Spatial Analysis of Solar Potential in Canberra

Copper J; Roberts M; Bruce A, 2018, Spatial Analysis of Solar Potential in Adelaide, Australian Photovoltaic Institute,

Roberts M; passey R; Bruce A; Macgill I, 2017, Submission in response to the AEMC’s draft report on the review of regulatory arrangements for embedded networks, RPR0006,

Stringer N; Roberts M; Young S; Passey R; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2017, Submission in response to the AEMC’s Distribution Market Model draft report, AEMC Project Number SEA0004, SEA0004,

Copper J; Roberts M; Bruce A, 2017, Spatial Analysis of Solar Potential in Melbourne, Australian Photovoltaic Institute,

Copper JK; Roberts MB; Bruce A, 2017, Spatial Analysis of Solar Potential in Sydney,,

Copper J; Roberts MB; Bruce A, 2016, Spatial Analysis of Solar Potential in Brisbane, APVI,,

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