Select Publications

Journal articles

Peddle SD; Hodgson RJ; Borrett RJ; Brachmann S; Davies TC; Erickson TE; Liddicoat C; Muñoz-Rojas M; Robinson JM; Watson CD; Krauss SL; Breed MF, 2025, 'Practical applications of soil microbiota to improve ecosystem restoration: current knowledge and future directions', Biological Reviews, 100, pp. 1 - 18,

Alameda-Martín A; Chamizo S; Maggioli L; Roman R; Machado-de-Lima N; Muñoz-Rojas M; Cantón Y, 2024, 'Optimizing survival and growth of inoculated biocrust-forming cyanobacteria through native plant-based habitat amelioration', Journal of Environmental Management, 370,

Stewart J; de Lima NM; Kingsford R; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2024, 'Soil Bacterial Biodiversity in Drylands Is Dependent on Groundcover Under Increased Temperature', Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 3,

Munro TP; Erickson TE; Nimmo DG; Dadzie FA; Muñoz-Rojas M; Price JN, 2024, 'Exploring the potential of topsoil pellets to improve native seedling establishment on degraded agricultural land', Plant and Soil, 502, pp. 417 - 432,

Robinson JM; Liddicoat C; Muñoz-Rojas M; Breed MF, 2024, 'Restoring soil biodiversity', Current Biology, 34, pp. R393 - R398,

Getzin S; Yizhaq H; Muñoz-Rojas M; Erickson TE, 2024, 'Australian fairy circles and termite linyji are not caused by the same mechanism', Nature Ecology and Evolution, 8, pp. 203 - 205,

Dadzie FA; Moles AT; Erickson TE; Machado de Lima N; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2024, 'Inoculating native microorganisms improved soil function and altered the microbial composition of a degraded soil', Restoration Ecology, 32,

Alameda-Martín A; Chamizo S; Rodríguez-Caballero E; Muñoz-Rojas M; Cantón Y, 2024, 'The Potential of Biocrust-Forming Cyanobacteria to Enhance Seedling Growth of Native Semi-arid Plants Through Seed Biopriming', Journal of Plant Growth Regulation,

Robinson JM; Hodgson R; Krauss SL; Liddicoat C; Malik AA; Martin BC; Mohr JJ; Moreno-Mateos D; Muñoz-Rojas M; Peddle SD; Breed MF, 2023, 'Opportunities and challenges for microbiomics in ecosystem restoration', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 38, pp. 1189 - 1202,

Ondik MM; Ooi MKJ; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2023, 'Soil microbial community composition and functions are disrupted by fire and land use in a Mediterranean woodland', Science of the Total Environment, 895,

Machado-de-Lima NM; Charlesworth J; Stewart J; Ooi MKJ; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2023, 'Seed biopriming at different concentrations to assess the effects of Cyanobacteria on germination and seedling performance of keystone arid species', Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 2, pp. 266 - 275,

Erickson TE; Dwyer JM; Dalziell EL; James JJ; Muñoz-Rojas M; Merritt DJ, 2023, 'Unpacking the recruitment potential of seeds in reconstructed soils and varying rainfall patterns', Australian Journal of Botany, 71, pp. 353 - 370,

Dadzie F; Muñoz-Rojas M; Slavich E; Pottier P; Zeng K; Moles AT, 2023, 'Paired comparisons of native and commercial inoculants, bacteria and fungi, and single and multi-strain microorganisms show equal effects on plant growth in dryland ecosystems.', ,

Ondik MM; Bennell M; Davies RJP; Ooi MKJ; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2022, 'Fire and land use impact soil properties in a Mediterranean dry sclerophyll woodland', Journal of Environmental Management, 324,

Dadzie FA; Moles AT; Erickson TE; Slavich E; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2022, 'Native bacteria and cyanobacteria can influence seedling emergence and growth of native plants used in dryland restoration', Journal of Applied Ecology, 59, pp. 2983 - 2992,

Luster J; Crockford L; Keller T; Muñoz-Rojas M; Wollschläger U, 2022, 'Editorial: Eurosoil 2021: Sustainable management of soil functions as a basis to avoid, halt, and reverse land degradation', Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10,

Schultz NL; Sluiter IRK; Allen GG; Machado-de-Lima NM; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2022, 'Biocrust Amendments to Topsoils Facilitate Biocrust Restoration in a Post-mining Arid Environment', Frontiers in Microbiology, 13,

Lembrechts JJ; van den Hoogen J; Aalto J; Ashcroft MB; De Frenne P; Kemppinen J; Kopecký M; Luoto M; Maclean IMD; Crowther TW; Bailey JJ; Haesen S; Klinges DH; Niittynen P; Scheffers BR; Van Meerbeek K; Aartsma P; Abdalaze O; Abedi M; Aerts R; Ahmadian N; Ahrends A; Alatalo JM; Alexander JM; Allonsius CN; Altman J; Ammann C; Andres C; Andrews C; Ardö J; Arriga N; Arzac A; Aschero V; Assis RL; Assmann JJ; Bader MY; Bahalkeh K; Barančok P; Barrio IC; Barros A; Barthel M; Basham EW; Bauters M; Bazzichetto M; Marchesini LB; Bell MC; Benavides JC; Benito Alonso JL; Berauer BJ; Bjerke JW; Björk RG; Björkman MP; Björnsdóttir K; Blonder B; Boeckx P; Boike J; Bokhorst S; Brum BNS; Brůna J; Buchmann N; Buysse P; Camargo JL; Campoe OC; Candan O; Canessa R; Cannone N; Carbognani M; Carnicer J; Casanova-Katny A; Cesarz S; Chojnicki B; Choler P; Chown SL; Cifuentes EF; Čiliak M; Contador T; Convey P; Cooper EJ; Cremonese E; Curasi SR; Curtis R; Cutini M; Dahlberg CJ; Daskalova GN; de Pablo MA; Della Chiesa S; Dengler J; Deronde B; Descombes P; Di Cecco V; Di Musciano M; Dick J; Dimarco RD; Dolezal J; Dorrepaal E; Dušek J; Eisenhauer N; Eklundh L; Erickson TE; Erschbamer B, 2022, 'Global maps of soil temperature', Global Change Biology, 28, pp. 3110 - 3144,

Santangelo JS; Ness RW; Cohan B; Fitzpatrick CR; Innes SG; Koch S; Miles LS; Munim S; Peres-Neto PR; Prashad C; Tong AT; Aguirre WE; Akinwole PO; Alberti M; Álvarez J; Anderson JT; Anderson JJ; Ando Y; Andrew NR; Angeoletto F; Anstett DN; Anstett J; Aoki-Gonçalves F; Andis Arietta AZ; Arroyo MTK; Austen EJ; Baena-Díaz F; Barker CA; Baylis HA; Beliz JM; Benitez-Mora A; Bickford D; Biedebach G; Blackburn GS; Boehm MMA; Bonser SP; Bonte D; Bragger JR; Branquinho C; Brans KI; Bresciano JC; Brom PD; Bucharova A; Burt B; Cahill JF; Campbell KD; Carlen EJ; Carmona D; Castellanos MC; Centenaro G; Chalen I; Chaves JA; Chávez-Pesqueira M; Chen XY; Chilton AM; Chomiak KM; Cisneros-Heredia DF; Cisse IK; Classen AT; Comerford MS; Fradinger CC; Corney H; Crawford AJ; Crawford KM; Dahirel M; David S; De Haan R; Deacon NJ; Dean C; del-Val E; Deligiannis EK; Denney D; Dettlaff MA; DiLeo MF; Ding YY; Domínguez-López ME; Dominoni DM; Draud SL; Dyson K; Ellers J; Espinosa CI; Essi L; Falahati-Anbaran M; Falcão JCF; Fargo HT; Fellowes MDE; Fitzpatrick RM; Flaherty LE; Flood PJ; Flores MF; Fornoni J; Foster AG; Frost CJ; Fuentes TL; Fulkerson JR; Gagnon E; Garbsch F; Garroway CJ; Gerstein AC; Giasson MM, 2022, 'Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover', Science, 375, pp. 1275 - 1281,

Getzin S; Löns C; Yizhaq H; Erickson TE; Muñoz-Rojas M; Huth A; Wiegand K, 2022, 'High-resolution images and drone-based LiDAR reveal striking patterns of vegetation gaps in a wooded spinifex grassland of Western Australia', Landscape Ecology, 37, pp. 829 - 845,

Santini NS; Chamizo S; Lucas-Borja ME; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2022, 'Editorial: Restoration of Degraded Terrestrial Ecosystems', Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10,

Lucas-Borja ME; Jing X; Candel-Perez D; Parhizkar M; Rocha F; Heydari M; Muñoz-Rojas M; Zema DA, 2022, 'Afforestation with Pinus nigra Arn ssp salzmannii along an elevation gradient: controlling factors and implications for climate change adaptation', Trees - Structure and Function, 36, pp. 93 - 102,

Jiménez-González MA; Machado de Lima N; Chilton AM; Almendros G; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2022, 'Biocrust cyanobacteria inoculants biomineralize gypsum and preserve indigenous bacterial communities in dryland topsoil', Geoderma, 406,

Muñoz-Rojas M; Machado de Lima NM; Chamizo S; Bowker MA, 2021, 'Restoring post-fire ecosystems with biocrusts: Living, photosynthetic soil surfaces', Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health, 23,

Muñoz-Rojas M; Delgado-Baquerizo M; Lucas-Borja ME, 2021, 'Soil biodiversity and organic carbon are essential to reverse desertification', Ecosistemas, 30,

Bateman AM; Erickson TE; Merritt DJ; Veneklaas EJ; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2021, 'Native plant diversity is a stronger driver for soil quality than inorganic amendments in semi-arid post-mining rehabilitation', Geoderma, 394,

Lucas-Borja ME; Van Stan JT; Heydari M; Omidipour R; Rocha F; Plaza-Alvarez PA; Zema DA; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2021, 'Post-fire restoration with contour-felled log debris increases early recruitment of Spanish black pine (Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. salzmannii) in Mediterranean forests', Restoration Ecology, 29,

Lucas-Borja ME; Delgado-Baquerizo M; Muñoz-Rojas M; Plaza-Álvarez PA; Gómez-Sanchez ME; González-Romero J; Peña-Molina E; Moya D; de las Heras J, 2021, 'Changes in ecosystem properties after post-fire management strategies in wildfire-affected Mediterranean forests', Journal of Applied Ecology, 58, pp. 836 - 846,

Machado de Lima NM; Muñoz-Rojas M; Vázquez-Campos X; Branco LHZ, 2021, 'Biocrust cyanobacterial composition, diversity, and environmental drivers in two contrasting climatic regions in Brazil', Geoderma, 386,

Dadzie F; Moles A; Erickson T; Munoz-Rojas M, 2021, 'Native bacteria and cyanobacteria consortia improve seedling emergence and establishment in dryland restoration', ,

Stewart J; Machado de Lima N; Kingsford R; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2021, 'Soil microbial responses to passive restoration strategies in drylands: a temporal comparison of soil biodiversity and ecosystem function', ,

Machado de Lima N; Thomsen A; Ooi M; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2021, 'Bushfire impacts on a threatened swamp ecosystem: responses of the soil microbial communities and restoration', ,

Muñoz-Rojas M; Hueso-Gonzalez P; Branquinho C; Baumgartl T, 2021, 'Restoration and rehabilitation of degraded land in arid and semiarid environments: Editorial', Land Degradation and Development, 32, pp. 3 - 6,

Getzin S; Erickson TE; Yizhaq H; Muñoz-Rojas M; Huth A; Wiegand K, 2021, 'Bridging ecology and physics: Australian fairy circles regenerate following model assumptions on ecohydrological feedbacks', Journal of Ecology, 109, pp. 399 - 416,

Stock E; Standish RJ; Muñoz-Rojas M; Bell RW; Erickson TE, 2020, 'Field-Deployed Extruded Seed Pellets Show Promise for Perennial Grass Establishment in Arid Zone Mine Rehabilitation', Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8,

Eslaminejad P; Heydari M; Kakhki FV; Mirab-balou M; Omidipour R; Muñoz-Rojas M; Lucas-Borja ME, 2020, 'Plant species and season influence soil physicochemical properties and microbial function in a semi-arid woodland ecosystem', Plant and Soil, 456, pp. 43 - 59,

Román JR; Chilton AM; Cantón Y; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2020, 'Assessing the viability of cyanobacteria pellets for application in arid land restoration', Journal of Environmental Management, 270,

Abd-Elmabod SK; Muñoz-Rojas M; Jordán A; Anaya-Romero M; Phillips JD; Laurence J; Zhang Z; Pereira P; Fleskens L; van der Ploeg M; de la Rosa D, 2020, 'Climate change impacts on agricultural suitability and yield reduction in a Mediterranean region', Geoderma, 374,

Rocha F; Lucas-Borja ME; Pereira P; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2020, 'Cyanobacteria as a nature-based biotechnological tool for restoring salt-affected soils', Agronomy, 10,

Chua M; Erickson TE; Merritt DJ; Chilton AM; Ooi MKJ; Muñoz-Rojas M; Munoz-Rojas M, 2020, 'Bio-priming seeds with cyanobacteria: effects on native plant growth and soil properties', Restoration Ecology, 28, pp. S168 - S176,

Scaccabarozzi D; Castillo L; Aromatisi A; Milne L; Castillo AB; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2020, 'Soil, site, and management factors affecting cadmium concentrations in cacao-growing soils', Agronomy, 10,

Muñoz-Rojas M; Pereira P, 2020, 'Editorial: Fire in the environment', Journal of Environmental Management, 253,

Santini NS; Lovelock CE; Hua Q; Zawadzki A; Mazumder D; Mercer TR; Muñoz-Rojas M; Hardwick SA; Madala BS; Cornwell W; Thomas T; Marzinelli EM; Adam P; Paul S; Vergés A; Munoz-Rojas M, 2019, 'Natural and Regenerated Saltmarshes Exhibit Similar Soil and Belowground Organic Carbon Stocks, Root Production and Soil Respiration', Ecosystems, 22, pp. 1803 - 1822,

Bateman AM; Erickson TE; Merritt DJ; Veneklaas EJ; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2019, 'Water availability drives the effectiveness of inorganic amendments to increase plant growth and substrate quality', Catena, 182,

Bateman AM; Erickson TE; Merritt DJ; Muñoz-Rojas M, 2019, 'Inorganic soil amendments alter seedling performance of native plant species in post-mining arid zone rehabilitation', Journal of Environmental Management, 241, pp. 179 - 186,

Getzin S; Yizhaq H; Muñoz-Rojas M; Wiegand K; Erickson TE, 2019, 'A multi-scale study of Australian fairy circles using soil excavations and drone-based image analysis', Ecosphere, 10,

Abd-Elmabod SK; Bakr N; Muñoz-Rojas M; Pereira P; Zhang Z; Cerdà A; Jordán A; Mansour H; De la Rosa D; Jones L, 2019, 'Assessment of soil suitability for improvement of soil factors and agricultural management', Sustainability (Switzerland), 11,

Moreira-Grez B; Muñoz-Rojas M; Kariman K; Storer P; O'Donnell AG; Kumaresan D; Whiteley AS; Munoz-Rojas M, 2019, 'Reconditioning degraded mine site soils with exogenous soil microbes: Plant fitness and soil microbiome outcomes', Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, pp. 1617,

Pereira P; Bogunovic I; Muñoz-Rojas M; Brevik EC, 2018, 'Soil ecosystem services, sustainability, valuation and management', Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health, 5, pp. 7 - 13,

Muñoz-Rojas M; Munoz-Rojas M, 2018, 'Soil quality indicators: critical tools in ecosystem restoration', Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health, 5, pp. 47 - 52,

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