Select Publications

Journal articles

Chowdhury T; Dehghanimadvar M; Chang NL; Corkish R, 2025, 'Review of issues and opportunities for glass supply for photovoltaic production at multiterawatt (TW) scale', Sustainable Energy & Fuels,

Weerasinghe HC; Macadam N; Kim JE; Sutherland LJ; Angmo D; Ng LWT; Scully AD; Glenn F; Chantler R; Chang NL; Dehghanimadvar M; Shi L; Ho-Baillie AWY; Egan R; Chesman ASR; Gao M; Jasieniak JJ; Hasan T; Vak D, 2024, 'Correction to: The first demonstration of entirely roll-to-roll fabricated perovskite solar cell modules under ambient room conditions (Nature Communications, (2024), 15, 1, (1656), 10.1038/s41467-024-46016-1)', Nature Communications, 15, pp. 3550,

Weerasinghe HC; Macadam N; Kim JE; Sutherland LJ; Angmo D; Ng LWT; Scully AD; Glenn F; Chantler R; Chang NL; Dehghanimadvar M; Shi L; Ho-Baillie AWY; Egan R; Chesman ASR; Gao M; Jasieniak JJ; Hasan T; Vak D, 2024, 'The first demonstration of entirely roll-to-roll fabricated perovskite solar cell modules under ambient room conditions', Nature Communications, 15,

Dehghanimadvar M; Egan R; Chang NL, 2024, 'Quantifying the costs of diversifying silicon PV module assembly with local economic policies', Joule, 8, pp. 1322 - 1349,

Chang NL; Poduval GK; Sang B; Khoo K; Woodhouse M; Qi F; Dehghanimadvar M; Li WM; Egan RJ; Hoex B, 2023, 'Techno-economic analysis of the use of atomic layer deposited transition metal oxides in silicon heterojunction solar cells', Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 31, pp. 414 - 428,

Chang NL; Dehghanimadvar M; Egan R, 2022, 'The cost of risk mitigation—Diversifying the global solar PV supply chain', Joule, 6, pp. 2686 - 2688,

Dehghanimadvar M; Shirmohammadi R; Ahmadi F; Aslani A; Khalilpour KR, 2022, 'Mapping the development of various solar thermal technologies with hype cycle analysis', Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 53,

Dehghanimadvar M; Egan R; Chang NL, 2022, 'Economic assessment of local solar module assembly in a global market', Cell Reports Physical Science, 3,

Dehghanimadvar M; Shirmohammadi R; Sadeghzadeh M; Aslani A; Ghasempour R, 2020, 'Hydrogen production technologies: Attractiveness and future perspective', International Journal of Energy Research, 44, pp. 8233 - 8254,

Saghaei M; Dehghanimadvar M; Soleimani H; Ahmadi MH, 2020, 'Optimization and analysis of a bioelectricity generation supply chain under routine and disruptive uncertainty and carbon mitigation policies', Energy Science and Engineering, 8, pp. 2976 - 2999,

Ghazvini M; Dehghani Madvar M; Ahmadi MH; Rezaei MH; El Haj Assad M; Nabipour N; Kumar R, 2020, 'Technological assessment and modeling of energy-related CO2 emissions for the G8 countries by using hybrid IWO algorithm based on SVM', Energy Science and Engineering, 8, pp. 1285 - 1308,

Madvar MD; Ahmadi F; Shirmohammadi R; Aslani A, 2019, 'Forecasting of wind energy technology domains based on the technology life cycle approach', Energy Reports, 5, pp. 1236 - 1248,

Dehghani Madvar M; Aslani A; Ahmadi MH; Karbalaie Ghomi NS, 2019, 'Current status and future forecasting of biofuels technology development', International Journal of Energy Research, 43, pp. 1142 - 1160,

Ahmadi MH; Madvar MD; Sadeghzadeh M; Rezaei MH; Herrera M; Shamshirband S, 2019, 'Current status investigation and predicting carbon dioxide emission in Latin American countries by connectionist models', Energies, 12,

Madvar MD; Nazari MA; Arjmand JT; Aslani A; Ghasempour R; Ahmadi MH, 2018, 'Analysis of stakeholder roles and the challenges of solar energy utilization in Iran', International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 13, pp. 438 - 451,

Madavar MD; Nezhad MHG; Aslani A; Naaranoja M, 2017, 'Analysis of Generations of Wind Power Technologies Based on Technology Life Cycle Approach', Distributed Generation and Alternative Energy Journal, 32, pp. 52 - 79,

Jamali MY; Aslani A; Moghadam BF; Naaranoja M; Madvar MD, 2016, 'Analysis of photovoltaic technology development based on technology life cycle approach', Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 8,

Madvar MD; Khosropour H; Khosravanian A; Mirafshar M; Azaribeni A; Rezapour M; Nouri B, 2016, 'Patent-based technology life cycle analysis: The case of the petroleum industry', Foresight and STI Governance, 10, pp. 72 - 79,

Madvar MD; Khosropour H; Khosravanian A; Mirafshar M; Azaribeni A; Rezapour M; Nouri B, 2016, 'Patent-Based Technology Life Cycle Analysis: The Case of the Petroleum Industry', FORESIGHT AND STI GOVERNANCE, 10, pp. 72 - 79,

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