Select Publications

Journal articles

Menon N; Kemp RI; White D, 2018, 'More than a sum of parts: Robust face recognition by integrating variation', Royal Society Open Science, 5,

Nielsen S; Menon N; Larney S; Farrell M; Degenhardt L, 2016, 'Community pharmacist knowledge, attitudes and confidence regarding naloxone for overdose reversal', Addiction, 111, pp. 2177 - 2186,

Menon N; White D; Kemp RI, 2015, 'Variation in Photos of the Same Face Drives Improvements in Identity Verification', Perception, 44, pp. 1332 - 1341,

Menon N; White D; Kemp RI, 2015, 'Identity-level representations affect unfamiliar face matching performance in sequential but not simultaneous tasks', Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68, pp. 1777 - 1793,

Menon N; White D; Kemp RI, 2015, 'Identity-level representations affect unfamiliar face matching performance in sequential but not simultaneous tasks', Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,

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