Select Publications

Journal articles

Chowdhury NS; Chang WJ; Cavaleri R; Chiang AKI; Schabrun SM, 2024, 'The reliability and validity of rapid transcranial magnetic stimulation mapping for muscles under active contraction', BMC Neuroscience, 25,

McNally KR; Summers S; Stanton TR; McAuley J; Chang WJ; Chowdhury N; Cavaleri R, 2024, 'Exploring whether home-based neuromodulation can boost the analgesic effects of exercise in people with knee osteoarthritis: protocol for a double-blinded, pilot randomised controlled trial', BMJ open, 14, pp. e090523,

Chowdhury NS; Taseen KJ; Chiang AKI; Chang WJ; Millard SK; Seminowicz DA; Schabrun SM, 2024, 'A 5-day course of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation before pain onset ameliorates future pain and increases sensorimotor peak alpha frequency', Pain,

Chowdhury NS; Millard SK; De Martino E; Larsen DB; Seminowicz DA; Schabrun SM; De Andrade DC; Graven-Nielsen T, 2024, 'Posterior-superior insula repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation reduces experimental tonic pain and pain-related cortical inhibition in humans', Pain,

Tran DMD; Chowdhury NS; Harris JA; Livesey EJ, 2024, 'The effect of staircase stopping accuracy and testing environment on stop-signal reaction time', Behavior Research Methods, 56, pp. 500 - 509,

Chowdhury NS; Chiang AKI; Millard SK; Skippen P; Chang WJ; Seminowicz DA; Schabrun SM, 2023, 'Combined transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography reveals alterations in cortical excitability during pain', eLife, 12,

Chowdhury NS; Chiang AKI; Millard SK; Skippen P; Chang W-J; Seminowicz DA; Schabrun SM, 2023, 'Combined transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography reveals alterations in cortical excitability during pain', eLife, 12,

Loomes M; Tran DMD; Chowdhury NS; Birney DP; Harris JA; Livesey EJ, 2023, 'Is cortical inhibition in primary motor cortex related to executive control?', Cortex, 160, pp. 100 - 114,

Chowdhury NS; Skippen P; Si E; Chiang AKI; Millard SK; Furman AJ; Chen S; Schabrun SM; Seminowicz DA, 2023, 'The reliability of two prospective cortical biomarkers for pain: EEG peak alpha frequency and TMS corticomotor excitability', Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 385,

Schabrun SM; Si E; Millard SK; Chiang AKI; Chen S; Chowdhury NS; Seminowicz DA, 2023, 'Intramuscular injection of nerve growth factor as a model of temporomandibular disorder: nature, time-course, and sex differences characterising the pain experience', Neurobiology of Pain, 13,

Chowdhury NS; Chang WJ; Millard SK; Skippen P; Bilska K; Seminowicz DA; Schabrun SM, 2022, 'The Effect of Acute and Sustained Pain on Corticomotor Excitability: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Group and Individual Level Data', Journal of Pain, 23, pp. 1680 - 1696,

Chang WJ; Adie S; Naylor JM; Chowdhury N; Finn H; Rizzo RRN; O'Hagan E; Schabrun SM, 2022, 'Feasibility and safety of combining repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and quadriceps strengthening exercise for chronic pain in knee osteoarthritis: A study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, 12, pp. e062577,

Chowdhury NS; Rogasch NC; Chiang AKI; Millard SK; Skippen P; Chang WJ; Bilska K; Si E; Seminowicz DA; Schabrun SM, 2022, 'The influence of sensory potentials on transcranial magnetic stimulation – Electroencephalography recordings', Clinical Neurophysiology, 140, pp. 98 - 109,

He JL; Hirst RJ; Puri R; Coxon J; Byblow W; Hinder M; Skippen P; Matzke D; Heathcote A; Wadsley CG; Silk T; Hyde C; Parmar D; Pedapati E; Gilbert DL; Huddleston DA; Mostofsky S; Leunissen I; MacDonald HJ; Chowdhury NS; Gretton M; Nikitenko T; Zandbelt B; Strickland L; Puts NAJ, 2022, 'OSARI, an Open-Source Anticipated Response Inhibition Task', Behavior Research Methods, 54, pp. 1530 - 1540,

Chowdhury NS; Luu W; Palmisano S; Ujike H; Kim J, 2021, 'Spatial presence depends on ‘coupling’ between body sway and visual motion presented on head-mounted displays (HMDs)', Applied Ergonomics, 92, pp. 103355,

Chowdhury NS; Livesey EJ; Blaszczynski A; Harris JA, 2021, 'Motor cortex dysfunction in problem gamblers', Addiction Biology, 26,

Chowdhury N, 2021, 'SY1.7. Rewiring pain through non-invasive brain stimulation', Clinical Neurophysiology, 132, pp. e40 - e40,

Tran DMD; Chowdhury NS; McNair NA; Harris JA; Livesey EJ, 2020, 'Linking cortical and behavioural inhibition: Testing the parameter specificity of a transcranial magnetic stimulation protocol', Brain Stimulation, 13, pp. 1381 - 1383,

Seminowicz DA; Bilska K; Chowdhury NS; Skippen P; Millard SK; Chiang AKI; Chen S; Furman AJ; Schabrun SM, 2020, 'A novel cortical biomarker signature for predicting pain sensitivity: Protocol for the PREDICT longitudinal analytical validation study', Pain Reports, 5,

Nikitenko T; Chowdhury N; Puri R; He JL, 2020, 'Response inhibition in humans: a whistle stop review', Journal of neurophysiology, 123, pp. 861 - 864,

Chowdhury NS; Livesey EJ; Harris JA, 2020, 'Stop signal task training strengthens gaba-mediated neurotransmission within the primary motor cortex', Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 32, pp. 1984 - 2000,

Seminowicz D; Bilska K; Chowdhury N; Skippen P; Millard S; Chiang AKI; Chen S; Furman A; Schabrun S, 2020, 'A novel cortical biomarker signature for predicting pain sensitivity: protocol for the PREDICT longitudinal analytical validation study', ,

He JL; Fuelscher I; Coxon J; Chowdhury N; Teo WP; Barhoun P; Enticott P; Hyde C, 2019, 'Individual differences in intracortical inhibition predict motor-inhibitory performance', Experimental Brain Research, 237, pp. 2715 - 2727,

Chowdhury NS; Livesey EJ; Harris JA, 2019, 'Contralateral and Ipsilateral Relationships between Intracortical Inhibition and Stopping Efficiency', Neuroscience, 415, pp. 10 - 17,

Chowdhury N; Livesey E; Harris J, 2019, 'Erratum to the abstract, “The relationship between short interval intra-cortical inhibition and stopping ability” (Brain Stimulation (2019) 12(2) (445), (S1935861X18308623), (10.1016/j.brs.2018.12.443))', Brain Stimulation, 12, pp. 832,

Chowdhury NS; Livesey EJ; Harris JA, 2019, 'Individual differences in intracortical inhibition during behavioural inhibition', Neuropsychologia, 124, pp. 55 - 65,

He J; Fuelscher I; Coxon J; Teo W; Barhoun P; Enticott P; Chowdhury N; Hyde C, 2019, 'Interindividual differences in both resting-state intracortical and interhemispheric inhibition predicts individual differences in relevant motor performance', Brain Stimulation, 12, pp. 477 - 477,

Chowdhury N; Livesey E; Harris J, 2019, 'The relationship between short interval intra-cortical inhibition and stopping ability', Brain Stimulation, 12, pp. 445 - 445,

Chowdhury NS; Livesey EJ; Blaszczynski A; Harris JA, 2018, 'Variations in response control within at-risk gamblers and non-gambling controls explained by GABAergic inhibition in the motor cortex', Cortex, 103, pp. 153 - 163,

Chowdhury NS; Livesey EJ; Blaszczynski A; Harris JA, 2017, 'Pathological Gambling and Motor Impulsivity: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis', Journal of Gambling Studies, 33, pp. 1213 - 1239,

Chowdhury NS; Marlow PJ; Kim J, 2017, 'Translucency and the perception of shape', Journal of Vision, 17, pp. 17 - 17,

Kim J; Tan K; Chowdhury NS, 2016, 'Image statistics and the fine lines of material perception', i-Perception, 7, pp. 1 - 11,

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