Select Publications
Conference Papers
2021, 'On the definition of RVE size in simulations of mesoscale deformation-induced surface roughening in polycrystals', in Procedia Structural Integrity, pp. 64 - 69,
,2021, 'The effect of texture sharpness on deformation-induced surface roughening in α-titanium', in Procedia Structural Integrity, pp. 203 - 209,
,2020, 'A review of microstructure and mechanical properties of additively manufactured aluminum alloys', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2020, 'Effect of hatch distance on the microstructure of additively manufactured 316 L steel', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2020, 'Grain-scale modeling of additively manufactured aluminum alloys', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2020, 'On the importance of three-dimensional analysis of additively manufactured microstructures', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2020, 'Step-by-step generation of aluminum grain structure produced by selective laser melting', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2020, 'The effect of a textured surface layer on deformation-induced surface roughening in titanium polycrystals', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2019, 'Effects of grain size on surface roughening in deformed polycrystals', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2019, 'Numerical analysis of the grain morphology and texture in 316L steel produced by selective laser melting', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2018, 'Microstructure-based numerical analysis of the dynamic deformation of polycrystalline aluminum', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2018, 'Modeling of 3D microstructures produced by additive manufacturing', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,, 2018, 'COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF 3D MICROSTRUCTURES PRODUCED BY ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING', in Perspektivnye materialy s ierarkhicheskoy strukturoy dlya novykh tekhnologiy i nadezhnykh konstruktsiy» i «Khimiya nefti i gaza» v ramkakh Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma «Ierarkhicheskie materialy: razrabotka i prilozheniya dlya novykh tekhnologiy i nadezhnykh konstruktsiy, Tomsk State University, presented at Perspektivnye materialy s ierarkhicheskoy strukturoy dlya novykh tekhnologiy i nadezhnykh konstruktsiy, Khimiya nefti i gaza,
, 2018, 'Metod poshagovogo zapolneniya dlya generatsii trekhmernykh struktur materialov s metallokeramicheskimi kompozitnymi pokrytiyami', in Perspektivnye materialy s ierarkhicheskoy strukturoy dlya novykh tekhnologiy i nadezhnykh konstruktsiy» i «Khimiya nefti i gaza» v ramkakh Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma «Ierarkhicheskie materialy: razrabotka i prilozheniya dlya novykh tekhnologiy i nadezhnykh konstruktsiy, Tomsk State University, presented at Perspektivnye materialy s ierarkhicheskoy strukturoy dlya novykh tekhnologiy i nadezhnykh konstruktsiy, Khimiya nefti i gaza,
2017, 'Computational analysis of grain structure evolution during selective laser melting', in Simulation for Additive Manufacturing 2017, Sinam 2017, pp. 120
,2016, 'Mesomechanical response of microstructure formed on the advancing side of friction stir welded aluminum', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2016, 'Mesoscale plastic strain localization in a titanium alloy with a modified surface layer', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2016, 'On the numerical simulation of the microstructural evolution induced by laser additive manufacturing of steel products', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2016, 'The influence of the mechanical properties of a steel substrate on the macroscopic strength of a coated material', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2016, 'Computational study of the mechanical behavior of steel produced by selective laser melting', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2016, 'Strength and plasticity of Fe-Cr alloys', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2015, 'A micromechanical model for the deformation behavior of titanium polycrystals', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2015, 'A numerical investigation of the crystallographic texture effect on the surface roughening in aluminum polycrystals', in AIP Conference Proceedings,
,2014, 'A numerical analysis of formation of the surface relief: A single inclusion model', in AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 667 - 670,
,2014, 'Numerical analysis of strain-induced surface phenomena in aluminum alloys', in AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 527 - 530,
,2014, 'Numerical study of the surface-hardening effect on surface phenomena in 3D polycrystalline specimens', in AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 531 - 534,