Select Publications

Book Chapters

Hogben PE, 2016, 'A Sydney Social Hub: The Australia Hotel and the Commercial Travellers' Association of NSW', in O'Callaghan J; Hogben P; Freestone R (ed.), Sydney's Martin Place: A Cultural and Design History, edn. 1, Allen & Unswin, Crows Nest, NSW, Australia, pp. 139 - 154,

O'Callaghan JM; Hogben P; Freestone R, 2016, 'Introduction', in Sydney's Martin Place: A Cultural and Design History, pp. xi - xiii

Hogben PE, 2014, 'Double Modernity: The first international hotels', in Hogben P; O'Callaghan J (ed.), Leisure Space: The transformation of Sydney 1945-1970, edn. 1, NewSouth Publishing, Sydney,

O'Callaghan JM; Hogben P, 2014, 'Leisure in Sydney during 'the long boom'', in Hogben P; O'Callaghan J (ed.), Leisure Space: The Transformation of Sydney 1945-1970, edn. 1, NewSouth Publishing, Sydney, pp. 14 - 29,

Hogben PE, 2012, 'International Comparison as Critical Strategy', in Stead N (ed.), Semi-Detached: Writing, Representation and Criticism in Architecture, edn. Original, Uro Media, Melbourne, pp. 197 - 210

Hogben PE, 2009, 'The Spectre of the Skyscraper: An Exploration of Images', in Skyplane: What effect do towers have on urbanism, sustainability, the workplace and historic city centres?, edn. First, UNSW Press, Sydney, pp. 108 - 121

Ruan X; Hogben PE, 2007, 'Architectural Enclosure: A Prologue to Topophilia', in Ruan X; Hogben P (ed.), Topophilia and Topophobia: Reflections of Twentieth-Century Human Habitat, edn. First, Routledge Press, London, pp. 1 - 11

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