Select Publications


Prescott S; Neal P; Mao G, 2022, UNSW Chemical Engineering Accreditation Report for Institution of Chemical Engineers

Prescott S; Neal P; Mao G, 2021, UNSW Chemical Engineering Accreditation Submission

Neal P, 2018, Otway Stage 3 Techno-Economic Study – Phase 1, CO2CRC Limited, Melbourne, Australia

Wiley DE; Neal PR; Ho MT; Fimbres Weihs GA, 2015, Carbon Dioxide Transport and Storage, EPRI Inc. & CO2CRC Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, 10,

Wiley DE; Neal PR; Ho MT; Fimbres Weihs GA, 2015, CO₂ Transport and Storage Case Studies, EPRI Inc. & CO2CRC Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, 20,

Ho M; Allinson G; Neal P; Fimbres Weihs G; Wiley D; Richards M; McKee G, 2012, CO2CRC CCS Economic Methodology and Assumptions, Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC), Sydney, Australia, CO2CRC RPT12-3490

Neal P; Hou W; Bukhteeva O; Cinar Y; McKee G; Dwyer D, 2010, Assessment of the capture and storage potential of CO2 co-produced with natural gas in South-East Asia, CO2TECH Report Number RPT10-2122

Michael K; Allinson G; Hou W; Ennis-King J; Neal P; Paterson L; Sharma S, 2010, Injection strategies for CO2 storage sites, CO2TECH Publication Number RPT10-2020

Allinson WG; Cinar Y; Neal PR; Hou W, 2009, The Costs of CO2 Transport and Injection in Australia, CO2CRC Technologies report, Canberra, Australia

Ho MT; Neal P; Allinson G, 2008, Economic Assessment of the All Island Potential for Carbon Capture and Storage in Ireland, CO2TECH Publication Number RPT09-1536

Neal P; Dunsmore R; Ho MT; Allinson G, 2005, Latrobe Valley CO2 Storage Economics, CO2CRC Publication Number RPT05-0106

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