Select Publications

Journal articles

Menkveld AJ; Dreber A; Holzmeister F; Huber J; Johannesson M; Kirchler M; Neusüß S; Razen M; Weitzel U; Abad-Díaz D; Abudy M; Adrian T; Ait-Sahalia Y; Akmansoy O; Alcock JT; Alexeev V; Aloosh A; Amato L; Amaya D; Angel JJ; Avetikian AT; Bach A; Baidoo E; Bakalli G; Bao L; Barbon A; Bashchenko O; Bindra PC; Bjønnes GH; Black JR; Black BS; Bogoev D; Correa SB; Bondarenko O; Bos CS; Bosch-Rosa C; Bouri E; Brownlees C; Calamia A; Cao VN; Capelle-Blancard G; Romero LMC; Caporin M; Carrion A; Caskurlu T; Chakrabarty B; Chen J; Chernov M; Cheung W; Chincarini LB; Chordia T; Chow SC; Clapham B; Colliard JE; Comerton-Forde C; Curran E; Dao T; Dare W; Davies RJ; Blasis RD; Nard GFD; Declerck F; Deev O; Degryse H; Deku SY; Desagre C; Dijk MAV; Dim C; Dimpfl T; Dong YJ; Drummond PA; Dudda T; Duevski T; Dumitrescu A; Dyakov T; Dyhrberg AH; Dzieliński M; Eksi A; Kalak IE; Ellen ST; Eugster N; Evans MDD; Farrell M; Felez-Vinas E; Ferrara G; Ferrouhi EM; Flori A; Fluharty-Jaidee JT; Foley SDV; Fong KYL; Foucault T; Franus T; Franzoni F; Frijns B; Frömmel M; Fu SM; Füllbrunn SC; Gan B; Gao G; Gehrig TP, 2024, 'Nonstandard Errors', Journal of Finance, 79, pp. 2339 - 2390,

Aquilina M; Foley S; O'Neill P; Ruf T, 2024, 'Sharks in the dark: Quantifying HFT dark pool latency arbitrage', Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 158,

Neumeier C; Gozluklu A; Hoffmann P; O'Neill P; Suntheim F, 2023, 'Banning dark pools: Venue selection and investor trading costs', Journal of Financial Markets, 65,

Aquilina M; Budish E; O'neill P, 2022, 'Quantifying the High-Frequency Trading "Arms Race"', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 137, pp. 493 - 564,

Aspris A; Foley S; O'Neill P, 2020, 'Benchmarks in the spotlight: The impact on exchange traded markets', Journal of Futures Markets, 40, pp. 1691 - 1710,

Ederle J; Dobson J; Featherstone RL; Bonati LH; van der Worp HB; de Borst GJ; Hauw Lo T; Gaines P; Dorman PJ; Macdonald S; Lyrer PA; Hendriks JM; McCollum C; Nederkoorn PJ; Brown MM; Algra A; Bamford J; Bland M; Hacke W; Mas JL; McGuire AJ; Sidhu P; Bradbury A; Collins R; Molyneux A; Naylor R; Warlow C; Ferro M; Thomas D; Featherstone RF; Tindall H; McCabe DJH; Wallis A; Coward L; Brooks M; Chambers B; Chan A; Chu P; Clark D; Dewey H; Donnan G; Fell G; Hoare M; Molan M; Roberts A; Roberts N; Beiles B; Bladin C; Clifford C; Grigg M; New G; Bell R; Bower S; Chong W; Holt M; Saunder A; Than PG; Gett S; Leggett D; McGahan T; Quinn J; Ray M; Wong A; Woodruff P; Foreman R; Schultz D; Scroop R; Stanley B; Allard B; Atkinson N; Cambell W; Davies S; Field P; Milne P; Mitchell P; Tress B; Yan B; Beasley A; Dunbabin D; Stary D; Walker S; Cras P; d'Archambeau O; Hendriks JMH; Van Schil P; Bosiers M; Deloose K; van Buggenhout E; De Letter J; Devos V; Ghekiere J; Vanhooren G; Astarci P; Hammer F; Lacroix V; Peeters A; Verhelst R; DeJaegher L; Peeters A; Verbist J, 2010, 'Carotid artery stenting compared with endarterectomy in patients with symptomatic carotid stenosis (International Carotid Stenting Study): an interim analysis of a randomised controlled trial', The Lancet, 375, pp. 985 - 997,

Yang JM; O'Neill P; Jin W; Foty R; Medina DJ; Xu Z; Lomas M; Arndt GM; Tang Y; Nakada M; Yan L; Hait WN, 2006, 'Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (CD147) confers resistance of breast cancer cells to anoikis through inhibition of bim', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281, pp. 9719 - 9727,

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