Select Publications

Journal articles

Le Pelley ME; Watson P; Wiers RW, 2024, 'Biased choice and incentive salience: Implications for addiction', Behavioral neuroscience, 138, pp. 235 - 243,

Watson P; Prior K; Ridley N; Monds L; Manning V; Wiers RW; Le Pelley ME, 2024, 'Sign-tracking to non-drug reward is related to severity of alcohol-use problems in a sample of individuals seeking treatment', Addictive Behaviors, 154,

Denson TF; Watson P; Yeong A; Armstrong A; Beames JR; Bertsch K, 2024, 'Eye tracking shows no substantive relationships between individual differences related to aggression and visual attention to unambiguously violent stimuli', Personality and Individual Differences, 217,

Le JT; Watson P; Le Pelley ME, 2024, 'Effects of outcome revaluation on attentional prioritisation of reward-related stimuli', Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,

Watson P; Thrailkill EA; Corbit LH; Bouton ME, 2024, 'Introduction to the special issue: Goal direction and habit in operant behavior', Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 121, pp. 3 - 7,

Mahlberg J; Pearson D; Le Pelley ME; Watson P, 2024, 'Prospective Distractor Information Reduces Reward-Related Attentional Capture', Journal of Cognition, 7,

Freichel R; Mrkonja L; de Jong PJ; Cousijn J; Franken I; Ruiter TA; Le Pelley M; Albertella L; Watson P; Veer IM; Wiers RW, 2023, 'Value-modulated attentional capture in reward and punishment contexts, attentional control, and their relationship with psychopathology', Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 14,

Watson P; Gladwin TE; Verhoeven AAC; de Wit S, 2023, 'Investigating habits in humans with a symmetrical outcome-revaluation task', Behavior Research Methods, 55, pp. 2687 - 2705,

Watson P; Mahlberg J, 2023, 'Mechanisms underlying performance in a cued go/no-go Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer paradigm', Behavioural Brain Research, 446,

Watson P; Onie S, 2023, 'Images of Australian alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages: A validation dataset', Data in Brief, 47,

Watson P; O'Callaghan C; Perkes I; Bradfield L; Turner K, 2022, 'Making habits measurable beyond what they are not: A focus on associative dual-process models', Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 142,

Watson P; Pavri Y; Le J; Pearson D; Le Pelley ME, 2022, 'Attentional capture by signals of reward persists following outcome devaluation', Learning and Memory, 29, pp. 181 - 191,

Le Pelley ME; Ung R; Mine C; Most SB; Watson P; Pearson D; Theeuwes J, 2022, 'Reward learning and statistical learning independently influence attentional priority of salient distractors in visual search', Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 84, pp. 1446 - 1459,

Pearson D; Watson P; Albertella L; Le Pelley ME, 2022, 'Attentional economics links value-modulated attentional capture and decision-making', Nature Reviews Psychology, 1, pp. 320 - 333,

Smith VM; Watson P; Most SB, 2022, 'Enhanced recognition of emotional images is not affected by post-exposure exercise-induced arousal', Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75, pp. 1056 - 1066,

Watson P; Le Pelley ME, 2021, 'A meta-analysis of the relationship between eating restraint, impaired cognitive control and cognitive bias to food in non-clinical samples', Clinical Psychology Review, 89,

Frank-Podlech S; Watson P; Verhoeven AAC; Stegmaier S; Preissl H; de Wit S, 2021, 'Competing influences on healthy food choices: Mindsetting versus contextual food cues', Appetite, 166,

Ciria LF; Watson P; Vadillo MA; Luque D, 2021, 'Is the habit system altered in individuals with obesity? A systematic review', Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 128, pp. 621 - 632,

Le JT; Watson P; Begg D; Albertella L; Le Pelley ME, 2021, 'Physiological and subjective validation of a novel stress procedure: The Simple Singing Stress Procedure', Behavior Research Methods, 53, pp. 1478 - 1487,

Watson P; Vasudevan A; Pearson D; Le Pelley ME, 2021, 'Eating restraint is associated with reduced attentional capture by signals of valuable food reward', Appetite, 159,

Pearson D; Watson P; Le Pelley ME, 2021, 'How do competing influences of selection history interact? A commentary on Luck et al. (2021)', Visual Cognition, 29, pp. 552 - 555,

Mikhael S; Watson P; Anderson BA; Pelley MEL, 2021, 'You Do It to Yourself: Attentional Capture by Threat-Signaling Stimuli Persists Even When Entirely Counterproductive', Emotion, 21, pp. 1691 - 1698,

Watson P; Pearson D; Le Pelley ME, 2020, 'Reduced attentional capture by reward following an acute dose of alcohol', Psychopharmacology, 237, pp. 3625 - 3639,

Luque D; Molinero S; Watson P; López FJ; Le Pelley ME, 2020, 'Measuring habit formation through goal-directed response switching', Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149, pp. 1449 - 1459,

Watson P; Pearson D; Theeuwes J; Most SB; Le Pelley ME, 2020, 'Delayed disengagement of attention from distractors signalling reward', Cognition, 195,

Pearson D; Watson P; Cheng P; Le Pelley ME, 2020, 'Overt attentional capture by reward-related stimuli overcomes inhibitory suppression.', Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 46, pp. 489 - 501,

Watson P; Pearson D; Most SB; Theeuwes J; Wiers RW; Le Pelley ME, 2019, 'Attentional capture by Pavlovian reward-signalling distractors in visual search persists when rewards are removed', PLoS ONE, 14,

Albertella L; Watson P; Yücel M; Le Pelley ME, 2019, 'Persistence of value-modulated attentional capture is associated with risky alcohol use', Addictive Behaviors Reports, 10,

Watson P; Pearson D; Chow M; Theeuwes J; Wiers RW; Most SB; Le Pelley ME, 2019, 'Capture and Control: Working Memory Modulates Attentional Capture by Reward-Related Stimuli', Psychological Science, 30, pp. 1174 - 1185,

Le Pelley ME; Watson P; Pearson D; Abeywickrama RS; Most SB, 2019, 'Winners and losers: Reward and punishment produce biases in temporal selection', Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 45, pp. 822 - 833,

Watson P; Pearson D; Wiers RW; Le Pelley ME, 2019, 'Prioritizing pleasure and pain: attentional capture by reward-related and punishment-related stimuli', Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 26, pp. 107 - 113,

Watson P; Wiers RW; Hommel B; de Wit S, 2018, 'Motivational sensitivity of outcome-response priming: Experimental research and theoretical models', Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 25, pp. 2069 - 2082,

Watson P; van Wingen G; de Wit S, 2018, 'Conflicted between goal-directed and habitual control, an fMRI investigation', eNeuro, 5,

Watson P; de Wit S, 2018, 'Current limits of experimental research into habits and future directions', Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 20, pp. 33 - 39,

Verhoeven AAC; Watson P; de Wit S, 2018, 'Failing to pay heed to health warnings in a food-associated environment', Appetite, 120, pp. 616 - 626,

van Steenbergen H; Watson P; Wiers RW; Hommel B; de Wit S, 2017, 'Dissociable corticostriatal circuits underlie goal-directed vs. cue-elicited habitual food seeking after satiation: evidence from a multimodal MRI study', European Journal of Neuroscience, 46, pp. 1815 - 1827,

Albertella L; Copeland J; Pearson D; Watson P; Wiers RW; Le Pelley ME, 2017, 'Selective attention moderates the relationship between attentional capture by signals of nondrug reward and illicit drug use', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 175, pp. 99 - 105,

Watson P; Wiers RW; Hommel B; Gerdes VEA; de Wit S, 2017, 'Stimulus control over action for food in obese versus healthy-weight individuals', Frontiers in Psychology, 8,

Watson P; Wiers RW; Hommel B; Ridderinkhof KR; de Wit S, 2016, 'An associative account of how the obesogenic environment biases adolescents' food choices', Appetite, 96, pp. 560 - 571,

Watson P; Van Steenbergen H; De Wit S; Wiers RW; Hommel B, 2015, 'Limits of ideomotor action-outcome acquisition', Brain Research, 1626, pp. 45 - 53,

Watson P; Wiers RW; Hommel B; De Wit S, 2014, 'Working for food you don't desire. Cues interfere with goal-directed food-seeking', Appetite, 79, pp. 139 - 148,

Cousijn J; Watson P; Koenders L; Vingerhoets WAM; Goudriaan AE; Wiers RW, 2013, 'Cannabis dependence, cognitive control and attentional bias for cannabis words', Addictive Behaviors, 38, pp. 2825 - 2832,

Watson P; Korjoukov I; Vartak D; Roelfsema PR, 2013, 'Luminance contrast has little influence on the spread of object-based attention', Vision Research, 85, pp. 90 - 103,

Watson P; de Wit S; Cousijn J; Hommel B; Wiers RW, 2013, 'Motivational Mechanisms Underlying the Approach Bias to Cigarettes', JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY, 4, pp. 250 - 262,

Watson P; de Wit S; Hommel B; Wiers RW, 2012, 'Motivational mechanisms and outcome expectancies underlying the approach bias toward addictive substances', Frontiers in Psychology, 3,

de Wit S; Watson P; Harsay HA; Cohen MX; van de Vijver I; Ridderinkhof KR, 2012, 'Corticostriatal connectivity underlies individual differences in the balance between habitual and goal-directed action control', Journal of Neuroscience, 32, pp. 12066 - 12075,

Cavanagh JF; Neville D; Cohen MX; deVijver IV; Harsay H; Watson P; Buitenweg JI; Ridderinkhof KR, 2012, 'Individual differences in risky decision-making among seniors reflect increased reward sensitivity', Frontiers in Neuroscience, pp. 1 - 7,

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