Select Publications

Journal articles

Kwofie F; He Z; Zeng W; Gao M; Li Y; Zhang J; Li Y; Liu Y; Meyer Q; Zhao C; Cheng Y, 2025, 'Metallic ruthenium and ruthenium oxide heterojunctions boost acidic oxygen evolution reaction activity and durability', Electrochimica Acta, 512,

Wu S; Taylor M; Guo H; Wang S; Han C; Vongsvivut J; Meyer Q; Sun Q; Ho J; Zhao C, 2024, 'A High-capacity Benzoquinone Derivative Anode for All-organic Long-cycle Aqueous Proton Batteries', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 63,

Wu S; Taylor M; Guo H; Wang S; Han C; Vongsvivut J; Meyer Q; Sun Q; Ho J; Zhao C, 2024, 'A High‐capacity Benzoquinone Derivative Anode for All‐organic Long‐cycle Aqueous Proton Batteries', Angewandte Chemie, 136,

Meyer Q; Zhao C, 2024, '(Invited) How to Make Fuel Cells Cheaper and More Efficient', ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2024-02, pp. 3063 - 3063,

Curnick O; Afra M; Thirkell A; Meyer Q; Özyalcin C; Fleming J; Foster S, 2024, 'Spatially-Resolved Characterisation of Large-Format PEMFC Electrodes: Electrochemical Impedance, ECSA and O2 Concentration', ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2024-02, pp. 3064 - 3064,

Cai YM; Li YH; Xiao Y; Meyer Q; Sun Q; Lai WJ; Zhao SW; Li J; Zhang LJ; Wang H; Lin Z; Luo J; Han LL, 2024, 'Synergistic rare-earth yttrium single atoms and copper phosphide nanoparticles for high-selectivity ammonia electrosynthesis', Rare Metals, 43, pp. 5792 - 5801,

Maradesa A; Py B; Huang J; Lu Y; Iurilli P; Mrozinski A; Law HM; Wang Y; Wang Z; Li J; Xu S; Meyer Q; Liu J; Brivio C; Gavrilyuk A; Kobayashi K; Bertei A; Williams NJ; Zhao C; Danzer M; Zic M; Wu P; Yrjänä V; Pereverzyev S; Chen Y; Weber A; Kalinin SV; Schmidt JP; Tsur Y; Boukamp BA; Zhang Q; Gaberšček M; O'Hayre R; Ciucci F, 2024, 'Advancing electrochemical impedance analysis through innovations in the distribution of relaxation times method', Joule, 8, pp. 1958 - 1981,

Wu S; Guo H; Su Z; Jia C; Zhang X; Wang S; Zhao T; Meyer Q; Zhao C, 2024, 'Suppressed Manganese Oxides Shuttling in Acidic Electrolytes Extends Shelf-Life of Electrolytic Proton Batteries', Advanced Functional Materials, 34,

Nie Y; Sun Y; Song B; Meyer Q; Liu S; Guo H; Tao L; Lin F; Luo M; Zhang Q; Gu L; Yang L; Zhao C; Guo S, 2024, 'Low-Electronegativity Mn-Contraction of PtMn Nanodendrites Boosts Oxygen Reduction Durability', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 63,

Nie Y; Sun Y; Song B; Meyer Q; Liu S; Guo H; Tao L; Lin F; Luo M; Zhang Q; Gu L; Yang L; Zhao C; Guo S, 2024, 'Low‐Electronegativity Mn‐Contraction of PtMn Nanodendrites Boosts Oxygen Reduction Durability', Angewandte Chemie, 136,

Schonvogel D; Belack J; Vidakovic J; Schmies H; Uhlig LM; Langnickel H; Man Tung PK; Meyer Q; Zhao C; Wagner P, 2024, 'Performance and durability of high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells with silicon carbide filled polybenzimidazole composite membranes', Journal of Power Sources, 591,

Müller-Hülstede J; Schmies H; Schonvogel D; Meyer Q; Nie Y; Zhao C; Wagner P; Wark M, 2024, 'What determines the stability of Fe-N-C catalysts in HT-PEMFCs?', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 50, pp. 921 - 930,

Wang YD; Meyer Q; Tang K; McClure JE; White RT; Kelly ST; Crawford MM; Iacoviello F; Brett DJL; Shearing PR; Mostaghimi P; Zhao C; Armstrong RT, 2023, 'Large-scale physically accurate modelling of real proton exchange membrane fuel cell with deep learning', Nature Communications, 14,

Dastafkan K; Shen X; Hocking RK; Meyer Q; Zhao C, 2023, 'Monometallic interphasic synergy via nano-hetero-interfacing for hydrogen evolution in alkaline electrolytes', Nature Communications, 14,

Meyer Q; Yang C; Cheng Y; Zhao C, 2023, 'Overcoming the Electrode Challenges of High-Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells', Electrochemical Energy Reviews, 6,

Dastafkan K; Wang S; Song S; Meyer Q; Zhang Q; Shen Y; Zhao C, 2023, 'Operando monitoring of gas bubble evolution in water electrolysis by single high-frequency impedance', EES Catalysis, 1, pp. 998 - 1008,

Jia C; Zhao Y; Song S; Sun Q; Meyer Q; Liu S; Shen Y; Zhao C, 2023, 'Highly Ordered Hierarchical Porous Single-Atom Fe Catalyst with Promoted Mass Transfer for Efficient Electroreduction of CO2', Advanced Energy Materials, 13,

Pivac I; Meyer Q; Zhao C; Barbir F, 2023, 'Operando investigations of proton exchange membrane fuel cells performance during air interruptions in dry and humidified conditions', Journal of Power Sources, 580,

Liu S; Meyer Q; Jia C; Wang S; Rong C; Nie Y; Zhao C, 2023, 'Operando deconvolution of the degradation mechanisms of iron-nitrogen-carbon catalysts in proton exchange membrane fuel cells', Energy and Environmental Science, 16, pp. 3792 - 3802,

Sun Q; Zhao Y; Tan X; Jia C; Su Z; Meyer Q; Ahmed MI; Zhao C, 2023, 'Atomically Dispersed Cu-Au Alloy for Efficient Electrocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Monoxide to Acetate', ACS Catalysis, 13, pp. 5689 - 5696,

Xia Y; Cheng Y; Wang R; Meng Z; Meyer Q; Zhao C; Zhang H; Luo R; Li Y; Tang H, 2023, 'Porous nanosheet composite with multi-type active centers as an efficient and stable oxygen electrocatalyst in alkaline and acid conditions', Science China Materials, 66, pp. 1407 - 1416,

Müller-Hülstede J; Uhlig LM; Schmies H; Schonvogel D; Meyer Q; Nie Y; Zhao C; Vidakovic J; Wagner P, 2023, 'Towards the Reduction of Pt Loading in High Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells – Effect of Fe−N−C in Pt-Alloy Cathodes', ChemSusChem, 16,

Su Z; Tang J; Chen J; Guo H; Wu S; Yin S; Zhao T; Jia C; Meyer Q; Rawal A; Ho J; Fang Y; Zhao C, 2023, 'Co-insertion of Water with Protons into Organic Electrodes Enables High-Rate and High-Capacity Proton Batteries', Small Structures, 4,

Chen Y; Zeng X; Meyer Q; Zhao C; He Z; Wu F; Tang H; Cheng Y, 2023, 'An outstanding NiFe/NF oxygen evolution reaction boosted by the hydroxyl oxides', Electrochimica Acta, 442,

Meyer Q; Liu S; Ching K; Da Wang Y; Zhao C, 2023, 'Operando monitoring of the evolution of triple-phase boundaries in proton exchange membrane fuel cells', Journal of Power Sources, 557,

Quattrocchi E; Py B; Maradesa A; Meyer Q; Zhao C; Ciucci F, 2023, 'Deconvolution of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy data using the deep-neural-network-enhanced distribution of relaxation times', Electrochimica Acta, 439,

Müller-Hülstede J; Zierdt T; Schmies H; Schonvogel D; Meyer Q; Zhao C; Wagner P; Wark M, 2022, 'Implementation of different Fe–N–C catalysts in high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells – Effect of catalyst and catalyst layer on performance', Journal of Power Sources, 537,

Meyer Q; Liu S; Li Y; Zhao C, 2022, 'Operando detection of oxygen reduction reaction kinetics of Fe–N–C catalysts in proton exchange membrane fuel cells', Journal of Power Sources, 533,

Tang K; Meyer Q; White R; Armstrong RT; Mostaghimi P; Da Wang Y; Liu S; Zhao C; Regenauer-Lieb K; Tung PKM, 2022, 'Deep learning for full-feature X-ray microcomputed tomography segmentation of proton electron membrane fuel cells', Computers and Chemical Engineering, 161,

Liu S; Meyer Q; Li Y; Zhao T; Su Z; Ching K; Zhao C, 2022, 'Fe-N-C/Fe nanoparticle composite catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in proton exchange membrane fuel cells', Chemical Communications, 58, pp. 2323 - 2326,

Osmieri L; Meyer Q, 2022, 'Recent advances in integrating platinum group metal-free catalysts in proton exchange membrane fuel cells', Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 31,

Dastafkan K; Wang S; Rong C; Meyer Q; Li Y; Zhang Q; Zhao C, 2022, 'Cosynergistic Molybdate Oxo-Anionic Modification of FeNi-Based Electrocatalysts for Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction', Advanced Functional Materials, 32,

Meyer Q; Zhao C, 2021, 'Air perturbation-induced low-frequency inductive electrochemical impedance arc in proton exchange membrane fuel cells', Journal of Power Sources, 488,

Maier M; Meyer Q; Majasan J; Owen RE; Robinson JB; Dodwell J; Wu Y; Castanheira L; Hinds G; Shearing PR; Brett DJL, 2020, 'Diagnosing Stagnant Gas Bubbles in a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Water Electrolyser Using Acoustic Emission', Frontiers in Energy Research, 8,

Meyer Q; Pivac I; Barbir F; Zhao C, 2020, 'Detection of oxygen starvation during carbon corrosion in proton exchange membrane fuel cells using low-frequency electrochemical impedance spectroscopy', Journal of Power Sources, 470,

Dastafkan K; Meyer Q; Chen X; Zhao C, 2020, 'Efficient Oxygen Evolution and Gas Bubble Release Achieved by a Low Gas Bubble Adhesive Iron–Nickel Vanadate Electrocatalyst', Small, 16,

Meyer Q; Zeng Y; Zhao C, 2019, 'Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of catalyst and carbon degradations in proton exchange membrane fuel cells', Journal of Power Sources, 437,

Meyer Q; Zeng Y; Zhao C, 2019, 'In Situ and Operando Characterization of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells', Advanced Materials, 31,

Dashti I; Asghari S; Goudarzi M; Meyer Q; Mehrabani-Zeinabad A; Brett DJL, 2019, 'Optimization of the performance, operation conditions and purge rate for a dead-ended anode proton exchange membrane fuel cell using an analytical model', Energy, 179, pp. 173 - 185,

Kulkarni N; Kok MDR; Jervis R; Iacoviello F; Meyer Q; Shearing PR; Brett DJL, 2019, 'The effect of non-uniform compression and flow-field arrangements on membrane electrode assemblies - X-ray computed tomography characterisation and effective parameter determination', Journal of Power Sources, 426, pp. 97 - 110,

Maier M; Meyer Q; Majasan J; Tan C; Dedigama I; Robinson J; Dodwell J; Wu Y; Castanheira L; Hinds G; Shearing PR; Brett DJL, 2019, 'Operando flow regime diagnosis using acoustic emission in a polymer electrolyte membrane water electrolyser', Journal of Power Sources, 424, pp. 138 - 149,

Fly A; Meyer Q; Whiteley M; Iacoviello F; Neville T; Shearing PR; Brett DJL; Kim C; Chen R, 2019, 'X-ray tomography and modelling study on the mechanical behaviour and performance of metal foam flow-fields for polymer electrolyte fuel cells', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44, pp. 7583 - 7595,

Cho JIS; Neville TP; Trogadas P; Meyer Q; Wu Y; Ziesche R; Boillat P; Cochet M; Manzi-Orezzoli V; Shearing P; Brett DJL; Coppens MO, 2019, 'Visualization of liquid water in a lung-inspired flow-field based polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell via neutron radiography', Energy, 170, pp. 14 - 21,

Wu Y; Meyer Q; Liu F; Rasha L; Cho JIS; Neville TP; Millichamp J; Ziesche R; Kardjilov N; Boillat P; Markötter H; Manke I; Cochet M; Shearing P; Brett DJL, 2019, 'Investigation of water generation and accumulation in polymer electrolyte fuel cells using hydro-electrochemical impedance imaging', Journal of Power Sources, 414, pp. 272 - 277,

Meyer Q; Hack J; Mansor N; Iacoviello F; Bailey JJ; Shearing PR; Brett DJL, 2019, 'Multi-Scale Imaging of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells using X-ray Micro- and Nano-Computed Tomography, Transmission Electron Microscopy and Helium-Ion Microscopy', Fuel Cells, 19, pp. 35 - 42,

Kulkarni N; Meyer Q; Hack J; Jervis R; Iacoviello F; Ronaszegi K; Adcock P; Shearing PR; Brett DJL, 2019, 'Examining the effect of the secondary flow-field on polymer electrolyte fuel cells using X-ray computed radiography and computational modelling', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44, pp. 1139 - 1150,

Wu Y; Cho JIS; Neville TP; Meyer Q; Zeische R; Boillat P; Cochet M; Shearing PR; Brett DJL, 2018, 'Effect of serpentine flow-field design on the water management of polymer electrolyte fuel cells: An in-operando neutron radiography study', Journal of Power Sources, 399, pp. 254 - 263,

Jervis R; Kok MDR; Neville TP; Meyer Q; Brown LD; Iacoviello F; Gostick JT; Brett DJL; Shearing PR, 2018, 'In situ compression and X-ray computed tomography of flow battery electrodes', Journal of Energy Chemistry, 27, pp. 1353 - 1361,

Fly A; Butcher D; Meyer Q; Whiteley M; Spencer A; Kim C; Shearing PR; Brett DJL; Chen R, 2018, 'Characterisation of the diffusion properties of metal foam hybrid flow-fields for fuel cells using optical flow visualisation and X-ray computed tomography', Journal of Power Sources, 395, pp. 171 - 178,

Engebretsen E; Hinds G; Meyer Q; Mason T; Brightman E; Castanheira L; Shearing PR; Brett DJL, 2018, 'Localised electrochemical impedance measurements of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell using a reference electrode array to give cathode-specific measurements and examine membrane hydration dynamics', Journal of Power Sources, 382, pp. 38 - 44,

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