Santos-Rodriguez G; Srivastava A; Ravindran A; Oyelami F; Ip KH; Gupta P; Villanueva J; King HE; Grootveld A; Blackburn J; Gupta I; Vieira HGS; Shirokikh NE; Eyras E; Weatheritt RJ, 2024, The conserved landscape of RNA modifications and transcript diversity across mammalian evolution,
Skvortsova K; Bertrand S; Voronov D; Duckett PE; Ross SE; Magri MS; Maeso I; Weatheritt RJ; Gomez-Skarmeta JL; Arnone MI; Escriva H; Bogdanovic O, 2021, Active DNA demethylation of developmental cis-regulatory regions predates vertebrate origins,
Luck K; Kim D-K; Lambourne L; Spirohn K; Begg BE; Bian W; Brignall R; Cafarelli T; Campos-Laborie FJ; Charloteaux B; Choi D; Cote AG; Daley M; Deimling S; Desbuleux A; Dricot A; Gebbia M; Hardy MF; Kishore N; Knapp JJ; Kovács IA; Lemmens I; Mee MW; Mellor JC; Pollis C; Pons C; Richardson AD; Schlabach S; Teeking B; Yadav A; Babor M; Balcha D; Basha O; Bowman-Colin C; Chin S-F; Choi SG; Colabella C; Coppin G; D’Amata C; De Ridder D; De Rouck S; Duran-Frigola M; Ennajdaoui H; Goebels F; Goehring L; Gopal A; Haddad G; Hatchi E; Helmy M; Jacob Y; Kassa Y; Landini S; Li R; van Lieshout N; MacWilliams A; Markey D; Paulson JN; Rangarajan S; Rasla J; Rayhan A; Rolland T; San-Miguel A; Shen Y; Sheykhkarimli D; Sheynkman GM; Simonovsky E; Taşan M; Tejeda A; Twizere J-C; Wang Y; Weatheritt RJ; Weile J; Xia Y; Yang X; Yeger-Lotem E; Zhong Q; Aloy P; Bader GD; De Las Rivas J; Gaudet S; Hao T; Rak J; Tavernier J; Tropepe V; Hill DE; Vidal M; Roth FP; Calderwood MA, 2019, A reference map of the human protein interactome,
Rodrigues DC; Mufteev M; Weatheritt RJ; Djuric U; Ha KCH; Ross PJ; Zaslavsky K; Mok RSF; Wei W; Piekna A; Byres L; Pasceri P; Diamandis P; Morris Q; Blencowe BJ; Ellis J, Shifts in Ribosome Engagement Impact Key Gene Sets in Neurodevelopment and Ubiquitination in Rett Syndrome,
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