Select Publications

Journal articles

Clarke RA, 2014, 'The Regulation of civilian drones' impacts on behavioural privacy', Computer Law and Security Review: the International Journal of Technology Law and Practice, 30, pp. 286 - 305

Clarke RA, 2014, 'Understanding the drone epidemic', Computer Law and Security Review: the International Journal of Technology Law and Practice, 30, pp. 230 - 246

Clarke RA, 2014, 'What drones inherit from their ancestors', Computer Law and Security Review: the International Journal of Technology Law and Practice, 30, pp. 247 - 262,

Clarke R, 2013, 'Questioning Ray Kurzweil [Letters to the Editor]', IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 32, pp. 8,

Clarke R, 2013, 'Letters to the editor: Questioning ray kurzweil', IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 32, pp. 8,

Wigan MR; Clarke R, 2013, 'Big Data's Big Unintended Consequences', Computer, 46, pp. 46 - 53,

Clarke R, 2013, 'Data Risks in the Cloud', Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research, 8, pp. 9 - 10,

Michael K; Clarke RA, 2013, 'Location and tracking of mobile devices: Überveillance stalks the streets', Computer Law and Security Review, 29, pp. 216 - 228,

Clarke RA, 2013, 'Morning dew on the Web in Australia: 1992-1995', Journal of Information Technology, 28, pp. 93 - 110,

Clarke RA; Bail K; Ranse J; Rattray B, 2013, 'Open access to nursing journals: an audit of the 2010 ERA journal list', Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 30, pp. 5 - 11,;dn=405064718196886;res=IELHEA

Clarke R, 2012, 'The challenging world of privacy advocacy', IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 31, pp. 29 - 31,

Clarke RA, 2012, 'How reliable is cloudsourcing? A review of articles in the technical media 2005-11', Computer Law and Security Review, 28, pp. 90 - 95,

Clarke RA, 2012, 'Privacy and the Media - A Platform for Change?', University of Western Australia Law Review, 36, pp. 158 - 198,

Clarke RA, 2011, 'An Evaluation of Privacy Impact Assessment Guidance Documents', International Data Privacy Law, 1, pp. 111 - 120,

Clarke RA, 2011, 'Cyborg rights', IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 30, pp. 49 - 57,

Clarke RA; Wigan M, 2011, 'You Are Where You've Been: The Privacy Implications of Location and Tracking Technologies', Journal of Location Based Services, 5, pp. 138 - 155,

Clarke R, 2010, 'What is überveillance? (and what should be done about it?)', IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 29, pp. 17 - 25,

Svantesson D; Clarke RA, 2010, 'A Best Practice Model for eConsumer Protection', Computer Law and Security Review, 26, pp. 31 - 37

Svantesson D; Clarke RA, 2010, 'Privacy and Consumer Risks in Cloud Computing', Computer Law and Security Review, 26, pp. 391 - 397

Clarke R, 2009, 'A citation analysis of Australian information systems researchers: Towards a New ERA?', Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 15, pp. 23 - 44,

Clarke R; Davison R; Beath CM, 2009, 'Journal self-citation XI: Regulation of "Journal self-referencing" - The substantive role of the AIS code of research conduct', Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 25, pp. 91 - 96,

Clarke R, 2009, 'Journal self-citation XIX: Self-plagiarism and self-citation - A practical guide based on underlying principles', Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 25, pp. 155 - 164,

Wigan M; Clarke R, 2009, 'Transport and surveillance aspects of location-based services', Transportation Research Record, pp. 92 - 99,

Clarke RA, 2009, 'Dissidentity', Identity in the Information Society, 1, pp. 221 - 228,

Clarke RA, 2009, 'Open Access to Journal Content as a Case Study in Unlocking IP', Script-ed, 6, pp. 234 - 258,

Clarke RA; Maurushat AM, 2009, 'Passing the Buck: Who Will Bear the Financial Transaction Losses from Consumer Device Insecurity?', Journal of Law, Information and Science, 18, pp. 8 - 56

Clarke RA, 2009, 'Privacy Impact Assessment: Its Origins and Development'', Computer Law and Security Report, 25, pp. 123 - 135

Clarke R; Kingsley D, 2008, 'E-Publishing's impacts on journals and journal articles', Journal of Internet Commerce, 7, pp. 120 - 151,

Warren A; Bayley R; Bennett C; Charlesworth A; Clarke R; Oppenheim C, 2008, 'Privacy Impact Assessments: International experience as a basis for UK Guidance', Computer Law and Security Report, 24, pp. 233 - 242,

Clarke R, 2008, 'Web 2.0 as syndication', Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 3, pp. 30 - 43,

Clarke RA, 2007, 'Business Models to Support Content Commons', Script-ed, 4, pp. 59 - 71

Clarke RA, 2007, 'The Cost-Profiles of Alternative Approaches to Journal Publishing', First Monday: Peer Refereed Journal on the Internet, 12, pp. 1 - 6

Clarke JDA; Persaud R; Rupert S; Bishop M; Brown A; Clarke A; Clarke JP; Clarke R; Cutler N; Dawson S; Fitzsimmons K; Gostin V; Heldmann J; Jordan S; Karouia F; Krins P; Martinez E; Matic V; Murphy G; Rupert A; Stansfield N; Tanner M; Thomas M; Waclawik V; Waldie J; Willson D, 2006, 'A multi-goal Mars analogue expedition (expedition two) to the Arkaroola Region, Australia', Science and Technology Series, 111, pp. 3 - 15

Clarke R, 2006, 'P2p's significance for ebusiness: Towards a research agenda', Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 1, pp. 42 - 57,

Clarke R, 2006, 'Make privacy a strategic factor - The why and the how', Cutter IT Journal, 19, pp. 26 - 31

Clarke RA, 2006, 'Google`s Gauntlets - Challenges to `Old World Corps` Consumers and the Law`', Computer Law and Security Report, 22, pp. 288 - 298

Clarke RA, 2006, 'Key Aspects of the History of the Information Systems Discipline in Australia', Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 14, pp. 123 - 140

Clarke RA, 2006, 'Plagarism by Academics: More Complex than it seems', Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 7 (2), pp. 91 - 121

Clarke RA, 2005, 'A proposal for an open content licence for research paper (Pr)ePrints', First Monday: Peer Refereed Journal on the Internet, 10, pp. 1 - 22

Coiera E; Roger C, 2004, 'e-Consent: The design and implementation of consumer consent mechanisms in an electronic environment', American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium Proceedings, 11, pp. 129 - 140

Clarke R, 2001, 'Person location and person tracking - Technologies, risks and policy implications', Information Technology & People, 14, pp. 206 - 231,

Clarke R; Dempsey G, 2001, 'The feasibility of regulating gambling on the Internet', Managerial and Decision Economics, 22, pp. 125 - 132,

Smith A; Clarke R, 2000, 'Privacy in electronic media: Identification, authentication and anonymity in a legal context', Computer Law and Security Report, 16, pp. 95 - 100,

Clarke R, 1999, 'Freedom of information? The Internet as Harbinger of the New Dark Ages', First Monday, 4,

Clarke R, 1999, 'Internet privacy concerns confirm the case for intervention', Communications of the ACM, 42, pp. 60 - 67,

Clarke R, 1998, 'Cyberspace Invades Personal Space. Information Privacy On the Internet', Telecommunications Journal of Australia, 48, pp. 61 - 67

Clarke R, 1994, 'Asimov's Laws of Robotics: Implications for Information Technology. 2', Computer, 27, pp. 57 - 66,

Clarke R, 1994, 'Dataveillance by Governments The Technique of Computer Matching', Information Technology & People, 7, pp. 46 - 85,

Wrigley CD; Wagenaar RW; Clarke RA, 1994, 'Electronic data interchange in international trade: frameworks for the strategic analysis of ocean port communities', Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 3, pp. 211 - 234,

Clarke R, 1994, 'Electronic support for the practice of research', Information Society, 10, pp. 25 - 42,

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