Select Publications


Skovmand L; O'Dea R; Greig K; Amato K; Hendry A, 2023, Effects of leaf herbivory and autumn seasonality on plant secondary metabolites: a meta-analysis, ,

Skovmand L; O'Dea R; Greig K; Amato K; Hendry A, 2023, Effects of herbivory and non-growing seasonality on plant secondary metabolites: a meta-analysis, ,

Yang Y; Sánchez-Tójar A; O'Dea R; Noble D; Koricheva J; Jennions M; Parker T; Lagisz M; Nakagawa S, 2022, Publication bias impacts on effect size, statistical power, and magnitude (Type M) and sign (Type S) errors in ecology and evolutionary biology, ,

Spake R; O'Dea RE; Nakagawa S; Doncaster CP; Ryo M; Callaghan CT; Bullock J, 2022, Improving quantitative synthesis to achieve generality in ecology, ,

Anwer H; O'Dea R; Mason D; Zajitschek S; Klinke A; Reid M; Hesselson D; Noble D; Morris M; Lagisz M, 2022, The effects of an obesogenic diet on behaviour and cognition in zebrafish (Danio rerio): traits average, variability, repeatability, and behavioural syndromes, ,

Sanderson S; Beausoleil M-O; O’Dea RE; Wood ZT; Correa C; Frankel V; Gorné LD; Haines GE; Kinnison MT; Oke KB; Pelletier F; Pérez-Jvostov F; Reyes-Corral WD; Ritchot Y; Sorbara F; Gotanda KM; Hendry AP, 2021, The Pace of Modern Life, Revisited, ,

Foo Y; O'Dea R; Koricheva J; Nakagawa S; Lagisz M, 2021, A practical guide to question formation, systematic searching and study screening for literature reviews in ecology and evolution, ,

Gould E; Gray CT; Willcox A; O'Dea RE; Groenewegen R; Wilkinson DP, 2021, aggreCAT: An R Package for Mathematically Aggregating Expert Judgments, ,

Nakagawa S; Lagisz M; Jennions M; Koricheva J; Noble D; Parker T; Sánchez-Tójar A; Yang Y; O'Dea R, 2021, Methods for testing publication bias in ecological and evolutionary meta-analyses, ,

Mason D; Zajitschek S; Anwer H; O’Dea RE; Hesselson D; Nakagawa S, 2020, Low Repeatability of Aversive Learning in Zebrafish (Danio rerio), ,

O'Dea R; Noble D; Nakagawa S, 2020, Unifying individual differences in personality, predictability, and plasticity: a practical guide, ,

Nakagawa S; Lagisz M; O'Dea R; Rutkowska J; Yang Y; Noble D; Senior A, 2019, The Orchard Plot: Cultivating a Forest Plot for Use in Ecology, Evolution and Beyond, ,

Sánchez-Tójar A; Moran N; O'Dea R; Reinhold K; Nakagawa S, 2019, Illustrating the importance of meta-analysing variances alongside means in ecology and evolution, ,

O'Dea R; Lagisz M; Hendry A; Nakagawa S, 2018, Developmental temperature affects phenotypic means and variability: a meta-analysis of fish data, ,

Nakagawa S; Samarasinghe G; Haddaway N; Westgate M; O'Dea R; Noble D; Lagisz M, 2018, Research Weaving: Visualizing the Future of Research Synthesis, ,

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