Fields of Research (FoR)
Analytical Spectrometry, Analytical ChemistrySEO tags
2003-2006 PostDoc, biological mass spectrometry, BMSF, UNSW
2007-2008 Mass Spectrometry Applications Specialist, ThermoFisher Scientific, Australia and NZ
2008-2010 Team Leader, BMSF, UNSW
2010-2011 Lecturer in Mass Spectrometry, University of Western Sydney
2011-2018 Research Fellow (Mass Spectrometry), BMSF, UNSW
2018 - current Senior Research Fellow (Mass Spectrometry), BMSF, UNSW
My Qualifications
1999 MChem Chemistry,...view more
2003-2006 PostDoc, biological mass spectrometry, BMSF, UNSW
2007-2008 Mass Spectrometry Applications Specialist, ThermoFisher Scientific, Australia and NZ
2008-2010 Team Leader, BMSF, UNSW
2010-2011 Lecturer in Mass Spectrometry, University of Western Sydney
2011-2018 Research Fellow (Mass Spectrometry), BMSF, UNSW
2018 - current Senior Research Fellow (Mass Spectrometry), BMSF, UNSW
My Qualifications
1999 MChem Chemistry, Sheffield University, UK
2000 MSc Analytical Chemistry, University of Warwick, UK
2003 PhD Chemistry, UMIST, UK
My Research Activities
- The advancement of mass spectrometric techniques and their application to the solution of complex biological problems, particularly applied to the analysis of small molecules and metabolites
- development of methods for metabolite profiling (metabolomics and lipidomics)
- methods for targeted (quantitative) metabolite analysis for specific applications
- development of LC and sample preparation procedures to facilitate the MS analysis of small molecules in biological fluids and tissues
- application of modern mass spectrometric methods and incorporation of new advances in mass spectrometry into our laboratory.
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