Select Publications

Book Chapters

Weuffen S; Cairns R; Fricker A, 2024, 'Decolonial futures for history in Australian schools', in Decolonising Australian History Education: Fresh Perspectives from Beyond the ‘History Wars’, pp. 193 - 210,

Weuffen S, 2024, 'Positionality: The foundational threshold concept for decolonising practices', in Decolonising Australian History Education: Fresh Perspectives from Beyond the ‘History Wars’, pp. 69 - 86,

Fricker A; Cairns R; Weuffen S, 2024, 'The thin veneer of ‘the history wars’ on unceded lands', in Decolonising Australian History Education: Fresh Perspectives from Beyond the ‘History Wars’, pp. 1 - 15,

Willis K; Weuffen S, 2024, 'Strategies for Facilitating Culturally-Safer Learning Environments for First Nations Children in Australian Early Childhood Education', in Inclusion and Social Justice in Teacher Education, Springer International Publishing, pp. 59 - 78,

Goriss-Hunter A; Burke J; Weuffen S; Plunkett M; Emmett S, 2023, 'Inclusion, Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice in Education in the Twenty-First Century', in Sustainable Development Goals Series, pp. 1 - 10,

Claughton A; Weuffen S; Robertson D; Nice K, 2023, 'Parent–Teachers: Experiences of Supporting our Children with Dis/ability in Schools', in Sustainable Development Goals Series, pp. 139 - 151,

Weuffen S; Willis K, 2023, 'The Fallacy of Cultural Inclusion in Mainstream Education Discourses', in Sustainable Development Goals Series, pp. 91 - 106,

Weuffen S; Burke J; Goriss-Hunter A; Plunkett M; Emmett S, 2023, 'Working Towards a Sustainable, Responsive, Inclusive, and Diverse Global Education Future', in Sustainable Development Goals Series, pp. 277 - 286,

Lowe K; Moodie N; Weuffen S, 2021, 'Refusing Reconciliation in Indigenous Curriculum', in Green B; Roberts P; Brennan M (ed.), Curriculum Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World: Transnational Perspectives in Curriculum Inquiry, Palgrave, Chem, Switzland, pp. 71 - 86,

Weuffen S; Cahir F, 2019, '“Their Last Resting Place”: Foundations of Graves Work', in Australian War Graves Workers and World War One, Springer Singapore, pp. 1 - 9,

Weuffen S; Cahir F, 2019, 'The Australian War Graves Effort (1919–1922)', in Australian War Graves Workers and World War One, Springer Singapore, pp. 11 - 35,

Weuffen S; Cahir F, 2019, 'Their Legacy', in Australian War Graves Workers and World War One, Springer Singapore, pp. 129 - 143,

Edited Books

Cairns R; Fricker A; Weuffen S, 2024, Decolonising Australian History Education: Fresh Perspectives from Beyond the ‘History Wars’,

Journal articles

Weuffen S; Fricker A, 2024, 'The politics of positionality and naming practices in socio-cultural relations', Language, Culture and Society, 6, pp. 137 - 157,

Lowe K; Weuffen S; Woods A; Burgess C; Vass G, 2024, 'Conceptualising culturally nourishing pedagogies for professional learning in Australian schooling', Australian Educational Researcher,

Martin AJ; Bostwick KCP; Durksen TL; Amazan R; Lowe K; Weuffen S, 2024, 'Teachers’ motivation to teach Aboriginal perspectives in the curriculum: links with their Aboriginal students’ academic motivation', Australian Educational Researcher,

Weuffen S; Lowe K; Amazan R; Thompson K, 2024, 'The need for First Nations pedagogical narratives: epistemic inertia and complicity in (re)creating settler-colonial education', Journal of Curriculum Studies, 56, pp. 58 - 72,

Lowe K; Weuffen S, 2023, '“You get to ‘feel’ your culture”: Aboriginal students speaking back to deficit discourses in Australian schooling', Australian Educational Researcher, 50, pp. 33 - 53,

Weuffen S; Lowe K; Moodie N; Fricker A, 2023, 'Doing decolonisation: cultural reconnection as political resistance in schooling', Australian Educational Researcher, 50, pp. 147 - 165,

Weuffen S; Lowe K; Burgess C, 2023, 'Identity matters: Aboriginal educational sovereignty and futurity pushing back on the logic of elimination', Australian Educational Researcher, 50, pp. 1 - 10,

Weuffen S; Maxwell J; Lowe K, 2023, 'Inclusive, colour-blind, and deficit: Understanding teachers' contradictory views of Aboriginal students’ participation in education', Australian Educational Researcher, 50, pp. 89 - 110,

Burgess C; Fricker A; Weuffen S, 2023, 'Lessons to learn, discourses to change, relationships to build: How Decolonising Race Theory can articulate the interface between school leadership and Aboriginal students’ schooling experiences', Australian Educational Researcher, 50, pp. 111 - 129,

Weuffen S; Lowe K; Burgess C; Thompson K, 2023, 'Sovereign and pseudo-hosts: The politics of hospitality for negotiating culturally nourishing schools', Australian Educational Researcher, 50, pp. 131 - 146,

Weuffen S, 2022, '‘You’d be surprised how some people probably feel uncomfortable’: the compliance–resistance continuum of planning integrated Australian History curricula', Teacher Development, 26, pp. 221 - 239,

Weuffen S; Pickford AM, 2021, 'Imagining the possibilities of a cross-cultural oral narrative portraiture method: Stepping beyond binary discourses', Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 50, pp. 71 - 79,

Weuffen S; Fotinatos N; Andrews T, 2021, 'Evaluating sociocultural influences affecting participation and understanding of academic support services and programs (SSPs): Impacts on notions of attrition, retention, and success in higher education', Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice, 23, pp. 118 - 138,

Weuffen S; Andrews T; Roberts K, 2020, 'Promoting quality learning and teaching pedagogy: Evaluating a targeted localised academic induction program (AIP) for the impact on continuing professional development', Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 60, pp. 245 - 267

Weuffen S; Cahir F; Barnes A; Powell B, 2019, 'Uncovering Hidden Histories: Evaluating Preservice Teachers’ (PST) Understanding of Local Indigenous Perspectives in History Via Digital Storytelling at Australia’s Sovereign Hill', Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 13, pp. 165 - 181,

Weuffen S, 2019, 'Surveying the landscape five years on: An examination of how teachers, and the teaching of Australia's shared-history, is constructed within Australian academic literature', Teaching and Teacher Education, 78, pp. 117 - 124,

Weuffen SL; Cahir F; Pickford AM, 2017, 'The centrality of Aboriginal cultural workshops and experiential learning in a pre-service teacher education course: a regional Victorian University case study', Higher Education Research and Development, 36, pp. 838 - 851,

Weuffen S; Cahir F; Zeegers M, 2016, 'What's in a name?: Exploring the implications of Eurocentric (Re)naming practices of aboriginal and torres strait islander nomenclature in Australian education practices', Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 45, pp. 181 - 190,

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