Select Publications
Book Chapters
2024, 'Decolonial futures for history in Australian schools', in Decolonising Australian History Education: Fresh Perspectives from Beyond the ‘History Wars’, pp. 193 - 210,
,2024, 'Positionality: The foundational threshold concept for decolonising practices', in Decolonising Australian History Education: Fresh Perspectives from Beyond the ‘History Wars’, pp. 69 - 86,
,2024, 'The thin veneer of ‘the history wars’ on unceded lands', in Decolonising Australian History Education: Fresh Perspectives from Beyond the ‘History Wars’, pp. 1 - 15,
,2024, 'Strategies for Facilitating Culturally-Safer Learning Environments for First Nations Children in Australian Early Childhood Education', in Inclusion and Social Justice in Teacher Education, Springer International Publishing, pp. 59 - 78,
,2023, 'Inclusion, Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice in Education in the Twenty-First Century', in Sustainable Development Goals Series, pp. 1 - 10,
,2023, 'Parent–Teachers: Experiences of Supporting our Children with Dis/ability in Schools', in Sustainable Development Goals Series, pp. 139 - 151,
,2023, 'The Fallacy of Cultural Inclusion in Mainstream Education Discourses', in Sustainable Development Goals Series, pp. 91 - 106,
,2023, 'Working Towards a Sustainable, Responsive, Inclusive, and Diverse Global Education Future', in Sustainable Development Goals Series, pp. 277 - 286,
,2021, 'Refusing Reconciliation in Indigenous Curriculum', in Green B; Roberts P; Brennan M (ed.), Curriculum Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World: Transnational Perspectives in Curriculum Inquiry, Palgrave, Chem, Switzland, pp. 71 - 86,
,2019, '“Their Last Resting Place”: Foundations of Graves Work', in Australian War Graves Workers and World War One, Springer Singapore, pp. 1 - 9,
,2019, 'The Australian War Graves Effort (1919–1922)', in Australian War Graves Workers and World War One, Springer Singapore, pp. 11 - 35,
,2019, 'Their Legacy', in Australian War Graves Workers and World War One, Springer Singapore, pp. 129 - 143,
,Edited Books
2024, Decolonising Australian History Education: Fresh Perspectives from Beyond the ‘History Wars’,
,Journal articles
2024, 'Conceptualising culturally nourishing pedagogies for professional learning in Australian schooling', Australian Educational Researcher,
,2024, 'Teachers’ motivation to teach Aboriginal perspectives in the curriculum: links with their Aboriginal students’ academic motivation', Australian Educational Researcher,
,2024, 'The need for First Nations pedagogical narratives: epistemic inertia and complicity in (re)creating settler-colonial education', Journal of Curriculum Studies, 56, pp. 58 - 72,
,2023, '“You get to ‘feel’ your culture”: Aboriginal students speaking back to deficit discourses in Australian schooling', Australian Educational Researcher, 50, pp. 33 - 53,
,2023, 'Doing decolonisation: cultural reconnection as political resistance in schooling', Australian Educational Researcher, 50, pp. 147 - 165,
,2023, 'Identity matters: Aboriginal educational sovereignty and futurity pushing back on the logic of elimination', Australian Educational Researcher, 50, pp. 1 - 10,
,2023, 'Inclusive, colour-blind, and deficit: Understanding teachers' contradictory views of Aboriginal students’ participation in education', Australian Educational Researcher, 50, pp. 89 - 110,
,2023, 'Lessons to learn, discourses to change, relationships to build: How Decolonising Race Theory can articulate the interface between school leadership and Aboriginal students’ schooling experiences', Australian Educational Researcher, 50, pp. 111 - 129,
,2023, 'Sovereign and pseudo-hosts: The politics of hospitality for negotiating culturally nourishing schools', Australian Educational Researcher, 50, pp. 131 - 146,
,2022, '‘You’d be surprised how some people probably feel uncomfortable’: the compliance–resistance continuum of planning integrated Australian History curricula', Teacher Development, 26, pp. 221 - 239,
,2021, 'Imagining the possibilities of a cross-cultural oral narrative portraiture method: Stepping beyond binary discourses', Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 50, pp. 71 - 79,
,2021, 'Evaluating sociocultural influences affecting participation and understanding of academic support services and programs (SSPs): Impacts on notions of attrition, retention, and success in higher education', Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice, 23, pp. 118 - 138,
,2020, 'Promoting quality learning and teaching pedagogy: Evaluating a targeted localised academic induction program (AIP) for the impact on continuing professional development', Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 60, pp. 245 - 267
,2019, 'Uncovering Hidden Histories: Evaluating Preservice Teachers’ (PST) Understanding of Local Indigenous Perspectives in History Via Digital Storytelling at Australia’s Sovereign Hill', Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 13, pp. 165 - 181,
,2019, 'Surveying the landscape five years on: An examination of how teachers, and the teaching of Australia's shared-history, is constructed within Australian academic literature', Teaching and Teacher Education, 78, pp. 117 - 124,
,2017, 'The centrality of Aboriginal cultural workshops and experiential learning in a pre-service teacher education course: a regional Victorian University case study', Higher Education Research and Development, 36, pp. 838 - 851,
,2016, 'What's in a name?: Exploring the implications of Eurocentric (Re)naming practices of aboriginal and torres strait islander nomenclature in Australian education practices', Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 45, pp. 181 - 190,