ORCID as entered in ROS

Select Publications
2023, 'Whose stories, whose voices, whose narratives?: Challenging the western gaze on Afghanistan-exploring ethical knowledge co-production in Afghanistan', in Thinking with the South: Reframing Research Collaboration amid Decolonial Imperatives and Challenges, pp. 177 - 199, http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/9783110780567-009
,2020, 'Enter the Dragon Coming of Age as Blond, White, Female Researcher in Fragile Contexts', in Wadds P; Apoifis N; Schmeidl S; Spurway K (ed.), Navigating Fieldwork in the Social Sciences Stories of Danger, Risk and Reward, Palgrave Macmillan
,2020, 'Collecting Stories', in Wadds P; Apoifis N; Schmeidl S; Spurway K (ed.), Navigating Fieldwork in the Social Sciences: Stories of Danger, Risk and Reward, Palgrave Macmillan, London
,2020, 'Sharing Stories', in Wadds P; Apoifis N; Schmeidl S; Spurway K (ed.), Navigating Fieldwork in the Social Sciences:Stories of Danger, Risk and Reward, Palgrave Macmillan, London
,2018, 'The Afghan Local Police: unpacking a hybrid security arrangement', in Kent L; Forsyth M; Dinnen S; Wallis J; Bose S (ed.), Hybridity in Peacebuilding and Development A Critical and Reflexive Approach, Routledge, London, https://www.crcpress.com/Hybridity-in-Peacebuilding-and-Development-A-critical-and-reflexive-approach/Kent-Forsyth-Dinnen-Wallis-Bose/p/book/9780367086480
,2018, 'Changing Patterns of Internal Displacement: The Art of Figure Skating', in Hugo G; Abbasi-Shavazi MJ; Kraly EP (ed.), Demography of Refugee and Forced Migration, Springer, New York, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67147-5
,2018, 'Changing Patterns of Internal Displacement: The Art of Figure Skating', in Demography of Refugee and Forced Migration, Springer International Publishing, pp. 177 - 199, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67147-5_9
,2017, 'Internal displacement in Afghanistan: the tip of the iceberg', in Maley W; Bose S; Motwani N (ed.), Afghanistan Challenges and Prospects, Routledge, Oxon OX / New York, pp. 169 - 187, https://login.wwwproxy1.library.unsw.edu.au/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=1564825&site=ehost-live&scope=site&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_169
,2016, 'Going, Going … Once again Gone? The Human Capital Outflow from Afghanistan Post 2014 Election', in Hopper E (ed.), TELLING THE STORY”. Sources of Tension in Afghanistan & Pakistan: A Regional Perspective (2011-2016), CIDOB: Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, Barcelona, pp. 105 - 152, http://www.cidob.org/en/publications/publication_series/monographs/monographs/telling_the_story_sources_of_tension_in_afghanistan_pakistan_a_regional_perspective_2011_2016
,2015, 'Introduction [Reconstructing Afghanistan]', in Maley W; Schmeidl S (ed.), Reconstructing Afghanistan: Civil-Military Experiences in Comparative Perspective, Routledge, Oxon, New York, pp. 1 - 10
,2013, 'One Reason you shouldn't go to Afghanistan with a beard', in Bubalo A; Fullilove M (ed.), Reports from a Turbulent Decade ePub, Viking, Penguin Group Australia, Melbourne, Australian, pp. 281 - 283
,2011, 'Engaging traditional justice mechanisms in Afghanistan: State-building opportunity or dangerous liaison?', in Mason W (ed.), The Rule of Law in Afghanistan: Missing in Inaction, Cambridge University Press, pp. 149 - 171, http://www.cambridge.org/us/academic/subjects/law/public-international-law/rule-law-afghanistan-missing-inaction
,2011, 'For a Fistful of Dollars: The Selling out of Reconciliation and Reintegration', in Danspeckgruber W (ed.), Working Toward Peace and Prosperity in Afghanistan, Lynne Rienner Publishers/Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination at Princeton University, New York, https://www.rienner.com/title/Working_Toward_Peace_and_Prosperity_in_Afghanistan
,2010, 'Civil Society and State-building in Afghanistan', in Danspeckgruber WF; Finn RP (ed.), Building State and Security in Afghanistan, Lynne Rienner Pub, https://www.rienner.com/title/Building_State_and_Security_in_Afghanistan
,2010, 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - The Privatized Security Sector in Afghanistan', in Afghanistan's Security Sector Governance Challenges, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forced (DCAF), Geneva, pp. 45 - 77
,2009, 'Pret-a-Proter States: How the McDonalidization of State-Building misses the Mark in Afghanistan', in Fischer M; Schmelzle B (ed.), Building Peace in the Absence of States: Challenging the Discourse on State Failure, Berghof Research Centrefor Construtive Conflict Management, Berlin, pp. 67 - 78, http://www.berghof-foundation.org/fileadmin/redaktion/Publications/Handbook/Dialogue_Chapters/dialogue8_schmeidl_karokhail_comm.pdf
,2009, 'Promoting Civil Society in Afghanistan: Deconstructing Some Myths', in Danspeckgruber WF (ed.), Petersberg Papers on Afghanistan and the Region, Princeton University, Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination, Princeton, NJ, pp. 68 - 75, http://dataspace.princeton.edu/jspui/bitstream/88435/dsp01xd07gs71q/1/afgh2009_lcm4.pdf
,2009, 'The ‘Undoing of Gender Inequalities’ in Traditional Societies – The Example of Post-Conflict Afghanistan', in Eifler C; Seifert R (ed.), Gender Dynamics and Post-conflict Reconstruction, Peter Lang, pp. 71 - 93, http://www.peterlang.com/index.cfm?event=cmp.ccc.seitenstruktur.detailseiten&seitentyp=produkt&pk=51178
,2009, 'The Undoing of Gender Inequalities in Traditional Societies - The Example of Post-Conflict Afghanistan', in Eifler C; Seifert R (ed.), Gender Dynamics and Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Peter Lang Verlag, Vienna, pp. 71 - 93
,2008, 'Early Warning and Early Action in the UN System', in Minority Issues Handbook: Institutions for the Management of Ethnopolitical Conflict in Central and Eastern Europe, Council of Europe Publishing, France, pp. 149 - 185
,2008, 'The Case of the Afghan Refugee Population: Finding Durable Solutions in Contested Transitions', in Adelman H (ed.), Protracted Displacement in Asia: No Place to Call Home, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., pp. 131 - 179, http://www.ashgate.com/isbn/9780754672388
,2006, 'Integration of Traditional Structures into the State-building Process: Lessons from the Tribal Liason Office in Loya Patkia', in Publication Series on Promoting Democracy Under Conditions of State Fragility. Issue 1: Afghanistan, Heinrich Boll Foundation, Berlin, pp. 59 - 79, http://boell.de/downloads/asien/afghanistan_en.pdf
,2004, 'Afghanistan: Aktuelle Situation und Möglichkeiten der Befriedung', in Reiter E (ed.), Jahrbuch fur Internationale Sicherheispolitik, Mitller & Sohn, Hamburg, pp. 503 - 522, http://www.swisspeace.org/uploads/ACSF/Publications/04_Klar_Schetter-Schmeidl_0710%20Jahrbuchbeitrag.pdf
,2004, 'Introduction', in Burnley I; Murphy P (ed.), Sea Change: Movement from Metropolitan to Arcadian Australia, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1 - 19
,2003, 'The Early Warning of Forced Migration: State or Human Security?', in Newman E; Selm JV (ed.), Refugees and Forced Displacement: International Security, Human Vulnerability, and the State, United Nations University Press, Tokyo, pp. 130 - 155, http://unu.edu/publications/books/refugees-and-forced-displacement-international-security-human-vulnerability-and-the-state.html#overview
,2002, 'Conclusion', in Mwaûra C; Schmeidl S (ed.), Early warning and conflict management in the Horn of Africa, Red Sea Press, pp. 214 - 224
,2002, 'Conflict Early Warning and Prevention: Toward a Coherent Terminology', in Mwaûra C; Schmeidl S (ed.), Early warning and conflict management in the Horn of Africa, Red Sea Press, pp. 69 - 99
,2002, 'Introduction', in Mwaûra C; Schmeidl S (ed.), Early warning and conflict management in the Horn of Africa, Red Sea Press, pp. 17 - 31
,2002, 'Practical Capacity-Building as Tool for Mainstreaming Conflict Prevention: Awareness Raising, Training and Analytical Capacities', in Goor LVD; Huber M (ed.), Mainstreaming Conflict Prevention, Nomos Publisher
,2002, 'Principles of the CEWARN Model', in Schmeidl S; Mwaûra C; Adelman H (ed.), Early warning and conflict management in the Horn of Africa, Red Sea Press, pp. 169 - 199
,2002, 'The Reconstruction of Afghanistan', in The Reconstruction of Afghanistan, Palgrave Macmillan, London, U.K., pp. 184 - 193
,2001, 'Conflict and Forced Migration: A Quantitative Review', in Zolberg AR; Benda PM (ed.), Global Migrants, Global Refugees: Problems and Solutions, Berghahn Books, New York, Oxford, pp. 62 - 94, http://www.berghahnbooks.com/title.php?rowtag=ZolbergGlobal
,2001, 'Die Kapazität internationaler Organisationen zur Frühwarnung und Prävention von schweren Menschenrechtsverletzungen und bewaffneten Konlikten', in Hartwig H (ed.), Völkermord: Friedens-wissenschaftliche Annäherung an Unbegreifliches, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, pp. 127 - 159
,2001, 'Gender and Early Warning', in Reysoo F (ed.), Hommes armés, femmes aguerries: Rappport de genre en situations de conflit armé, IUED: Collection Yvonne Preiswerk, pp. 51 - 63
,2000, 'The Quest for Accuracy in the Estimation of Forced Migration', in Lubkemann SC; Minear L; Weiss TG (ed.), Humanitarian Action: Social Science Connections, Watson Institute, Providence, pp. 164 - 182
,2000, 'Forced Migration and Conflict Mediation in Africa', in Ragaini R (ed.), , World Scientific Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd., pp. 200 - 229
,1999, 'Beitrag der Frühwarnung zur Krisenprävention - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen in Theorie und Praxis', in Oestrerreichisches Studenzentrum für Frieden und Konflictlösung, Rüegger, Zürich, pp. 77 - 99
,1998, 'Comparative Trends in Forced Displacement: IDPs and Refugees, 1964-1996', in Hampton J (ed.), Internally Displaced People: A Global Survey, Earthscan, London, pp. 24 - 33, https://books.google.com.au/books?id=emMw68wErC8C&pg=PA202&lpg=PA202&dq=Internally+Displaced+People+earthscan&source=bl&ots=S6BpIjzSW_&sig=vjO9PNgR_YzVtWDRS6C1NpRjt6I&hl=en&sa=X&ei=P2XUVK-tFM-wogSotoLYBg&ved=0CCYQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=Internally%20Displaced%20People%20earthscan&f=false
,1998, 'Early Warning of Forced Migration', in Davies J; Gurr T (ed.), Preventive Measures: Building Risk Assessment and Crisis Early Warning Systems, Rowan & Littlefield, New York, pp. 56 - 69
,1996, 'Causes of Forced Exodus: Five Principal Explanations in the Scholarly Literature and Six Findings from Empirical Research', in Whither Refugee? The Refugee Crisis: Problems and Solutions, PIOOM, Leiden, pp. 15 - 43
,1996, 'Hard Times in Countries of Origin', in , ISPAC