Select Publications


Schmeidl S, 2019, Four Decades of Afghan Displacement, German Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb), Germany,

Schmeidl S, 2019, Vier Jahrzehnte afghanischer Flucht und Vertreibung, German Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb), Germany,

Dansie A; Schmeidl S; Spurway K; Chin M; Leslie G, 2018, Australia-Vietnam Water Utilities Twinning Program Monitoring Report, University of New South Wales Global Water Institute, Sydney,

Schmeidl S; Tyler D, 2015, Listen to Women and Girls Displaced to Urban Afghanistan, Norwegian Refugee Council and The Liaison Office,

Schmeidl S, 2014, Going, Going... Once again Gone? The Human Capital Outflow from Afghanistan Post 2014 Election, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs - CIDOB, Barcelona, Spain,,

Schmeidl S, 2011, Protracted Displacement in Afghanistan: Will History Be Repeated?, Washington DC / Paris,

Schmeidl S; Gaston E; Reid R, 2011, The Cost of Kill/Capture: Impact of the Night Raid Surge on Afghan Civilians, Kabul: Open Society Foundations and The Liaison Office,

Schmeidl S; Mundt A; Miszak N, 2010, Beyond the Blanket: Towards more Effective Protection for Internally Displaced Persons in Southern Afghanista, Washington DC.,

Schmeidl S; Gaston E; Horowitz J, 2010, Strangers at the Door: Night Raids by International Forces Lose Hearts and Minds of Afghans, Kabul,

Schmeidl S, 2010, The man who would be king: The challenges to Strengthening Governance in Uruzgan, Conflict Research Unit Occasion Paper; The Hague: The Netherlands Institute of International Relatio,

Schmeidl S; Koser K, 2009, Displacement, Human Development, and Security in Afghanistan, Washington DC., Displacement in the Muslim World: A Focus on Afghanistan and Iraq,

Schmeidl S, 2009, Displacement, Human Development, and Security in Afghanistan, Washington DC., Displacement in the Muslim World: A Focus on Afghanistan and Iraq,

Schmeidl S, 2009, Who Guards the Guardians? The Protection of Civilians in Afghanistan, The Middle East Institute, Washington, DC,

Schmeidl S, 2007, Case Study Afghanistan – Who Guards the Guardians?, Swisspeace, Private Security Companies and Local Populations. An exploratory study of Afghanistan and Angola,

Schmeidl S, 2007, Collaborating with Religious Actors in Afghanistan, Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation, Berne

Schmeidl S; Piza-Lopez E, 2002, Gender and Conflict Early Warning: A Framework for Action, : International Alert / Swisspeace,

Schmeidl S; Azarbaijani-Moghaddam S; Schetter C, 2002, The Transition from Relief to Development from a Human Security Perspective, UN Commission on Human Security,

Schmeidl S; Krummenacher H, 2001, Practical Challenges in Predicting Violent Conflict: FAST: An Example of a Comprehensive Early-Warning Methodolog, Berne, 34

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