Select Publications

Journal articles

Greco IC; Sherwood SC; Raupach TH; Abramowitz G, 2024, 'A Bayesian framework for the probabilistic interpretation of radar observations and severe hailstorm reports', Weather and Forecasting,

Wasko C; Westra S; Nathan R; Pepler A; Raupach TH; Dowdy A; Johnson F; Ho M; McInnes KL; Jakob D; Evans J; Villarini G; Fowler HJ, 2024, 'A systematic review of climate change science relevant to Australian design flood estimation', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28, pp. 1251 - 1285,

Raupach TH; Soderholm JS; Aldridge J, 2024, 'Fostering Science–Industry Connections in Australia’s Severe Storm Science Community', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 105, pp. E559 - E566,

Lane TP; King AD; Perkins-Kirkpatrick SE; Pitman AJ; Alexander LV; Arblaster JM; Bindoff NL; Bishop CH; Black MT; Bradstock RA; Clarke HG; Gallant AJE; Grose MR; Holbrook NJ; Holland GJ; Hope PK; Karoly DJ; Raupach TH; Ukkola AM, 2023, 'Attribution of extreme events to climate change in the Australian region – A review', Weather and Climate Extremes, 42, pp. 100622,

Raupach TH; Soderholm JS; Warren RA; Sherwood SC, 2023, 'Changes in hail hazard across Australia: 1979–2021', npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6, pp. 143,

Raupach TH; Soderholm J; Protat A; Sherwood SC, 2023, 'An Improved Instability–Shear Hail Proxy for Australia', Monthly Weather Review, 151, pp. 545 - 567,

Raupach TH; Martynov A; Nisi L; Hering A; Barton Y; Martius O, 2021, 'Object-based analysis of simulated thunderstorms in Switzerland: Application and validation of automated thunderstorm tracking with simulation data', Geoscientific Model Development, 14, pp. 6495 - 6514,

Raupach TH; Martius O; Allen JT; Kunz M; Lasher-Trapp S; Mohr S; Rasmussen KL; Trapp RJ; Zhang Q, 2021, 'The effects of climate change on hailstorms', Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, 2, pp. 213 - 226,

Barton Y; Sideris IV; Raupach TH; Gabella M; Germann U; Martius O, 2020, 'A multi-year assessment of sub-hourly gridded precipitation for Switzerland based on a blended radar—Rain-gauge dataset', International Journal of Climatology, 40, pp. 5208 - 5222,

Bringi V; Vijay Mishra K; Thurai M; Kennedy PC; Raupach TH, 2020, 'Retrieval of lower-order moments of the drop size distribution using CSU-CHILL X-band polarimetric radar: A case study', Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13, pp. 4727 - 4750,

Martynov A; Raupach T; Martius O, 2020, 'Simulated hailstorms over Switzerland in May 2018 in current and future climate conditions', ,

Raupach TH; Thurai M; Bringi VN; Berne A, 2019, 'Reconstructing the drizzle mode of the raindrop size distribution using double-moment normalization', Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 58, pp. 145 - 164,

de Vos LW; Raupach TH; Leijnse H; Overeem A; Berne A; Uijlenhoet R, 2018, 'High-Resolution Simulation Study Exploring the Potential of Radars, Crowdsourced Personal Weather Stations, and Commercial Microwave Links to Monitor Small-Scale Urban Rainfall', Water Resources Research, 54, pp. 10 - 312,

Rios Gaona MF; Overeem A; Raupach TH; Leijnse H; Uijlenhoet R, 2018, 'Rainfall retrieval with commercial microwave links in São Paulo, Brazil', Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11, pp. 4465 - 4476,

Tapiador FJ; Berne A; Raupach T; Navarro A; Lee G; Haddad ZS, 2018, 'Objective characterization of rain microphysics: Validating a scheme suitable for weather and climate models', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 19, pp. 929 - 946,

Raupach TH; Gires A; Tchiguirinskaia I; Schertzer D; Berne A, 2017, 'Multifractal analysis of snowfall recorded using a 2D video disdrometer', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18, pp. 2453 - 2468,

Raupach TH; Berne A, 2017, 'Retrieval of the raindrop size distribution from polarimetric radar data using double-moment normalisation', Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10, pp. 2573 - 2594,

Raupach TH; Berne A, 2017, 'Invariance of the double-moment normalized raindrop size distribution through 3D spatial displacement in stratiform rain', Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 56, pp. 1663 - 1680,

Nord G; Boudevillain B; Berne A; Branger F; Braud I; Dramais G; Gérard S; Le Coz J; Legoût C; Molinié G; Van Baelen J; Vandervaere JP; Andrieu J; Aubert C; Calianno M; Delrieu G; Grazioli J; Hachani S; Horner I; Huza J; Le Boursicaud R; Raupach TH; Teuling AJ; Uber M; Vincendon B; Wijbrans A, 2017, 'A high space-time resolution dataset linking meteorological forcing and hydro-sedimentary response in a mesoscale Mediterranean catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche region, France', Earth System Science Data, 9, pp. 221 - 249,

Raupach TH; Berne A, 2016, 'Spatial interpolation of experimental raindrop size distribution spectra', Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 142, pp. 125 - 137,

Raupach TH; Berne A, 2016, 'Small-scale variability of the raindrop size distribution and its effect on areal rainfall retrieval', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 17, pp. 2077 - 2104,

Raupach TH; Berne A, 2015, 'Correction of raindrop size distributions measured by Parsivel disdrometers, using a two-dimensional video disdrometer as a reference', Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 8, pp. 343 - 365,

Grazioli J; Tuia D; Monhart S; Schneebeli M; Raupach T; Berne A, 2014, 'Hydrometeor classification from two-dimensional video disdrometer data', Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7, pp. 2869 - 2882,

Huza J; Teuling AJ; Braud I; Grazioli J; Melsen LA; Nord G; Raupach TH; Uijlenhoet R, 2014, 'Precipitation, soil moisture and runoff variability in a small river catchment (Arde`che, France) during HyMeX Special Observation Period 1', Journal of Hydrology, 516, pp. 330 - 342,

Chappell A; Renzullo LH; Raupach TJ; Haylock M, 2013, 'Evaluating geostatistical methods of blending satellite and gauge data to estimate near real-time daily rainfall for Australia', Journal of Hydrology, 493, pp. 105 - 114,

Brawata RL; Raupach TH; Neeman T, 2013, 'Techniques for monitoring carnivore behavior using automatic thermal video', Wildlife Society Bulletin, 37, pp. 862 - 871,

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