Select Publications
Journal articles
2025, 'Perinatal and infant outcomes after assisted reproductive technology treatment for endometriosis alone compared with other causes of infertility: a data linkage cohort study', Fertility and Sterility,
,2024, 'Distinct trajectories of lung function from childhood to mid-adulthood.', Thorax, 79, pp. 754 - 761,
,2024, 'Predictors of lung function in early adulthood: A population-based cohort study.', Respirology, 29, pp. 897 - 904,
,2023, 'Risk for Congenital Anomalies in Children Conceived With Medically Assisted Fertility Treatment', Annals of Internal Medicine, 176, pp. 1308 - 1320,
,2022, 'Differential Effects of Cannabis and Tobacco on Lung Function in Mid-Adult Life.', Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 205, pp. 1179 - 1185,
,2021, 'Does COPD start in the nursery?', Respirology, 26, pp. 1096 - 1097,
,2019, 'Association between post-discharge secondary care and risk of repeated hospital presentation, entry into long-term care and mortality in older people after acute hospitalization.', Geriatr Gerontol Int, 19, pp. 1048 - 1053,
,2018, 'Early life origins of the Asthma-COPD Overlap Syndrome?', Respirology, 23, pp. 731 - 732,
,2018, 'Reducing emergency presentations from long-term care: A before-and-after study of a multidisciplinary team intervention.', Maturitas, 117, pp. 45 - 50,
,2017, 'Likelihood of death among hospital inpatients in New Zealand: prevalent cohort study.', BMJ Open, 7, pp. e016880,
,2016, 'Hospitalisation of older people before and after long-term care entry in Auckland, New Zealand.', Age Ageing, 45, pp. 558 - 563,
,2016, 'Medication use and potentially inappropriate medications in those with limited prognosis living in residential aged care.', Australas J Ageing, 35, pp. E18 - E24,
,2016, 'The 'Big Five'. Hypothesis generation: a multidisciplinary intervention package reduces disease-specific hospitalisations from long-term care: a post hoc analysis of the ARCHUS cluster-randomised controlled trial.', Age Ageing, 45, pp. 415 - 420,