Dr Wasinger's research focuses on the advancement of analytical techniques fostering accurate and sensitive measurement of peptides and proteins within the context of mass spectrometry based analysis of the proteome and metabolome. She has a background in microbiology and is keenly interested in improving detection of low mass, endogenous proteins and peptides and translating this into tangible methods to deepen understanding of biological...view more
Dr Wasinger's research focuses on the advancement of analytical techniques fostering accurate and sensitive measurement of peptides and proteins within the context of mass spectrometry based analysis of the proteome and metabolome. She has a background in microbiology and is keenly interested in improving detection of low mass, endogenous proteins and peptides and translating this into tangible methods to deepen understanding of biological processes. Her research focuses on a variety of medical diseases with over 10 years' experience in developing biotech and proteomic solutions for IBD and cancer, as well as methodologies for forensic and paleoproteomic and bioarchaeological research.
Dr Wasinger is recognised in the field of proteomics, most notably, as the first author on the foundation paper describing the term ‘proteomics’. This work was a collaboration between Sydney, NSW and Macquarie Universities. It was this paper that was the very first to define proteomics and apply this field of research to a model organism- Mycoplasma genitalium (Wasinger et. al. 1995). As described in the publication; the field uses a combination of techniques, and Wasinger’s research has always centred on expanding the boundaries through complementary methods to characterise the proteome. This work has been built on with continued research in: the first ‘complete’ proteome available for life at its most basic: M.genitalium (Wasinger et.al 2000); the international effort and first publication of the human plasma proteome (Omenn et al., 2005, Wasinger et al., 2005).
Her recent work has led to two patents in the IBD sphere. She has expertise in the translation of discovery research into clinically useful products; experience in the application of life science ‘-omics’ technologies; partnerships, collaborations, project management, licensing and commercialisation. Collaborating groups range from national and international universities as well as medical institutes. Dr Wasinger has supervised numerous PhD candidates, Honours and Masters, as well as ILP medical students.
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