Select Publications

Journal articles

Zhou C; Lang Z; Huang S; Dong Q; Wang Y; Zheng W, 2024, 'A comprehensive review of experimental studies on shear behavior of bolted rock joints with varying rock joint and bolt parameters and normal stress', Deep Underground Science and Engineering,

Wang Y; Russell A, 2023, 'Cavity expansions in two silty tailings with high degrees of saturation and a comparison to CPT results', Computers and Geotechnics, 164, pp. 105682,

Russell A; Wang Y; Khalili N, 2023, 'Cavity expansions in partially drained soils and a comparison to CPT results', Computers and Geotechnics, 158, pp. 1 - 17,

Wang Y; Vo T; Russell A, 2023, 'Modelling unsaturated silty tailings and the conditions required for static liquefaction', Géotechnique, Ahead of Print, pp. 1 - 13,

Russell AR; Vo T; Ayala J; Wang Y; Reid D; Fourie AB, 2022, 'Cone penetration tests in saturated and unsaturated silty tailings', Geotechnique, 74, pp. 281 - 295,

Vo T; Wang Y; Russell AR, 2022, 'The fall cone test in unsaturated soil and tailings pastes', Geotechnique, 72, pp. 274 - 281,

Conference Papers

Wang Y; Vo T; Russell A, 2023, 'Constitutive modelling of instabilities and strengths of an unsaturated tailings', in E3S Web of Conferences,

Russell A; Vo T; Ayala J; Wang Y; Reid D; Fourie A, 2022, 'The Influence of Partial Saturation on Cone Penetration Tests in a Silty Copper Tailings', in Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Tailings Management, Gecamin, Online, presented at 8th international conference on Tailings Management, Online, 06 July 2022 - 08 July 2022,

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