Select Publications

Journal articles

Zhang K; Zheng Z; Mutzner L; Shi B; McCarthy D; Le-Clech P; Khan S; Fletcher TD; Hancock M; Deletic A, 2024, 'Review of trace organic chemicals in urban stormwater: Concentrations, distributions, risks, and drivers', Water Research, 258,

Zheng Z; Zhang K; Toe CY; Amal R; Deletic A, 2023, 'Photo-electrochemical oxidation flow system for stormwater herbicides removal: Operational conditions and energy consumption analysis', Science of the Total Environment, 898,

Zheng Z; Deletic A; Toe CY; Amal R; Zhang X; Pickford R; Zhou S; Zhang K, 2022, 'Photo-electrochemical oxidation herbicides removal in stormwater: Degradation mechanism and pathway investigation', Journal of Hazardous Materials, 436,

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