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Select Publications
2021, 'The impact of the medium in which feedback is presented on young drivers’ speed management behaviour', in Proceedings of the 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Australasian College of Road Safety, Melbourne, pp. 34 - 34, presented at Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, 28 September 2021 - 30 September 2021, https://az659834.vo.msecnd.net/eventsairaueprod/production-pecbookings-public/e51d764662164964a96025aa991a9538
,2018, 'THE PATTERNS OF OFFENCES AND DEMERIT POINT ACCUMULATION IN NEW ZEALAND 2005-2004', in INJURY PREVENTION, BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP, Vol. 24, pp. A6 - A6, http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/injuryprevention-2018-safety.16
,2018, 'Australian Naturalistic Driving Study (ANDS): using 20,000 trips to get a glimpse at locations and speeds where data was collected', in Proceedings of the 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, Australia, presented at 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, Australia, 03 October 2018 - 05 October 2018, http://papers.acrs.org.au/index.cfm?action=main.paper&id=1287
,2018, 'Self-reported response to a licensing point system', in Proceedings of the 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, Australia, presented at 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, Australia, 03 October 2018 - 05 October 2018, http://papers.acrs.org.au/index.cfm?action=main.paper&id=1272
,2018, 'What are Australian drivers doing behind the wheel? An overview of secondary task data from the Australian Naturalistic Driving Study', in Proceedings of the 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, Australia, presented at 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, Australia, 03 October 2018 - 05 October 2018, http://papers.acrs.org.au/index.cfm?action=main.paper&id=1227
,(eds.), 2018, 'Assessing the combined effects of task factors and sleep need on driving', in Proceedings of the 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Australasian College of Road Safety, Sydney, Australia, presented at 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, Australia, 03 October 2018 - 05 October 2018, http://papers.acrs.org.au/index.cfm?action=main.paper&id=1303
,2017, 'Response-inhibition Training: A New Horizon for Young Driver Training?', Perth, Australia, presented at 2017 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Perth, Australia, 10 October 2017 - 12 October 2017
,2017, 'Australian Naturalistic Driving Study (ANDS): Providing new information on the circumstances and effects of distraction while driving', in Proceedings of the 6th International Naturalistic Driving Research Symposium (NDRS2017), The Hague, Netherlands, presented at 6th International Naturalistic Driving Research Symposium (NDRS2017), The Hague, Netherlands, 08 June 2017 - 09 June 2017
,2016, 'The bumpy road towards automated vehicles: Can we smooth the path?', in Proceedings of the 2016 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Canberra, presented at Australasian Road Safety Conference, Canberra, 06 September 2016 - 08 September 2016, http://papers.acrs.org.au/index.cfm?action=main.paper&id=1022
,2016, 'Inconsistencies between research evidence and current approaches to fatigue management: What can we do about them?', in Proceedings of the International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Brisbane, Australia, presented at International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP2016), Brisbane, Australia, 02 August 2016 - 05 August 2016, https://icttp2016.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/ICTTP-2016-Abstracts_Web.pdf
,2016, 'The positive influence of feedback on young drivers’ speed management', in Proceedings of the International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Brisbane, Australia, presented at International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP2016), Brisbane, Australia, 02 August 2016 - 05 August 2016
,2016, 'Why Mandatory Psychological Testing of All Young Novice Drivers is Unlikely to Reduce Crashes', in Proceedings of The International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Brisbane, Australia, presented at International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP2016), Brisbane, Australia, 02 August 2016 - 05 August 2016, https://icttp2016.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/ICTTP-2016-Abstracts_Web.pdf
,2015, 'The effect of training approaches and feedback for young and novice drivers on the relationship between the actual and perceived speed', in Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Melbourne, presented at 19th Triennial Congress IEA, Melbourne, 09 August 2015 - 14 August 2015, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281181436_The_effect_of_training_approaches_and_feedback_for_young_and_novice_drivers_on_the_relationship_between_the_actual_and_perceived_speed