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Select Publications
2019, Developing technology-neutral road rules for driver distraction: Submission to the National Transport Commission Consultation Regulation Impact Statement, TARS Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, https://www.ntc.gov.au/submissions/history/?rid=173745&pid=11979
,2019, Effective fatigue management: Submission to the National Transport Commission Heavy Vehicle National Law Review, TARS Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, https://www.ntc.gov.au/submissions/history/?rid=172766&pid=13641
,2019, Risk-based approach to regulating heavy vehicles: Submission to the National Transport Commission Heavy Vehicle National Law Review, https://www.ntc.gov.au/Media/Reports/(E2A25E1A-83DF-6B1D-C578-A24B671962D9).pdf
,2018, Road safety data in NSW – How can we better inform safety policy and practice? Submission to NSW Staysafe Committee: Review of road safety issues for future inquiry, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW Sydney, 21, https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/ladocs/submissions/62342/TARS%20UNSW_NSW%20Staysafe%20inquiry%20proposal_Sept%202018.pdf
,2018, Serious injury data in NSW – How can we improve the current data collection and analysis? Submission to NSW Staysafe Committee: Review of road safety issues for future inquiry, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, 20, https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/ladocs/submissions/62341/NSW%20Staysafe%20inquiry%20proposal_Sept%202018.pdf
,2018, Submission to Inquiry into Heavy Vehicle Safety and Use of Technology to Improve Road Safety, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/ladocs/submissions/60089/Submission%2034.PDF
,2018, Queuing and waiting arrangements for long distance truck drivers (2015/005355): Phase 1 Driver experiences and Phase 2 Company practices
,2017, Evaluation of the NSW in-ground pedestrian light (IPL) trial, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Final Report
,2017, Notice of Proposed Rule Making: Private use of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicles: Proposed work and rest hours exemption, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, https://www.nhvr.gov.au/safety-accreditation-compliance/fatigue-management/personal-use-of-a-fatigue-regulated-heavy-vehicle
,2017, Fatigue risk management for rail employees: summary of the evidence, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney
,2017, Quad Bike and OPD Workplace Safety Survey Report: Results and Conclusions, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, http://www.quadbike.unsw.edu.au/sites/default/files/uploads/Quad_Workplace_Safety_Survey_Report.pdf
,2017, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System, Draft Final Report
,2017, Survey of Pilot Fatigue for Australian Commercial Pilots, Final Report
,2016, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System. Part 4: Survey of NZ License-holders: Methods and Results Summary, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, The University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney
,2016, Development of motorcycle learner stage ‘Check Rides’ program: principles for Check Rides., Contract No. 9053: Stage 2 deliverable. Report.
,2016, Development of education and assessment components of Victoria’s new motorcyclist graduated licensing system: Summary report, Final deliverables Contract No. 8651, 8972, 9053
,2016, Development of Victoria’s new motorcycle licence tests and motorcycle learner stage Check Rides program, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Contract No. 8972: Stage 4, 5, 6 and Contract No. 8972: Stage 5, 6, 7 deliverables
,2016, Evaluation Plan: Evaluation of the NSW in-ground pedestrian warning light trial
,2016, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System Part 1: Literature review, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney
,2016, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System. Part 2: Data interrogation, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, The University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney
,2016, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System. Part 3: Focus Groups, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, The University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney
,2016, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System. Part 5: High-Level Recommendations, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, he University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney
,2015, Road Crash Injuries: Cost and Prevention, Austroads Ltd., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia, AP-R491-15, https://www.onlinepublications.austroads.com.au/items/AP-R491-15
,2015, Development of motorcycle learner stage ‘Check Rides’ program: development of a specific Check Ride program, Contract No. 9053: Stage 3 Deliverable Report
,2015, Development of Victoria’s new motorcycle learner permit and licence tests: trialling, refinement, documentation and induction program – learner permit tests., Contract No. 8972: Stage 5+6 Deliverables Report
,2015, Pre-learner motorcyclist curriculum development: pilot and evaluate draft instructor materials., Contract No. 8651: Stage 7 deliverable.
,2015, Pre-learner motorcyclist curriculum development: pilot and evaluate draft trainer materials and draft pre-learner curriculum., Contract No. 8651: Stage 5 and 6 Deliverables.
,2015, Smart Rest Area Trial Evaluation, Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW Australia
,2015, Development of motorcycle learner stage ‘Check Rides’ program: principles for Check Rides., Contract No. 9053: Stage 2 deliverable. Interim report.
,2015, Development of Victoria’s new motorcycle learner permit and licence tests: draft test development and trial design – learner permit tests., Contract No. 8972: Stage 3+4 Deliverables Report
,2015, Development of Victoria’s new motorcycle learner permit and licence tests: review and select target competencies and testing methodologies., Contract No. 8972: Stage 2 Deliverable Report
,2015, Pre-learner motorcyclist curriculum development: develop draft curriculum including instructor, trainer and pre-learner materials., Contract No. 8651: Stage 4 Deliverable.
,2014, Pre-learner motorcyclist curriculum development: detailed curriculum framework and approach, Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW, Sydney NSW, Contract No. 8651: Stage 3 Deliverable
,2014, Pre-learner motorcyclist curriculum development: broad framework and learning goals, Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW, Sydney NSW, Contract No. 8651: Stage 2 Deliverable
,2014, Evaluation of the ACT Road Safety Camera Program, Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW
,2014, Submission to Inquiry into Speed Zoning and its impact on the Demerit Points Scheme, Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW, Submission No. 26, https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/committees/inquiries/Pages/inquiry-submission-details.aspx?pk=%2039491
,2014, An evaluation framework for a pilot of the Risk Classification System with an outer limit of 15.5 hours
,2014, P Drivers Project Process Evaluation, Monash University
,2013, Road user interactions, sharing the road and crashes: implications for communications campaigns., Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW
,2013, Jurisdictional review of key initiatives and actions to address pedestrian safety., Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW
,2013, Literature Review of Heavy Vehicle Driver Seatbelt Use., Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW
,2013, The feasibility of psychological testing for young drivers., Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW
,2013, Analysis of the road crash characteristics of specific road user groups and injury modes., Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW
,2013, In-depth characteristics of injurious road trauma in NSW, 2001-2011., Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW
,2013, Linkage rates and identification of factors associated with the probability of record linkage with MAA and LTCSA., Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW
,2013, Trends in serious road trauma in NSW, 2001-2009, Transport and Road Safety Research, University of NSW
,2012, Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Road safety (StaySAFE) Inquiry into Driver and Road user Distraction