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Select Publications

Book Chapters

Brown D, 2023, 'Community Sanctions in Australia: Engaging State-level Variations and Developing Indigenous Governance', in Punishment, Probation and Parole Mapping out ‘Mass Supervision’ in International Contexts, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds England UK, pp. 185 - 204, http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/978-1-83753-194-320231010

Brown D, 2021, 'The NSW Prisoners Action Group submission to the Nagle Royal Commission', in The Routledge International Handbook of Penal Abolition, pp. 280 - 290, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780429425035

Brown D, 2020, 'Reflections of risk in Community Corrections', in Pratt J; Anderson J (ed.), Criminal Justice, Risk and the Revolt against Uncertainty, Springer Nature, Cham Switzerland, pp. 43 - 67, https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-37948-3

Brown D, 2019, 'Justice Reinvestment', in McLaughlin E; Muncie J (ed.), The Sage Dictionary of Criminology, Sage Publications, London, pp. 288 - 291, https://au.sagepub.com/en-gb/oce/the-sage-dictionary-of-criminology/book257266

Brown D, 2019, 'Pathways to Justice, Indigenous Democracy and the Uluru Statement from the Heart', in Carlen P; Franca LA (ed.), Justice Alternatives, Routledge, London, pp. 251 - 269, https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9780429468179

Brown DB, 2018, 'Mass Incarceration', in Carlen P; Leandro Ayres F (ed.), Alternative Criminologies, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, London and New York, pp. 364 - 385, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315158662

Brown D, 2018, 'Mass Incarceration', in Carlen P; Franca LA (ed.), Alternative Criminologies, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxford, pp. 364 - 385, https://www.routledge.com/Alternative-Criminologies/Carlen-Franca/p/book/9781138067431

Hogg R; Brown DB, 2018, 'Rethinking Penal Modernism from the Global South: The Case of Convict Transportation to Australia', in Carrington K; Hogg R; Scott J; Sozzo M (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Criminology and The Global South, Palgrave Macmillan, Switzerland, pp. 751 - 774, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65021-0_36

Brown D, 2017, 'Left realist criminology', in Deckert A; Sarre R (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Australian and New Zealand Criminology, Crime and Justice, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 571 - 586, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55747-2_38

Brown D; Cunneen C; Schwartz M; Stubbs J; Young C, 2016, 'Justice Reinvestment as Social Justice', in The Routledge International Handbook of Criminology and Human Rights, Routledge, pp. 309 - 318

Brown DB, 2016, 'Penal Violence', in Australian Violence: Crime, Criminal Justice and Beyond, The Federation Press, Leichhardt NSW, pp. 87 - 105

Brown DB, 2015, 'Constituting Physical and Fault Elements: A NSW Case Study', in Crofts T; Loughnan A (ed.), Criminalisation and Criminal Responsibility in Australia, Oxford University Press, USA, Australia, pp. 13 - 32

Brown DB; Carlton B, 2013, 'From "Secondary Punishment" to "Supermax": The Human Costs of High-Security Regimes in Australia', in Ross JI (ed.), The Globalization of Supermax Prisons, Rutgers University Press, pp. 95 - 110

Cunneen C; Baldry E; Brown D; Schwartz M; Steel A; Brown M, 2013, 'Manifestations of Contemporary Penal Culture', in PENAL CULTURE AND HYPERINCARCERATION: THE REVIVAL OF THE PRISON, ASHGATE PUBLISHING LTD, pp. 185 - 195

Cunneen C; Baldry E; Brown D; Schwartz M; Steel A; Brown M, 2013, 'Penal Culture: The Meaning of Imprisonment', in PENAL CULTURE AND HYPERINCARCERATION: THE REVIVAL OF THE PRISON, ASHGATE PUBLISHING LTD, pp. 1 - +

Cunneen C; Baldry E; Brown D; Schwartz M; Steel A; Brown M, 2013, 'Penal Culture: Transmission, Normalisation and Reproduction', in PENAL CULTURE AND HYPERINCARCERATION: THE REVIVAL OF THE PRISON, ASHGATE PUBLISHING LTD, pp. 139 - 165

Brown D, 2013, 'Prison Rates, Social Democracy, Neoliberalism and Justice Reinvestment', in Critical Criminological Perspectives, pp. 70 - 85, http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9781137008695_5

Brown DB, 2013, 'Prison Rates, Social Democracy and Justice Reinvestment', in Carrington K; Ball M; Brien EO; Tauri JM (ed.), Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, edn. Critical Criminological Perspectives, Macmillan, London, pp. 102 - 129, http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=571640

Brown DB, 2011, 'The Limited Benefit of Prison in Controlling Crime: On the Threshold of a Political Shift', in Maxwell G (ed.), The Costs of Crime - Towards Fiscal Responsibility, edn. Original, Institute of Policy Studies, Wellington, pp. 49 - 66, http://ips.ac.nz/publications/publications/show/323

Mercurio BC; Brown DB; Redman R, 2009, 'The Politics and Legality of Prisoner Disenfranchisement in Australian Federal Elections', in Ewald A; Rottingaus B (ed.), Criminal disenfranchisement in an international perspective, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 167 - 204

Brown DB, 2008, 'Giving Voice: The Prisoner and Discursive Citizenship', in Anthony T; Cunneen C (ed.), The Critical Criminology Companion, edn. 1, Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 228 - 239

Brown DB; Radha Kalyani R, 2008, 'Popular Punitiveness, the Rise of the Public Voice and other challenges to judicial legitimacy', in Radha Kalyani G (ed.), Contempt Court vs Free Expression, Amicus Books The Icfai Press, Hyderabad, pp. 1 - 30


Gray JS; Brown DB, 2007, ''Devils and Dust': Extending the 'Uncivil Politics of Law and Order' to the 'War on Terror'', in Hocking J; Lewis C (ed.), Counter Terrorism and the Post-Democratic State, Edward Elgar, London, pp. 153 - 171

Brown DB, 2007, 'Foreword', in Recapturing Freedom: Issues Relating to the Release of Long-term Prisoners into the Community, Hawkins Press, Sydney, pp. v - vi

Brown DB, 2007, 'Recurring themes in contemporary criminal justice developments and debates', in Criminal Justice in New Zealand, edn. 1, LexisNexis New Zealand, Wellingtn, NZ, pp. 7 - 38

Brown DB, 2005, 'Challenges to Criminal Justice Reform', in Opeskin R; Weisbrot D (ed.), The Promise of Law Reform, edn. 1st, Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 343 - 357

Brown DB, 2005, 'Commissions of Inquiry and Penal Reform', in O'Toole S; Eyland S (ed.), Corrections Criminology, edn. 1, Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 42 - 52

Brown DB, 2005, 'Continuity, rupture, or just more of the `volatile and contradictory`?: glimpses of New South Wales` penal practice behind and through the discursive', in Pratt J; Brown D; Brown M; Hallsworth S; Morrison W (ed.), The New Punitiveness, Willan Publishing, Devon UK, pp. 27 - 46

Brown DB, 2005, 'Introduction', in Pratt J; Brown D; Brown M; Hallsworth S; Morrison W (ed.), The New Punitiveness, Willan Publishing, Devon UK, pp. xi - xxvi

Brown DB; Pratt J; Brown M; Hallsworth S; Morrison W, 2005, 'Introduction', in Pratt J; Brown D; Brown M; Hallsworth S; Morrison W (ed.), The New Punitiveness, Willan Publishing, Devon UK, pp. xi - xxvi

Brown DB, 2004, 'Royal commissions and criminal justice: behind the ideal', in Gilligan G; Pratt J (ed.), Crime, Truth and Justice, William Publishing, Devon, UK, pp. 26 - 45

Brown DB, 2002, '`Losing my religion`: reflections on critical criminology in Australia', in Carrington K; Hogg R (ed.), Critical Criminology: Issues, debates, challenges, edn. 1, Willan Publishing, Devon, UK, pp. 73 - 113

Brown DB; Wilkie M, 2002, 'Introduction: Prisoners as Citizens', in Brown D; Wilkie M (ed.), Prisoners as Citizens: Human Rights in Australian Prisons, edn. 1, Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 19 - 28

Brown DB, 2002, 'Prisoners as Citizens', in Brown D; Wilkie M (ed.), Prisoners as Citizens: Human Rights in Australian Prisons, edn. 1, Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 308 - 325

Brown DB, 2001, 'Governmentality and Law and Order', in Wickham G; Pavlich G (ed.), Rethinking Law, Society adn Governance: Foucauslt`s Bequest, edn. Original, Hart Publishing, Oxford - Portland Oregon, pp. 109 - 121

Brown DB, 2001, 'Jury trial', in Blackshield T; Coper M; Williams G (ed.), The Oxford Companion to the High Court of Australia, edn. Original, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 388 - 391

Brown DB, 1998, 'Penality & Imprisonment in Australia', in Comparing Prison Systems: Toward a Comparative & International Penology, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Amsterdam, pp. 367 - 400

Brown DB; Bronditt S; Buddin T, 1997, 'Lionel Murphy and the Criminal Law', in Justice Lionel Murphy: Influential or merely prescient?, edn. Original, Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 71 - 113

Brown DB; Hogg R, 1992, 'Law and order politics - left realism and radical criminology: a view from down under', in Matthews R; Young J (ed.), Issues in Realist Criminology, Sage, London, pp. 136 - 176

Brown DB; Duffy B, 1991, 'Privatising Police Verbal: The Growth Industry in Prison Informants', in Carrington K; Dever M; Hogg R; Bargen J; Lohrey A (ed.), Travesty! Miscarriages of Justice, The Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 147 - 183

Brown DB, 1990, 'Are we seeing too many people sent to gaol?', in Gollan A (ed.), Questions for the Nineties, pp. 81 - 94

Brown DB; Hogg R, 1990, 'Criminal Justice Policy in Australia', in Taylor I (ed.), The Social Effects of Free Market Policies, pp. 197 - 229

Brown DB; Neal D, 1988, 'The Jury and the Media', in Duff P; Findlay M (ed.), The Jury Under Attack, Butterworths, Sydney, pp. 126 - 139

Brown DB; Kramer H; Quinn M, 1988, 'Women in Prison: Task Force Reform', in Findlay M; Hogg R (ed.), Understanding Crime and Criminal Justice, Law Book Company, Sydney, pp. 273 - 308

Brown DB, 1987, 'Some Preconditions for Sentencing and Penal Reform', in Wickham G (ed.), Social Theory and Legal Politics, Local Consumption Publications, Sydney, pp. 94 - 119

Brown DB, 1987, 'The Politics of Reform', in Zdenkowski G; Ronalds C (ed.), The Criminal Injustice System, Pluto Press, Sydney, pp. 254 - 281

Brown DB, 1986, 'Prison Discipline, Legal Representation and the NSW VJ Courts', in Tomasic R; Lucas R (ed.), Power, Regulation, Resistance, Canberra College of Advanced Education, Canberra, pp. 137 - 150

Brown DB; Hogg R, 1985, 'Reforming Juvenile Justice: Issues and Prospects', in Borowski A; Murray JM (ed.), Juvenile Justice In Australia, Methuen, Sydney, pp. 393 - 412

Brown DB, 1977, 'Criminal Justice reform: A Critique', in Chappell D; Wilson P (ed.), The Australian Criminal Justice System, Butterworths, Sydney, pp. 471 - 491

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