Select Publications


watson C; paxinos G; kayalioglou G, 2008, The Spinal Cord, A Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Text and Atlas, Watson C; Paxinos G; Kayalioglu G, (eds.), Elsevier - Academic press, San Diego

Book Chapters

Jänig W; McLachlan EM, 2013, 'Neurobiology of the autonomic nervous system', in Mathias CJ; Bannister SR (ed.), Autonomic Failure, OUP Oxford, pp. 21 - 34

McLachlan EM, 2013, 'Structural basis for interactions between sympathetic and sensory neurones after nerve lesions', in Schmidt RF; Gebhart GF (ed.), Encyclopedia of Pain, Springer

Jänig W; McLachlan EM, 2013, 'Neurobiology of the autonomic nervous system', in Autonomic Failure, Oxford University Press, pp. 20 - 34,

McLachlan EM, 2013, 'Sympathetic and Sensory Neurons After Nerve Lesions, Structural Basis for Interactions', in Encyclopedia of Pain, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 3753 - 3758,

McLachlan EM, 2009, 'Autonomic ganglia', in Binder M; Kirokawa N; Windhorst U (ed.), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 261 - 266

Anderson CR; Keast JR; McLachlan EM, 2009, 'Chapter 8 Spinal Autonomic Preganglionic Neurons: the visceral efferent system of the spinal cord', in The Spinal Cord, Elsevier, pp. 115 - 129,

Anderson CR; Keast J; McLachlan EM, 2009, 'Spinal autonomic preganglionic neurons: the visceral efferent system of the spinal cord', in Watson C; Paxinos G; Kayalioglu G (ed.), The Spinal Cord, Elsevier - Academic press, San Diego, pp. 115 - 129

McLachlan EM, 2009, 'Sprouting in dorsal root ganglia', in Basbaum A; Bushnell C (ed.), Science of Pain, Elsevier, San Diego, pp. 237 - 244

, 2008, '3 Splice', in Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1 - 1,

McLachlan EM, 2008, '5.19 Sprouting in Dorsal Root Ganglia', in The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, Elsevier, pp. 237 - 244,

McLachlan EM; Hu P, 2008, 'Inflammation of dorsal root ganglia: Satellite cell activation and immune cell recruitment after nerve injury', in Leo JAD; Sorkin LS; Watkins LR (ed.), Immune and Glial Regulation of Pain, ISAP Press, Seattle, USA, pp. 167 - 185

McLachlan EM; Brock JA, 2006, 'Adaptations of peripheral vasoconstrictor pathways after spinal cord injury', in Weaver LC; Polosa C (ed.), Progress in Brain Research: Autonomic DYsfunction After Spinal Cord Injury, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 289 - 297

McLachlan EM, 2006, 'Structural basis for interaction between sympathetic and sensory neurones after nerve lesions', in Encyclopedia of Pain, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg

J Nig W; McLachlan EM, 1999, 'Neurobiology of the autonomic nervous system', in Autonomic Failure, 4th Edn., Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 3 - 15

Mclachlan EA, 1995, 'Introduction [Autonomic ganglia]', in Autonomic ganglia, Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 1 - 12

McLachlan EM, 'Sympathetic and Sensory Neurons after Nerve Lesions, Structural Basis for Interactions', in Encyclopedia of Pain, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 2349 - 2352,

Journal articles

Abraham WC; Geffen LB; McLachlan EM; Richards LJ; Rostas JAP, 2022, 'A brief history of the Australasian Neuroscience Society', Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 31, pp. 395 - 408,

Jänig W; McLachlan EM; Neuhuber WL, 2018, 'The sacral autonomic outflow: against premature oversimplification', Clinical Autonomic Research, 28, pp. 5 - 6,

Jänig W; Keast JR; McLachlan EM; Neuhuber WL; Southard-Smith M, 2017, 'Renaming all spinal autonomic outflows as sympathetic is a mistake', Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical, 206, pp. 60 - 62,

Neuhuber W; Mclachlan E; Jänig W, 2017, 'The Sacral Autonomic Outflow Is Spinal, but Not “Sympathetic”', Anatomical Record, 300, pp. 1369 - 1370,

McGrath JC; McLachlan EM; Zeller R, 2015, 'Transparency in research involving animals: The Basel declaration and new principles for reporting research in BJP manuscripts', British Journal of Pharmacology, 172, pp. 2427 - 2432,

McGrath JC; McLachlan EM; Curtis MJ, 2014, 'Research involving animals is a keystone of medical research', BMJ, 348, pp. g3719 - g3719,

McLachlan EM; Hu P, 2014, 'Inflammation in dorsal root ganglia after peripheral nerve injury: Effects of the sympathetic innervation', Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical, 182, pp. 108 - 117,

McLachlan EM; Hirst GDS, 2013, 'Mollie Elizabeth Holman 1930-2010', HISTORICAL RECORDS OF AUSTRALIAN SCIENCE, 24, pp. 242 - 250,

Schmid A; Coppieters MW; Ruitenberg MJ; McLachlan EM, 2013, 'Local and remote immune-mediated inflammation after mild peripheral nerve compression in rats', Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 72, pp. 662 - 680,

Tripovic D; McLachlan EM; Brock JA, 2013, 'Removal of half the sympathetic innervation does not reduce vasoconstrictor responses in rat tail artery', The Journal of Physiology, 591, pp. 2867 - 2884,

Tripovic D; Al Abed A; Rummery N; Johansen N; McLachlan EM; Brock JA, 2011, 'Nerve-evoked constriction of rat tail veins is potentiated and venous diameter is reduced after chronic spinal cord transection', Journal of Neurotrauma, 28, pp. 821 - 829,

Tripovic D; Pianova S; McLachlan EM; Brock JA, 2011, 'Slow and incomplete sympathetic reinnervation of rat tail artery restores the amplitude of nerve-evoked contractions provided a perivascular plexus is present', American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 300, pp. H541 - H554,

McGrath JC; Drummond GB; McLachlan EM; Kilkenny C; Wainwright CL, 2010, 'Editorial: Guidelines for reporting experiments involving animals: The ARRIVE guidelines', British Journal of Pharmacology, 160, pp. 1573 - 1576,

McGrath, J.C. ; Drummond G; McLachlan EM; Kilkenny C; Wainwright C, 2010, 'Guidelines for reporting experiments involving animals: the ARRIVE guidelines', British Journal of Pharmacology, 160, pp. 1573 - 1576

Rummery N; Tripovic D; Brock JA, 2010, 'Sympathetic vasoconstriction is potentiated in arteries caudal but not rostral to a spinal cord transection in rats', Journal of Neurotrauma, 27, pp. 2077 - 2089

Tripovic D; Pianova S; McLachlan EM; Brock JA, 2010, 'Transient supersensitivity to alpha-adrenoceptor agonist, and distainct hyper-reactivity to vasopressin and angiotensin II after denervation of rat tail artery', British Journal of Pharmacology, 159, pp. 142 - 153

Tripovic D; McLachlan EM; Brock JA, 2009, 'P3.12 Sensitivity of smooth muscle to alpha-adrenoceptor agonists increases transiently in denervated rat tail artery', Autonomic Neuroscience, 149, pp. 87 - 87,

Hu P; McLachlan EM, 2009, 'P9.3 The influence of sympathetic activity on inflammation in dorsal root ganglia following sciatic nerve transection in rats', Autonomic Neuroscience, 149, pp. 125 - 125,

Wasner G; Lee BS; Engel S; McLachlan EM, 2008, 'Residual spinothalamic tract pathways predict development of central pain after spinal cord injury', Brain, 131, pp. 2387 - 2400

Wasner G; Naleschinski D; Binder A; Schattschneider J; McLachlan EM; Baron R, 2008, 'The effect of menthol on cold allodynia in patients with neuropathic pain', Pain Medicine, 9, pp. 354 - 358,

Wasner G; Burton D; Lee B; Engel S; McLachlan E, 2007, '„Central pain generator“ arises from partially preserved spinothalamic tract neurons', Aktuelle Neurologie, 34,


Luff SE; Ramasamy R; Kettle E; McLachlan EM, 2007, 'Changes in unmyelinated axons in the sciatic nerve following complete spinal cord transection in rats', Autonomic Neuroscience, 135, pp. 122 - 122,

Mckay S; Brooks D; Hu P; McLachlan EM, 2007, 'Distinct types of microglial activation in white and grey matter of rat lumbosacral cord after mid-thoracic spinal transection', Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 66, pp. 698 - 710

McLachlan EM, 2007, 'Diversity of sympathetic vasoconstrictor pathways and their plasticity after spinal cord injury', Clinical Autonomic Research, pp. 6 - 12

Hu P; Bembrick A; Keay K; McLachlan EM, 2007, 'Immune cell involvement in dorsal root ganglia and spinal cord after chronic constriction or transection of the rat sciatic nerve', Brain Behavior and Immunity, 21, pp. 599 - 616

Brock JA; Tripovic D; Pianova S; McLachlan EM, 2007, 'Neural control of reinnervated rat tail artery is restored despite incomplete perivascular plexus', Autonomic Neuroscience, 135, pp. 130 - 130,

McLachlan EM; Hu P; Geczy C, 2007, 'Neutrophils rarely invade dorsal root ganglia after peripheral nerve lesions', Journal of Neuroimmunology, 187, pp. 212 - 213

McLachlan EM, 2007, 'Synaptic signaling in sympathetic vasoconstrictor pathways and the efffects of injury', Tzu Chi Medical Journal, 19, pp. 186 - 191

McLachlan EM, 2007, 'Synaptic transmission in sympathetic vasoconstrictor pathways and its modification after injuries', Neurophysiology, 39, pp. 251 - 258

Brock JA; Yeoh M; McLachlan EM, 2006, 'Enhanced neurally evoked responses and inhibition of norepinephrine reuptake in rat mesenteric arteries after spinal transection', American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 290, pp. H398 - H405

Luff SE; Young SB; McLachlan EM, 2005, 'Hyperinnervation of mesenteric arteries in spontaneously hypertensive rats by sympathetic but not primary afferent axons - An ultrastructural analysis', Journal of Vascular Research, 42, pp. 348 - 358

Valiunas V; Mui R; McLachlan E; Valdimarsson G; Brink PR; White TW, 2004, 'Biophysical characterization of zebrafish connexin35 hemichannels', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-CELL PHYSIOLOGY, 287, pp. C1596 - C1604,

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