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Select Publications
Cotton J, 2022, The Australians at Geneva Internationalist Diplomacy in the Interwar Years
Cotton J, 2013, The Australian School of International Relations
Cotton J, 2012, Australia and the United Nations
Cotton J, 2010, International relations for Australia : Michael Lindsay, Martin Wight, and the first department at the Australian National University, Australian National University: Department of International Relations, Canberra, http://ips.cap.anu.edu.au/ir/pubs/work_papers/10-2.pdf
, 2007, Trading on Alliance Security: Australia in World Affairs 2001-2005, Cotton J, (ed.), Oxford University Press, Melbourne
Cotton J, 2006, East Timor, Australia and Regional Order, Routledge, London & New York
Cotton J; Ungorer C; Harris S, 2006, The Road to a Nuclear North Korea: Regional Reactions, Global Impacts, Australian Interests, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Canberra
Cotton J, 2004, East Timor, Australia and Regional Order: intervention and its aftermath in SE Asia, Routledge Curzon, London and NY
Cotton J, 2002, Crossing Borders in the Asia Pacific, Nova Science Publications, New York, USA
, 2002, The National Interest in a Global Era: Australia in World Affairs 1996-2000, Cotton J, (ed.), Oxford University Press, Australia
, 1999, East Timor and Australia: AIIA contributions to the policy debate, Cotton J, (ed.), Canberra ADSC/AIIA, Canberra
Cotton J; Neary I, 1989, The Korean War in History, Manchester University Press
Cotton J, 1989, Asian Frontier Nationalism Owen Lattimore and the American Policy Debate
Cotton J, 2022, 'Ideology and the Legitimation Crisis in North Korea', in Routledge Library Editions: Modern East and South East Asia, pp. 86 - 101
Cotton J, 2018, '‘Relations with Indonesia in the Whitlam Era: the Centrality of the East Timor issue’', in Ministers for Foreign Affairs 1972-83, Australian Institute of International Affairs, Canberra, pp. 115 - 143
Cotton J, 2016, 'Diplomacy in the 1990s: Issues for the Washington embassy.', in Lowe, D ; Bridge, C ; Lee D (ed.), Australia goes to Washington : 75 years of Australian representation in the United States, ANU EPress, Canberra, pp. 209 - 232
Cotton J, 2015, 'Ideology and the legitimation crisis in North Korea', in Communism and Reform in East Asia, pp. 86 - 101, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315697833
Cotton J, 2014, 'Barwick, Hasluck and the Management of Foreign Policy towards Northeast Asia: the Limits of Australian "Realism"', in Tyler (ed.), Ministers for Foreign Affairs 1960-72, Australian Institute of International Affairs, Canberra, pp. 151 - 180
Cotton J, 2009, '‘Australia and Asian Institutional Networks: Bilateral Preferences, Multi-lateral Gains’', in Thomas N (ed.), Governance and Regionalism in Asia, Routledge, London, pp. 146 - 171
Cotton J, 2009, 'Australia and the Asian Strategic Context: Balancing Relations with the Major Powers', in Sisodia NS; Krishnappa V (ed.), Global Power Shifts and Strategic Transition in Asia, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, pp. 151 - 179
Cotton J, 2007, 'After the Flood: Foreign Policy and the Management of Intelligence', in Cotton J; Ravenhill J (ed.), Trading on Alliance Security: Australia in World Affairs 2001-2005, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 329 - 351
Cotton J, 2007, 'The Crisis in East Timor: Understanding the Past, Imagining the Future', in The Crisis of the Timor-Leste State in Comparative Perspective, Charles Darwin University Press, Darwin, pp. 13 - 22
Cotton J; Ravenhill J, 2007, 'Trading on Alliance Security: Foreign Policy in the post-11 September era', in Cotton J; Ravenhill J (ed.), Trading on Alliance Security: Australia in World Affairs 2001-2005, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 3 - 19
Cotton J, 2006, 'ASEAN and Regional Institutions in the Asia-Pacific: Ambitions Versus Performance', in Globalization and Regionalization: Views from the Pacific Rim, UTS and Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico, pp. 73 - 111
Cotton J, 2006, 'Regionalization, Marketization and Political Change in the Pacific Rim', in East Timor/timor Leste: national, Regional and International Sources of Political Legitimacy, UTS and Universidad de Guadalaljara, Mexico, pp. 147 - 177
Cotton J, 2006, 'The Domestic Sources of Regional Order in Michael Leifer`s Analysis of Southeast Asia', in Liow JC; Emmers R (ed.), Order and Security in Southeast Asia, Routledge Curzon, London & New York, pp. 212 - 227
Cotton J, 2003, 'The Rhetoric of Australia`s Regional Policy', in Asia-Pacific Security: Policy Challenges, ISEAS Publishers, Singapore, pp. 29 - 46
Cotton J, 2002, 'North Korea and the Axis of Evil', in Williams M; Suh C-S (ed.), The Inter-Korean relationship in the post September 11 environment, Korea-Australasia Research Centre (KAREC), Sydney, Australia, pp. 42 - 56
Cotton J, 2001, 'Sun Zi: Diplomacy and war', in The Strategists, Australian Defence Studies Centre, Canberra, pp. 15 - 26
Cotton J, 2000, 'The Asian crisis and the perils of enterprise association: explaining the different outcomes in Singapore, Taiwan and Korea', in Politics and Markets in the Wake of the Asian Crisis, Routledge Press, London & New York, pp. 151 - 168
Cotton J, 1998, 'The Rajin-Sonbong Free Trade Zone experiment: North Korea in pursuit of new international linkages', in North Korean foreign policy in the post-Cold War era, Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, pp. 212 - 233
Cotton J, (ed.), 2021, Australia and the World 1931—1936: Documents on Australian Foreign Policy, Uiversity of New South Wales Press, Sydney
Cotton J, (ed.), 2019, Australia and the World 1920-1930. Documents on Australian Foreign Policy, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney
Cotton J, 2024, 'Australia in the International Sphere 1901–1914: An Emerging Foreign Policy Capacity?', Australian Journal of Politics and History, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ajph.13008
Cotton J, 2023, 'Chungking Follies: The supporting cast of the Chungking Legation, 1941-42', Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, 109, pp. 187 - 209
Cotton J, 2020, ''We are nearer the East than the other states': Frederic Jones of Queensland, the first official from Australia in Shanghai', Queensland Review, 27, pp. 39 - 59, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/qre.2020.3
Cotton J, 2020, '‘We are nearer the East than the other states’: Frederic Jones of Queensland, the first official from Australia in Shanghai', Queensland Review, 27, pp. 7 - 28, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/qre.2020.3
Cotton J, 2020, 'The Elusive Reginald Benjamin Levien: Victoria's commercial agent in Asia, fraudster, recidivist', Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, 106, pp. 7 - 28, http://dx.doi.org/10.3316/ielapa.191025239965518
Cotton J, 2018, 'Sir Alfred Zimmern lectures Australia, 1938: a utopian on Munich?', Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 31, pp. 494 - 515, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09557571.2018.1549020
Cotton J, 2018, 'On the Chatham House project: interwar actors, networks, knowledge', International Politics, 55, pp. 820 - 835, http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/s41311-017-0100-6
Cotton J, 2018, 'A century of Wilsonianism: a review essay', Australian Journal of Political Science, 53, pp. 398 - 407, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10361146.2018.1477916
Cotton J, 2018, 'E.T. Sheaf, Australian ‘trade commissioner in the east’, 1922–25', History Australia, 15, pp. 271 - 288, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14490854.2018.1439250
Cotton J, 2016, '‘The Standard Work in English on the League’ and Its Authorship: Charles Howard Ellis, an Unlikely Australian Internationalist', History of European Ideas, 42, pp. 1089 - 1104, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01916599.2016.1182568
Cotton J, 2016, 'The Institute’s seventieth volume: the journal, its origins and its engagement with foreign policy debate', Australian Journal of International Affairs, 70, pp. 471 - 483, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10357718.2016.1167836
Cotton J, 2016, 'Chatham House and Africa c1920–1960: The Limitations of the Curtis Vision', South African Historical Journal, 68, pp. 147 - 162, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02582473.2016.1182206
Cotton J, 2016, 'An Australia Internationalist Parts Company with the League of Nations: H. Duncan Hall and the Freudian Response to Global Irrationalism', Modern Intellectual History, 13, pp. 653 - 680, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1479244314000341
Cotton J, 2015, 'The emergence of international studies in New Zealand', International History Review, 37, pp. 458 - 480, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07075332.2014.933744
Cotton J, 2015, 'William Morris Hughes, Empire and nationalism: The legacy of the First World War', Australian Historical Studies, 46, pp. 100 - 118, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1031461X.2014.995114
Cotton J, 2013, 'Middle powers in the Asia pacific: Korea in Australian comparative perspective', Korea Observer, 44, pp. 593 - 621
Cotton J, 2013, 'Cold War Southeast Asia', JOURNAL OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES, 44, pp. 345 - 346, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022463413000118