Select Publications

Book Chapters

Cotton J, 2022, 'Ideology and the Legitimation Crisis in North Korea', in Routledge Library Editions: Modern East and South East Asia, pp. 86 - 101

Cotton J, 2018, '‘Relations with Indonesia in the Whitlam Era: the Centrality of the East Timor issue’', in Ministers for Foreign Affairs 1972-83, edn. Australian Ministers for Foreign Affairs, Australian Institute of International Affairs, Canberra, pp. 115 - 143

Cotton J, 2016, 'Diplomacy in the 1990s: Issues for the Washington embassy.', in Lowe, D ; Bridge, C ; Lee D (ed.), Australia goes to Washington : 75 years of Australian representation in the United States, ANU EPress, Canberra, pp. 209 - 232

Cotton J, 2015, 'Ideology and the legitimation crisis in North Korea', in Communism and Reform in East Asia, pp. 86 - 101,

Cotton J, 2014, 'Barwick, Hasluck and the Management of Foreign Policy towards Northeast Asia: the Limits of Australian "Realism"', in Tyler (ed.), Ministers for Foreign Affairs 1960-72, Australian Institute of International Affairs, Canberra, pp. 151 - 180

Cotton J, 2009, '‘Australia and Asian Institutional Networks: Bilateral Preferences, Multi-lateral Gains’', in Thomas N (ed.), Governance and Regionalism in Asia, Routledge, London, pp. 146 - 171

Cotton J, 2009, 'Australia and the Asian Strategic Context: Balancing Relations with the Major Powers', in Sisodia NS; Krishnappa V (ed.), Global Power Shifts and Strategic Transition in Asia, edn. Original, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, pp. 151 - 179

Cotton J, 2007, 'After the Flood: Foreign Policy and the Management of Intelligence', in Cotton J; Ravenhill J (ed.), Trading on Alliance Security: Australia in World Affairs 2001-2005, edn. First, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 329 - 351

Cotton J, 2007, 'The Crisis in East Timor: Understanding the Past, Imagining the Future', in The Crisis of the Timor-Leste State in Comparative Perspective, edn. Original, Charles Darwin University Press, Darwin, pp. 13 - 22

Cotton J; Ravenhill J, 2007, 'Trading on Alliance Security: Foreign Policy in the post-11 September era', in Cotton J; Ravenhill J (ed.), Trading on Alliance Security: Australia in World Affairs 2001-2005, edn. First, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 3 - 19

Cotton J, 2006, 'ASEAN and Regional Institutions in the Asia-Pacific: Ambitions Versus Performance', in Globalization and Regionalization: Views from the Pacific Rim, edn. Original, UTS and Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico, pp. 73 - 111

Cotton J, 2006, 'Regionalization, Marketization and Political Change in the Pacific Rim', in East Timor/timor Leste: national, Regional and International Sources of Political Legitimacy, edn. First, UTS and Universidad de Guadalaljara, Mexico, pp. 147 - 177

Cotton J, 2006, 'The Domestic Sources of Regional Order in Michael Leifer`s Analysis of Southeast Asia', in Liow JC; Emmers R (ed.), Order and Security in Southeast Asia, Routledge Curzon, London & New York, pp. 212 - 227

Cotton J, 2003, 'The Rhetoric of Australia`s Regional Policy', in Asia-Pacific Security: Policy Challenges, ISEAS Publishers, Singapore, pp. 29 - 46

Cotton J, 2002, 'North Korea and the Axis of Evil', in Williams M; Suh C-S (ed.), The Inter-Korean relationship in the post September 11 environment, edn. Original, Korea-Australasia Research Centre (KAREC), Sydney, Australia, pp. 42 - 56

Cotton J, 2001, 'Sun Zi: Diplomacy and war', in The Strategists, edn. Original, Australian Defence Studies Centre, Canberra, pp. 15 - 26

Cotton J, 2000, 'The Asian crisis and the perils of enterprise association: explaining the different outcomes in Singapore, Taiwan and Korea', in Politics and Markets in the Wake of the Asian Crisis, Routledge Press, London & New York, pp. 151 - 168

Cotton J, 1998, 'The Rajin-Sonbong Free Trade Zone experiment: North Korea in pursuit of new international linkages', in North Korean foreign policy in the post-Cold War era, edn. Original, Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, pp. 212 - 233

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