Select Publications

Book Chapters

Ma L; Wong CJ; Bao J; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Shi J; Ahli N; Aljasmi A; Mahmoud M, 2024, 'Estimation of the Spatial Alumina Concentration of an Aluminium Smelting Cell Using a Huber Function-Based Kalman Filter', in , pp. 464 - 473,

Wong CJ; Bao J; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Welch B; Shi J; Ahli N; Aljasmi A; Mahmoud M; Mustafa M, 2024, 'Predicting Electrolyte and Liquidus Temperatures of Aluminium Smelting Cells for Power Modulation Using Dynamic Model', in , pp. 445 - 452,

Skyllas‐Kazacos M, 2023, 'The History of theUNSWAll‐Vanadium Flow Battery Development', in , Wiley, pp. 507 - 538,

Bao J; Yan Y, 2023, 'Dynamic Modelling of Vanadium Flow Batteries for System Monitoring and Control', in Roth C; Noack J; Skyllas-Kazacos M (ed.), Flow Batteries, From Fundamentals to Applications, Wiley-VCH, pp. 443 - 462,

Ma L; Wong CJ; Bao J; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Welch BJ; Ahli N; Mahmoud M; Nikandrov K; Aljasmi A, 2023, 'A Dynamic Coupled Mass and Thermal Model for the Top Chamber of the Aluminium Smelting Cells', in , pp. 67 - 76,

Wong CJ; Shi J; Bao J; Welch BJ; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Jassim A; Mahmoud M; Nikandrov K, 2023, 'A Smart Individual Anode Current Measurement System and Its Applications', in , pp. 43 - 51,

Noack J; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Thaller L; Tomazic G; Jonshagen B; Morrissey P, 2023, 'History of Flow Batteries', in Flow Batteries: From Fundamentals to Applications: Volume 1, 2 and 3, pp. 29 - 52,

Wong CJ; Bao J; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Jassim A; Mahmoud M; Arkhipov A, 2023, 'Monitoring Cell Conditions and Anode Freeze Dissolution with Model-Based Soft Sensor After Anode Change', in , pp. 87 - 94,

Menictas C; Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2023, 'Next-Generation Vanadium Flow Batteries', in Flow Batteries: From Fundamentals to Applications: Volume 1, 2 and 3, pp. 673 - 687,

Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2023, 'The History of the UNSW All-Vanadium Flow Battery Development', in Flow Batteries: From Fundamentals to Applications: Volume 1, 2 and 3, pp. 509 - 538,

Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2023, 'Redox-flow | Secondary batteries: Redox flow battery—Vanadium Redox', in Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, Elsevier,

Skyllas-Kazacos M; Menictas C, 2022, 'Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries', in Gabeza L (ed.), Encyclopedia of Energy Storage, Elsevier, pp. 407 - 422,

Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2018, 'Flow Batteries: Vanadium and Beyond', in Redox Flow Batteries - Fundamentals and Applications

Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2017, 'Flow Batteries', in Redox Flow Batteries, CRC Press, pp. 327 - 354,

Gusberti V; Severo DS; Welch BJ; Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2016, 'Modeling the mass and energy balance of different aluminium smelting cell technologies', in Light Metals 2012, pp. 929 - 934,

Iffert M; Kuenkel M; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Welch B, 2016, 'Reduction of HF Emissions from the TRIMET Aluminum Smelter (Optimizing Dry Scrubber Operations and Its Impact on Process Operations)', in Essential Readings in Light Metals, Springer International Publishing, pp. 968 - 974,

Tomazic G; Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2015, 'Redox Flow Batteries', in Moseley P; Garche J (ed.), Electrochemical Energy Storage for Renewable Sources and Grid Balancing, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 309 - 336,

Skyllas-Kazacos M; McCann JF, 2015, 'Vanadium redox flow batteries (VRBs) for medium- and large-scale energy storage', in Advances in Batteries for Medium and Large-Scale Energy Storage: Types and Applications, pp. 329 - 386,

Skyllas-Kazacos M; McCann JF, 2015, 'Chapter 10 Vanadium redox flow batteries (VRBs) for medium- and large-scale energy storage', in Advances in Batteries for Medium and Large-Scale Energy Storage, Elsevier, pp. 329 - 386,

Tomazic G; Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2015, 'Chapter 17 Redox Flow Batteries', in Electrochemical Energy Storage for Renewable Sources and Grid Balancing, Elsevier, pp. 309 - 336,

Skyllas-Kazacos M; McCann J, 2014, 'Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries', in Menictas C; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Lim T (ed.), Advances in batteries for medium- and large-scale energy storage, Woodhead Pub Limited

, 2014, 'Advanced Batteries and Improvements in Electrode Materials', in Electrochemically Enabled Sustainability, CRC Press, pp. 268 - 333,

, 2014, 'Physical Properties of Negative Half-Cell Electrolytes in the Vanadium Redox Flow Battery', in Electrochemically Enabled Sustainability, CRC Press, pp. 408 - 441,

Skyllas-Kazacos M; Menictas C; Lim T, 2013, '12 Redox flow batteries for medium- to large-scale energy storage', in Electricity Transmission, Distribution and Storage Systems, Elsevier, pp. 398 - 441,

Melhem Z; Willis HL; Bell K; Booth C; Kauhaniemi K; Bessède J-L; Van Hertem D; Delimar M; Wang K; Crow ML; Stevens GC; Vaughan A; Hassenzahl W; Oberschmidt J; Klobasa M; Genoese F; Tsai P-J; Chan SLI; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Menictas C; Lim T; Tixador P, 2013, 'Contributor contact details', in Electricity Transmission, Distribution and Storage Systems, Elsevier, pp. xi - xiii,

Skyllas-Kazacos M; Menictas C; Lim T, 2013, 'Redox Flow Batteries for Medium to Large Scale Energy Storage', in Melhem Z (ed.), Electricity Transmission, Distribution and Storage Systems, Woodhead Pub Limited, pp. 398 - 441

Gusberti V; Severo DS; Welch BJ; Skyllas‐Kazacos M, 2012, 'Modeling the Mass and Energy Balance of Different Aluminium Smelting Cell Technologies', in , Wiley, pp. 929 - 934,

Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2010, '10 Electro-chemical energy storage technologies for wind energy systems', in Stand-Alone and Hybrid Wind Energy Systems, Elsevier, pp. 323 - 365,

Kaldellis JK; Zafirakis DP; Kondili E; Wood D; Freere P; Bhuvaneswari G; Balasubramanian R; Notton G; Tsoutsos T; Jaramillo OA; Rodríguez-Hernández O; Fuentes-Toledo A; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Ruddell A; Cavallo A; Carta JA; Kavadias KA, 2010, 'Contributor contact details', in Stand-Alone and Hybrid Wind Energy Systems, Elsevier, pp. xiii - xv,

Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2010, 'Electro-chemical energy storage technologies for wind energy systems', in Kaldellis JK (ed.), Stand-alone and hybrid wind energy systems, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Oxford UK, pp. 323 - 326

Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2009, 'Secondary Batteries - Flow Systems', in Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, pp. 444 - 453,

Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2009, 'Vandium Redox-Flow Batteries', in Dyer CK; Moseley PT; Ogumi Z; Rand DAJ; Scrosati B; Garche J (ed.), Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, Elsevier BV, Amsterdam, pp. 444 - 453

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