Select Publications
Journal articles
2006, 'Elastic flexural-torsional buckling of circular arches under uniform compression and effects of load height', Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 1, pp. 1235 - 1255,
,2006, 'A new triangular layered plate element for the non-linear analysis of reinforced concrete slabs', Communications in Numerical Methods in Eginineering, V 13, 22, pp. 699 - 709,
,2006, 'A rotation matrix for 3D nonlinear analysis', Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 3, pp. 31 - 38
,2006, 'Analysis of composite beams with partial shear interaction using available modelling techniques: A comparative study', Computers and Structures, 84, pp. 930 - 941
,2006, 'Analytical solutions for the time-dependent behaviour of composite beams with partial interaction', International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43, pp. 3770 - 3793
,2006, 'Analytical solutions for the viscoelastic response of composite beams including partial interaction', Advances in Structural Engineering, 9, pp. 11 - 18
,2006, 'Closure for discussion of: `A further study of flexural-torsional buckling of elastic arches`', International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 6, pp. 157 - 162,
,2006, 'Creep buckling of shallow parabolic concrete arches', Journal of Structural Engineering - ASCE, 132, pp. 1641 - 1649
,2006, 'Elastic analysis of straight members at elevated temperatures', Advances in Structural Engineering, 9, pp. 611 - 618
,2006, 'Elastic buckling of thin-walled circular tubes containing an elastic infill', International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 6, pp. 457 - 474
,2006, 'Elastic distortional buckling of continuously restrained I-section beam-columns', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 62, pp. 223 - 230,
,2006, 'Flexural-torsional buckling of fixed steel arches under uniform bending', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 62, pp. 20 - 26,
,2006, 'In-plane nonlinear analysis and buckling of tied circular arches', Advances in Structural Engineering, 9, pp. 311 - 319,
,2006, 'In-plane nonlinear behaviour of circular pinned arches with elastic restraints under thermal loading', International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 6, pp. 163 - 177,
,2006, 'Numerical study of the nonlinear dynamic behaviour of reinforced concrete cooling towers under earthquake excitation', Advances in Structural Engineering, 9, pp. 433 - 442,
,2006, 'Second order nonlinear inelastic analysis of composite steel-concrete members. I: Theory', Journal of Structural Engineering - ASCE, 132, pp. 751 - 761
,2006, 'Second order nonlinear inelastic analysis of composite steel-concrete members. II: Applications', Journal of Structural Engineering - ASCE, 132, pp. 762 - 771
,2006, 'The effects of partial shear connection in composite flush end plate joints - Part I - experimental study', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 64, pp. 378 - 390
,2005, 'A rotation matrix for 3D nonlinear analysis', 4th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, ACAM 2005, pp. 157 - 162
,2005, 'A further study of flexural-torsional buckling of elastic arches', International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 5, pp. 163 - 183
,2005, 'A spatially curved-beam element with warping and Wagner effects', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 63, pp. 1342 - 1369
,2005, 'An equilibrium approach for flexural-torsional buckling of elastic steel arches', Journal of Advanced Steel Construction, An International Journal, 1, pp. 47 - 66
,2005, 'Debonding of steel plates adhesively bonded to the compression faces of RC beams', Construction and Building Materials, 19, pp. 413 - 422
,2005, 'Nonlinear analysis of members curved in space with warping and Wagner effects', International Journal of Solids and Structures, 42, pp. 3147 - 3169
,2005, 'Out-of-plane strength design of fixed steel I-section arches', Journal of Structural Engineering - ASCE, 131, pp. 560 - 568
,2005, 'Pertinent issues on the strength design of steel structures to AS4100-1998', NSW Deparment of Health and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfard, 5, pp. 87 - 101
,2005, 'Postbuckling behavior of triangular plates', AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal, 43, pp. 690 - 696
,2005, 'Short-term experimental study of a shallow reinforced concrete parabolic arch', Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, 6 No. 1, pp. 53 - 61
,2005, 'Shrinkage and creep response of slender reinforced concrete columns under moment gradient: theory and test results', Magazine of Concrete Research, 57, pp. 235 - 246
,2005, 'Strength analysis of steel-concrete composite beams in combined bending and shear', Journal of Structural Engineering - ASCE, 131, pp. 1593 - 1600
,2005, 'Time analysis of structural concrete elements using the equivalent displacement method', Materials and Structures, 38, pp. 609 - 616
,2005, 'Time analysis of structural concrete elements using the equivalent displacement method', Materials and Structures, 38, pp. 609 - 616,
,2004, 'A direct stiffness analysis of a composite beam with partial interaction', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 61, pp. 657 - 672
,2004, 'Design of Steel Arches against in-plane Instability', International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 9, pp. 37 - 45
,2004, 'Effects of prebuckling deformations on the elastic flexural-torsionalbuckling of laterally fixed arches', International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 46, pp. 321 - 342
,2004, 'Elastic Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Fixed Arches', Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 57, pp. 551 - 569
,2004, 'In-plane strength and design of fixed steel I-section arches', Engineering Structures, 26, pp. 291 - 301
,2004, 'Inelastic local buckling of flat, thin-walled structures containing thickness-tapered plates', Thin - Walled Structures, 42, pp. 351 - 368
,2004, 'Local buckling of steel plates in double skin composite panels underbiaxial compression and shear', Journal of Structural Engineering - ASCE, 130, pp. 443 - 451
,2004, 'The effects of partial shear connection in the hogging moment regionsof composite beams - Part I - Experimental study', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 60, pp. 897 - 919
,2004, 'The effects of partial shear connection in the hogging moment regionsof composite beams - Part II - Analytical study', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 60, pp. 921 - 962
,2004, 'Ultimate strength of continuous composite beams in combined bending and shear', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 60, pp. 1109 - 1128
,2003, 'A general method of analysis of composite beams with partial interaction', NSW Deparment of Health and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfard, 3, pp. 169 - 184
,2003, 'Elasto-plastic buckling and postbuckling of arches subjected to a central load', Computers and Structures, 81, pp. 1811 - 1825
,2003, 'Inelastic buckling and strengths of steel I-section arches with central torsional restraints', Thin - Walled Structures, 41, pp. 663 - 689
,2003, 'Inelastic buckling of rectangular steel plates using a rayleigh-ritz method', International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 3, pp. 503 - 521
,2003, 'Inelastic distortional buckling of cantilevers', NSW Deparment of Health and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfard, 3, pp. 1 - 12
,2003, 'Local and post-local buckling of double skin composite panels', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, 156, pp. 111 - 119
,2002, 'Topology design of structures using a dual algorithm and a constraint on the perimeter', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 54, pp. 1007 - 1019,
,2002, 'Analysis of general quadrilateral orthotropic thick plates with arbitrary boundary conditions by the Rayleigh-Ritz method', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 54, pp. 1087 - 1102