Select Publications


Harris MF; Bennett J; Del Mar CB; Fasher M; Foreman L; Furler JS; Johnson C; Joyner B; Litt J; Mazza D; Smith J; Tomlins R; Bailey L; London J; Snowdon T, 2009, Guidelines for preventive activities in general practice, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Harris MF, 1999, But are we going anywhere?, Flinders University of SA, Adelaide

Bonney M; Harris MF; Priddin D, 1999, National Divisions Diabetes Program: Recommended GP Subset of the NDOQRIN Dataset and alternate fields from which NDOQRIN fields can subsequently be derived.

Penrose-Wall JL; Harris MF; Copeland J, 1999, Program guide for mental health shared care alcohol and other drugs., University of New South Wales, Sydney

Book Chapters

, 2016, 'Intention to Breastfeed and Awareness of Health Recommendations: Findings from First-Time Mothers in Southwest Sydney, Australia', in Social Work in Public Health and Hospitals, Apple Academic Press, pp. 67 - 80,

Jayasinghe U; Harris MF, 2014, 'Quality of life of Australian chronically-ill adults: smoking has more effect on females than males', in Bohnet-Joschko B; Boutsioli Z (ed.), Intercultural dialogue on health economics, management and policy: challenges and chances, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, pp. 11 - 28,

Shortus TD; Harris MF, 2010, 'Optimising Health Outcomes in Chronic Disease', in Communication Skills in Medicine: Promoting Patient-Centred Care, IP Communications, Melbourne, pp. 48 - 61

Glasgow N; Zwar NA; Harris MF; Hasan I; Jowsey T, 2009, 'Australia', in Nolte E; Knai C; McKee M (ed.), Managing chronic conditions: Experience in eight countries, World Health Organization, European Union, pp. 131 - 160

Harris MF; Penn DL; Taggart J; Georgiou A; Davies GP, 2006, 'Chronic disease registers in primary healthcare', in Handbook of Research on Informatics in Healthcare and Biomedicine, Idea Group Reference, Hershey, USA, pp. 35 - 42

Burns JR; Powell-Davies PG; Harris E; Harris MF, 2003, 'The evolving role of general practice in diabetes care', in Chronic Illness, WS Many & Sons Ltd, USA, pp. 155 - 171

Penrose-Wall JL; Copeland J; Harris MF, 2000, 'Shared care of illicit drug problems by general practicitioners and primary health care providers: A literature review', in Centre for General Practice Integration Studies, School of Community Medicine, University of New So, Kensington, NSW, Australia, pp. 1 - 90

Fine MD; Fisher KR; Powell-Davies PG; Harris MF, 1999, 'Linking care in Sydney`s leafy northern suburbS: the evaluation of the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Coordinated Care Trial. Book 2.', in The Australian Coordinated Care Trials: methodological issues in trial design and evaluation, Ausinfo, Canberra, pp. 83 - 96

Jayasuria R; Harris MF; Sandhu G, 1996, 'Computerised education for consumers', in Health informatics: an overview, Churchill Livingstone, Melbourne, pp. 239 - 249

Harris MF; Powell DG, 1996, 'Integration between general practice and public health services', in General Practice in Australia: 1996, Commonwealth Dept of Health and Family Services, Canberra, pp. 201 - 233

Journal articles

Peprah P; Lloyd J; Ajang DA; Harris MF, 2024, 'A qualitative study of negative sociocultural experiences of accessing primary health care services among Africans from refugee backgrounds in Australia: implications for organisational health literacy', BMC Primary Care, 25,

Peprah P; Lloyd J; Harris M, 2024, 'Responding to health literacy of refugees in Australian primary health care settings: a qualitative study of barriers and potential solutions', BMC Health Services Research, 24,

Ayala-Diaz F; Harris-Roxas B; Harris MF; Barr M; Kabir AYM; Conway D; Sharma A, 2024, 'Are there differences in low-acuity emergency department visits between culturally and linguistically diverse migrants and people with English-speaking background: a population-based linkage study of adults over 45', Emergency Medicine Journal, pp. emermed-2023-213442,

Vuong K; Kabir A; Conway DP; Williamson M; Harris MF; Barr ML, 2024, 'Identifying risk factors for developing obesity: A record linkage longitudinal study in metropolitan Sydney using the 45 and Up Study', Family Practice, 41, pp. 680 - 692,

Harris M; Tran A; Porwal M; Aslani P; Cullen J; Brown A; Harris E; Harris-Roxas B; Doolan-Noble F; Javanparast S; Wright M; Osborne R; Osten R, 2024, 'Codesigning a Community Health Navigator program to assist patients to transition from hospital to community', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 30, pp. PY24042,

Buss VH; Barr M; Parker SM; Kabir A; Lau AYS; Liaw ST; Stocks N; Harris MF, 2024, 'Erratum: Correction: Mobile App Intervention of a Randomized Controlled Trial for Patients With Obesity and Those Who Are Overweight in General Practice: User Engagement Analysis Quantitative Study (JMIR mHealth and uHealth (2024) 12 (e45942))', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 12, pp. e58507,

Parker S; Tran A; Saito S; McNamara C; Denney-Wilson E; Nutbeam D; Harris MF, 2024, 'Exploring organisational readiness to implement a preventive intervention in Australian general practice for overweight and obese patients: key learnings from the HeLP-GP trial', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 30,

Parker SM; Aslani P; Harris-Roxas B; Wright M; Barr M; Doolan-Noble F; Javanparast S; Sharma A; Osborne RH; Cullen J; Harris E; Haigh F; Harris M; Wright S, 2024, 'Community health navigator-assisted transition of care from hospital to community: protocol for a randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, 14, pp. e077877 - e077877,

Taggart J; Chin M; Liauw W; Harris MF, 2024, 'Sharing Colorectal Cancer Follow-Up Using an E-Care Plan Between Cancer Services and Primary Health Care', Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 310, pp. 1517 - 1518,

Spooner C; OShea P; Fisher K; Harris-Roxas B; Taggart J; Bolton P; Harris MF, 2024, 'Access to general practice for preventive health care for people who experience severe mental illness in Sydney, Australia: a qualitative study', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 30,

Thorburn K; Waks S; Aadam B; Fisher KR; Spooner C; Harris MF, 2024, 'Creating the conditions for collaborative decision-making in co-design', CoDesign,

Buss VH; Barr M; Parker SM; Kabir A; Lau AYS; Liaw ST; Stocks N; Harris MF, 2024, 'Mobile App Intervention of a Randomized Controlled Trial for Patients With Obesity and Those Who Are Overweight in General Practice: User Engagement Analysis Quantitative Study', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 12,

Peprah P; Lloyd J; Harris M, 2023, 'Health literacy and cultural responsiveness of primary health care systems and services in Australia: reflections from service providers, stakeholders, and people from refugee backgrounds', BMC Public Health, 23, pp. 2557,

Parker SM; Paine K; Spooner C; Harris M, 2023, 'Barriers and facilitators to the participation and engagement of primary care in shared-care arrangements with community mental health services for preventive care of people with serious mental illness: a scoping review', BMC Health Services Research, 23,

Kanti Mistry S; Harris E; Li X; Harris MF, 2023, 'Correction to: Feasibility and acceptability of involving bilingual community navigators to improve access to health and social care services in general practice setting of Australia (BMC Health Services Research, (2023), 23, 1, (476), 10.1186/s12913-023-09514-4)', BMC Health Services Research, 23,

Mistry SK; Harris E; Li X; Harris MF, 2023, 'Feasibility and acceptability of involving bilingual community navigators to improve access to health and social care services in general practice setting of Australia', BMC Health Services Research, 23, pp. 476,

Paine K; Parker S; Denney-Wilson E; Lloyd J; Randall S; McNamara C; Nutbeam D; Osborne R; Saito S; Harris M, 2023, 'In it for the long haul: the complexities of managing overweight in family practice: qualitative thematic analysis from the Health eLiteracy for Prevention in General Practice (HeLP-GP) trial', BMC Primary Care, 24,

Mistry SK; Ali ARMM; Yadav UN; Ghimire S; Anwar A; Huda MN; Khanam F; Mahumud RA; Parray AA; Bhattacharjee S; Lim D; Harris MF, 2023, 'The burden of non-disabled frailty and its associated factors among older adults in Bangladesh', PLoS ONE, 18,

Coorey G; Campain A; Mulley J; Usherwood T; Redfern J; Harris M; Zwar N; Peiris D, 2023, 'Management of cardiovascular disease risk in people with comorbid mental illness: A cross sectional study in Australian general practice', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57, pp. 613 - 615,

Ansari RM; Harris MF; Hosseinzadeh H; Zwar N, 2023, 'Application of Artificial Intelligence in Assessing the Self-Management Practices of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes', Healthcare (Switzerland), 11,

, 2023, 'Feasibility and acceptability of involving Bilingual Community Navigators (BCNs) to improve access to health and social care services in general practice setting of Australia', Population Medicine, 5, pp. 390 - 391,

Arena AF; Harris M; Mobbs S; Nicolopoulos A; Harvey SB; Deady M, 2022, 'Exploring the lived experience of mental health and coping during unemployment', BMC Public Health, 22, pp. 2451,

Hespe CM; Giskes K; Harris MF; Peiris D, 2022, 'Findings and lessons learnt implementing a cardiovascular disease quality improvement program in Australian primary care: a mixed method evaluation', BMC Health Services Research, 22,

Mistry SK; Harris E; Harris MF, 2022, 'Learning from a codesign exercise aimed at developing a navigation intervention in the general practice setting', Family Practice, 39, pp. 1070 - 1079,

Mistry SK; Ali ARMM; Yadav UN; Huda MN; Ghimire S; Saha M; Sarwar S; Harris MF, 2022, 'Loneliness and its correlates among Bangladeshi older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic', Scientific Reports, 12,

Coorey G; Campain A; Mulley J; Usherwood T; Redfern J; Harris M; Zwar N; Parker S; Coiera E; Peiris D, 2022, 'Utilisation of government-subsidised chronic disease management plans and cardiovascular care in Australian general practices', BMC Primary Care, 23,

Parker SM; Barr M; Stocks N; Denney-Wilson E; Zwar N; Karnon J; Kabir A; Nutbeam D; Roseleur J; Liaw ST; McNamara C; Frank O; Tran A; Osborne R; Lau AYS; Harris M; Liaw T, 2022, 'Preventing chronic disease in overweight and obese patients with low health literacy using eHealth and teamwork in primary healthcare (HeLP-GP): A cluster randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, 12, pp. e060393,

Sitas F; Harris-Roxas B; White S; Barr M; Haigh F; Harris M, 2022, 'Smoking cessation on discharge summaries', Medical Journal of Australia, 218, pp. 46 - 46,

Mistry SK; Harris E; Harris MF, 2022, 'Scoping the needs, roles and implementation of bilingual community navigators in general practice settings', Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, pp. e5495 - e5505,

Wilson H; Harris-Roxas B; Lintzeris N; Harris M, 2022, 'Diagnosing and managing patients with chronic pain who develop prescription opioid use disorder: A scoping review of general practitioners’ experience', Australian Journal of General Practice, 51, pp. 804 - 811,

Ansari RM; Harris MF; Hosseinzadeh H; Zwar N, 2022, 'Implementation of Chronic Care Model for Diabetes Self-Management: A Quantitative Analysis', Diabetology, 3, pp. 407 - 422,

Buss VH; Varnfield M; Harris M; Barr M, 2022, 'Mobile Health Use by Older Individuals at Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in an Australian Cohort: Cross-sectional Survey Study', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 10, pp. e37343,

Buss VH; Varnfield M; Harris M; Barr M, 2022, 'Remotely Conducted App-Based Intervention for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Risk Awareness and Prevention: Single-Group Feasibility Trial', JMIR Human Factors, 9, pp. e38469,

Williamson M; Barr ML; Kabir A; Comino EJ; Goodger B; Harris-Roxas BF; Crozier A; Jackson T; Finch J; Harris MF, 2022, 'Frequent users of health services among community-based older Australians: Characteristics and association with mortality', Australasian Journal on Ageing, 41, pp. e328 - e338,

Harris MF; Rhee J, 2022, 'Achieving continuity of care in general practice: the impact of patient enrolment on health outcomes', Medical Journal of Australia, 216, pp. 460 - 461,

Buss VH; Varnfield M; Harris M; Barr M, 2022, 'A Mobile App for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Development and Usability Study', JMIR Human Factors, 9, pp. e35065,

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