Select Publications

Book Chapters

Simnett R; Zhou S; Hoang H, 2022, 'The history and future of sustainability assurance', in Handbook of Accounting and Sustainability, pp. 241 - 259

Zhou S; Simnett R; Bray M, 2020, 'The journey to integrated report assurance', in The Routledge Handbook of Integrated Reporting, Routledge, pp. 355 - 372,

Simnett R; Zhou S; Hoang H, 2016, 'Assurance and Other Credibility Enhancing Mechanisms for Integrated Reporting', in Integrated Reporting: A New Accounting Disclosure, Springer, pp. 269 - 286,

Simnett R, 2014, 'Assurance of environmental social and sustainability information', in Hay D; Knechel WR; Willekens M (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Auditing, Routledge, pp. 325 - 337,

Simnett R, 2014, 'Wiley Encyclopedia of Management', in Cooper CL (ed.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Wiley,

Simnett R, 2014, 'Information cues and Accounting Judgement', in Encyclopedia of Management

Simnett R, 2005, 'Information Cues in Accounting Judgement', in Clubb C (ed.), Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management, Blackwell Publishing, London, pp. 231 - 235,

Simnett R; Smith A, 2005, 'Public Oversight: An International Approach to Auditing', in Campbell T; Houghton K (ed.), Ethics and Auditing, ANU E Press, Canberra, pp. 45 - 62

Pflugrath GL; Simnett R; Trotman KT; Ikin C, 2004, 'The Impact of New Audit Report Formats on Perceptions and Investment Decision-Making Judgements of Users', in Australian Government Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, edn. Original, University of New South Wales and Australian National University, Melbourne, pp. 1 - 20

Simnett R, 2002, 'Auditors' Liability to Third parties: The Next Step', in Corporation Law: Principles, Policy and Process

Simnett R, 1996, 'Information Cues Choice', in Encyclopedic Dictionary of Accounting

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