Select Publications


Diprose R; Ziarek EP, 2018, Arendt, Natality and Biopolitics Toward Democratic Plurality and Reproductive Justice, Incitements, Edinburgh University Press,

Diprose R; Reynolds J, 2014, Merleau-Ponty, Routledge,

, 2008, Merleau-Ponty: Key Concepts, Diprose RJ; Reynolds J, (ed.), Original, Acumen Publishing Ltd, Stocksfield, UK

Diprose R, 2005, The Bodies of Women, Routledge,

Diprose RJ, 2002, Corporeal Generosity: On Giving with Nietzsche, Marleau-Ponty & Levinas, Original, SUNY Press, Albany, NY

Diprose R, 1994, The Bodies of Women: Ethics, Embodiment and Sexual Difference, Routledge, London

Book Chapters

, 2019, '[1] Natality Reframing the Meaning of Politics', in Arendt, Natality and Biopolitics, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 32 - 104,

, 2019, '[2] Natality, Normalising Biopolitics and Totalitarianism', in Arendt, Natality and Biopolitics, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 105 - 173,

, 2019, '[3] Natality, Abortion and the Biopolitics of Reproduction', in Arendt, Natality and Biopolitics, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 174 - 227,

, 2019, '[4] Natality, Ethics and Politics: Hospitality, Corporeality, Responsibility', in Arendt, Natality and Biopolitics, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 228 - 288,

, 2019, '[5] Natality and Narrative', in Arendt, Natality and Biopolitics, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 289 - 352,

, 2019, 'Introduction', in Arendt, Natality and Biopolitics, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 1 - 31,

Diprose R, 2018, 'Nietzsche, Ethics & Sexual Difference', in Nietzsche, Routledge, pp. 503 - 510,

Diprose R, 2017, 'The Body and Political Violence: Between Isolation and Homogenization', in Dolezal L; Petherbridge D (ed.), Body/Self/Other: The Phenomenology of Social Encounters, SUNY Press, Albany, pp. 21 - 46

Diprose R, 2017, 'The Body and Political Violence', in Body/Self/Other, SUNY Press, pp. 21 - 45,

Diprose RJ, 2017, 'Speculative Research, Temporality and Politics', in Wilkie A; Savransky M; Rosengarten M (ed.), Speculative Research: The Lure of Possible Futures, Routledge, Abingdon and New York, pp. 39 - 51,

Diprose RJ, 2013, 'Nietzsche on Truth, Honesty and Responsibility in Politics', in Pearson KA (ed.), Nietzsche and Political Thought, Bloomsbury Academic,

, 2012, 'Affectivity and Social Power: From Melancholia to Generosity', in Corporeal Generosity, SUNY Press, pp. 95 - 106,

, 2012, 'Bibliography', in Corporeal Generosity, SUNY Press, pp. 213 - 220,

, 2012, 'Erotic Generosity and its Limits', in Corporeal Generosity, SUNY Press, pp. 75 - 93,

, 2012, 'Generosity, Community, and Politics', in Corporeal Generosity, SUNY Press, pp. 167 - 188,

, 2012, 'Giving Sexed Corporeality before the Law', in Corporeal Generosity, SUNY Press, pp. 45 - 58,

, 2012, 'Introduction', in Corporeal Generosity, SUNY Press, pp. 1 - 15,

, 2012, 'Nietzsche and the Pathos of Distance', in Corporeal Generosity, SUNY Press, pp. 19 - 44,

, 2012, 'Performing Body-Identity through the Other', in Corporeal Generosity, SUNY Press, pp. 59 - 72,

, 2012, 'Sexuality and the Clinical Encounter', in Corporeal Generosity, SUNY Press, pp. 107 - 121,

, 2012, 'Thinking through Radical Generosity with Levinas', in Corporeal Generosity, SUNY Press, pp. 125 - 143,

, 2012, 'Truth, Cultural Difference, and Decolonization', in Corporeal Generosity, SUNY Press, pp. 145 - 166,

Diprose RJ, 2011, 'The Body Intermediating Community', in Oosterling H; Ziarek E (ed.), Intermedialities: Philosophy, Art, Politics, edn. Original, Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield), Lanham MA, pp. 178 - 186

Diprose RJ, 2010, 'Arendt on Responsibility, Sensibility, and Democratic Pluralism', in Schaap A; Celermajer D; Karalis V (ed.), Power, Judgment and Political Evil: In Conversation with Hannah Arendt, Ashgate, Farnham UK, pp. 39 - 54

Diprose RJ, 2010, 'In Light Relief the Image Sensitises Itself', in Roxburgh M (ed.), Light Relief (Part II), edn. Original, DAB Docs (UTS Faculty of Design & Architecture), Broadway, NSW, pp. 33 - 48

Diprose RJ, 2010, 'The Political Technology of RU486', in Braun B; Whatmore S (ed.), Political Matter: Technoscience, Democracy and Public Life, edn. Original, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis & London, pp. 211 - 242

Diprose RJ, 2009, 'Nietzsche and Levinas: After the Death of a Certain God', in Nietzsche and Levinas on the Meaning of Responsibility, edn. Original, Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 116 - 133

Diprose RJ, 2008, 'A guide to Merleau-Ponty: Key Concepts', in Diprose R; Reynolds J (ed.), Merleau-Ponty: Key Concepts, Acumen Publishing Ltd, Stocksfield, UK, pp. 8 - 14

Diprose RJ, 2006, 'The ethics and politics of the handshake: Levinas, Merleau-Ponty and Nancy', in Difficult Justice: Commentaries on Levinas and Politics, edn. Original, Toronto Uni Press, Toronto, pp. 221 - 245

Diprose RJ, 2005, 'A `Genethics` That Makes Sense: Take Two', in Shildrick M; Mykitiuk R (ed.), Ethics of the Body: Postconventional Challenges, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massacheusetts, pp. 237 - 258

Diprose RJ, 2002, 'Nietzsche and the Pathos of Distance', in Patton P (ed.), Nietzsche, Feminism and Political Theory, Routledge, pp. 1 - 26

Diprose RJ, 1998, 'Ethics', in Oxford companion to Australian feminism, edn. Original, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 90 - 98

Diprose RJ, 1998, 'Sexuality and the clinical encounter', in Vital signs: feminist reconfigurations of the bio/logical body, edn. Original, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 30 - 44

Diprose RJ, 1996, 'The gift, sexed body property and the law', in Thinking through the Body of the Law, edn. Original, Allen and Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, pp. 120 - 135

Diprose RJ, 1995, 'A `Genetics` that makes sense', in Biopolitics: a feminist and ecological reader on biotechnology, edn. Original, Zed Books, London, pp. 162 - 174

Diprose RJ, 1995, 'Nietzsche, ethics and sexual difference', in Nietzsche: a critical reader, edn. Original, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, pp. 69 - 83

Diprose RJ, 1995, 'The body biomedical ethics forgets', in Troubled bodies: critical perspectives on postmodernism, medical ethics and the body, edn. Original, Duke University Press, Durham, pp. 202 - 221

Diprose R, 1995, 'The body biomedical ethics forgets', in Troubled Bodies, Duke University Press, pp. 202 - 221,

Journal articles

Diprose R, 2019, 'Merleau-Ponty's Ontology of Sound: How Hearing Loss and "Trump Talk" Disable Communication and Intersubjectivity', PHILOSOPHY TODAY, 63, pp. 1 - 20,

Diprose R, 2019, 'RELATIONALITY AND THE PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGE of sovereignty, singularity, or loneliness?', ANGELAKI-JOURNAL OF THE THEORETICAL HUMANITIES, 24, pp. 21 - 35,

Lancaster K; Ritter A; Diprose R, 2018, 'Recasting Participation in Drug Policy', Contemporary Drug Problems, 45, pp. 351 - 365,

Ritter A; Lancaster K; Diprose R, 2018, 'Improving drug policy: The potential of broader democratic participation', International Journal of Drug Policy, 55, pp. 1 - 7,

Diprose R, 2013, 'Corporeal Interdependence: From Vulnerability to Dwelling in Ethical Community', SubStance, 42, pp. 185 - 204,

Diprose R; Ziarek Ewa Ponowska , 2013, 'Time for Beginners: Natality, Biopolitics, and Political Theory', philoSOPHIA, 3, pp. 107 - 120,

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