Select Publications

Journal articles

Diprose R, 2019, 'Merleau-Ponty's Ontology of Sound: How Hearing Loss and "Trump Talk" Disable Communication and Intersubjectivity', PHILOSOPHY TODAY, 63, pp. 1 - 20,

Diprose R, 2019, 'RELATIONALITY AND THE PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGE of sovereignty, singularity, or loneliness?', ANGELAKI-JOURNAL OF THE THEORETICAL HUMANITIES, 24, pp. 21 - 35,

Lancaster K; Ritter A; Diprose R, 2018, 'Recasting Participation in Drug Policy', Contemporary Drug Problems, 45, pp. 351 - 365,

Ritter A; Lancaster K; Diprose R, 2018, 'Improving drug policy: The potential of broader democratic participation', International Journal of Drug Policy, 55, pp. 1 - 7,

Diprose R, 2013, 'Corporeal Interdependence: From Vulnerability to Dwelling in Ethical Community', SubStance, 42, pp. 185 - 204,

Diprose R; Ziarek Ewa Ponowska , 2013, 'Time for Beginners: Natality, Biopolitics, and Political Theory', philoSOPHIA, 3, pp. 107 - 120,

Diprose RJ, 2012, 'Continental Philosophy: Thinking the Corporeal with the Political', Southern Journal of Philosophy, 50, pp. 220 - 233

Diprose RJ, 2011, 'Building and Belonging Amid the Plight of Dwelling', Angelaki - Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, 16, pp. 59 - 72,

Diprose RJ, 2010, 'Dissensus, melancholic nationalism, and biopolitics in the work of Ewa Ziarek', Philosophy Today, 54, pp. 43 - 50

Diprose RJ, 2009, 'Toward an Ethico-Politics of the Posthuman: Foucault and Merleau-Ponty', Parrhesia, 8, pp. 7 - 19

Diprose RJ, 2009, 'Women`s Bodies Between National Hospitality and Domestic Biopolitics', Paragraph, 32, pp. 69 - 86

Diprose RJ, 2009, 'Womens Bodies Giving Time for Hospitality', Hypatia, 24, pp. 142 - 163

Diprose RJ, 2008, '`Where` your people from, girl?`: Belonging to Race, Gender, and Place Beneath Clouds', Differences - A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, 19, pp. 28 - 58

Diprose RJ, 2008, 'Arendt and Nietzsche on Responsibility and Futurity', Philosophy and Social Criticism, 34, pp. 617 - 642

Diprose RJ, 2008, 'Biopolitical technologies of prevention', Health Sociology Review, 17, pp. 141 - 150

Diprose RJ; Stephenson N; Mills CJ; Race KD; Hawkins G, 2008, 'Governing the future: The paradigm of prudence in political technologies of risk management', Security Dialogue, 39, pp. 267 - 288,

Diprose RJ, 2006, 'Derrida and the extraordinary responsibility of inheriting the future-to-come', Social Semiotics, 16, pp. 435 - 447

Diprose RJ, 2006, 'The Art of Dreaming: Merleau-Ponty and Petyarre on Flesh Expressing a World', Cultural Studies Review, 12, pp. 32 - 43

Diprose RJ, 2005, 'Community of bodies: From modification to violence', Continuum : Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 19, pp. 381 - 392

Diprose RJ, 2004, 'Responsibility in a Place and Time of Terror', Borderlands e-journal, 3

Diprose R, 2003, 'Here I Am by the Grace of the Other and Politics Is in Disgrace', Studies in Practical Philosophy, 3, pp. 22 - 37,

Diprose RJ, 2003, 'Here I am by the Grace of the Other and Politics Is in Disgrace: Levinas and Postcolonialismjavascript:thisPage._fireEvent(`btnclass`,`onclick`);', Studies in Practical Philosophy, 3, pp. 20 - 33

Diprose RJ, 2003, 'The Hand that Writes Community in Blood', Cultural Studies Review, 9, pp. 35 - 50

Diprose R, 2002, 'Preface: 'On the Biology of Sexed Subjects'', Australian Feminist Studies, 17, pp. 259 - 259,

Diprose RJ, 2002, 'Writing in Blood: Response to Helen Keane and Marsha Rosengarten', Australian Feminist Studies, 17, pp. 279 - 282

Diprose R, 2002, 'Writing in Blood: Response to Helen Keane and Marsha Rosengarten, 'On the Biology of Sexed Subjects'', Australian Feminist Studies, 17, pp. 279 - 282,

Diprose RJ, 2001, 'Bearing witness to cultural difference, with apology to Levinas', Angelaki - Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, 6, pp. 125 - 135

Diprose RJ, 2000, 'Body Images: Embodyment as Intercorporeality', The American Philosophical Newsletter, 00, pp. 30 - 32

Diprose RJ, 2000, 'Philosophy and Memory Traces: Descartes to Connectivism', Australasian Journal of Philosophy, pp. 127 - 129

Diprose RJ, 2000, 'What is (Feminist) Philosophy', Hypatia, 15, pp. 115 - 132

Diprose RJ, 1999, 'From Desire to Power', Intelligence, pp. 125 - 131

Diprose RJ, 1998, 'Generosity: between love and desire', Hypatia, 13, pp. 1 - 19

Diprose R, 1998, 'Leaky Bodies and Boundaries: Feminism, Postmodernism and (Bio)ethics', Women’s Philosophy Review, pp. 57 - 59,

Diprose RJ, 1998, 'Review of Leaky Bodies and Boundaries by Margrit Shildrick', Women's Philosophy Review, 19, pp. 57 - 59

Diprose RJ, 1997, 'Review of M. Gaten `Imagining Sexual Difference`', Radical Philosophy, 82, pp. 48 - 49

Diprose RJ, 1997, 'The generosity of feminism', Australian Feminist Studies, 12, pp. 275 - 282

Diprose RJ, 1996, 'Giving corporeality against the law', Australian Feminist Studies, 11, pp. 253 - 262

Diprose R, 1996, 'Heidegger and Ethics', Women’s Philosophy Review, pp. 25 - 26,

Diprose RJ, 1996, 'Sexuality under clinical management', Hysteric : Body/Medicine/Text, 2, pp. 64 - 71

Diprose R; Mycak S; Rowlands S; Steffensen J; Muir K; Furby P; Thomas S; Sussex L; Bastalich W; Barkley M; Power C; Faye E; Stewart M; Adams C; McNamee J, 1994, 'Reviews', Australian Feminist Studies, 9, pp. 237 - 263,

Diprose R; Sullivan N; McGown A; Perera S; Dugdale A; Hunn D, 1992, 'Reviews', Australian Feminist Studies, 7, pp. 121 - 141,

Diprose R, 1991, 'Foucault, derrida and the ethics of sexual difference', Social Semiotics, 1, pp. 1 - 21,

Diprose R, 1991, 'In Excess: The Body and the Habit of Sexual Difference', Hypatia, 6, pp. 156 - 171,

Diprose R, 1987, 'The use of pleasures in the constitution of the body', Australian Feminist Studies, 2, pp. 95 - 103,

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