My Expertise
Sociology of education, Indigenous studies, Inequality in education, Cultural diversity and identity formation, Ethnicity, Educational technology, Curriculum, Qualitative methods
Fields of Research (FoR)
Sociology of education, Sociology of inequalities, Curriculum and pedagogy, Educational technology and computingSEO tags
Murni Sianturi is an Indigenous researcher who has worked with Indigenous communities for several years. She is currently a Scientia PhD Candidate at the School of Social Sciences, the University of New South Wales. Her research focuses on issues affecting Indigenous West Papuan students, especially in mathematics learning, identity, and culture. Based on her experience in teaching mathematics at all school levels and a local university, her...view more
Murni Sianturi is an Indigenous researcher who has worked with Indigenous communities for several years. She is currently a Scientia PhD Candidate at the School of Social Sciences, the University of New South Wales. Her research focuses on issues affecting Indigenous West Papuan students, especially in mathematics learning, identity, and culture. Based on her experience in teaching mathematics at all school levels and a local university, her work is focused on schooling practices and Indigenous students' identities that influence their learning experiences, outcomes, culture, and identities. She is working on a research project regarding the use of technology to facilitate partnerships between schools and Indigenous West Papuan parents.
She has a track record of winning research grants. During her career, she has served as a CI on more than sixteen research projects, managing projects and teams. A variety of methods have been employed in her studies, e.g., action research, case studies, ethnography, quantitative and mixed methods. The experience she has gained from teaching at schools and participating in numerous joint initiatives with Indigenous communities, the government, NGOs, and other educational institutions encourages her to bring Indigenous perspectives to educational discussions and enhances her ability to forge strong partnerships. Her research and publication, e.g., scholarly articles published in reputable journals, books and other creative works, have contributed to the global scientific forum, the education system and Indigenous communities.
My Grants
2023: HDR Thesis Editing and Proofreading Fund from Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture, UNSW (2023)
2022: Journal articles grant, School of Social Sciences, UNSW
2022: Research output, Faculty of Arts, Design, and Architecture, UNSW
2022: HDR Essential Research Scheme grant, Faculty of Arts, Design, and Architecture, UNSW
2020-present: Scientia scholarship for PhD program, School of Social Sciences, UNSW
2018: Journal articles grant, DIPA Musamus University
2018: Research grant, DIPA Musamus University
2017: Journal articles grant, DIPA Musamus University
2017: Research grant, DIPA Musamus University
2014-2016: Scholarship for Master program, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan.
2015: Research grant, Lanny Jaya Regency
2013-2014: Scholarship funding for Teacher Profession Education program, State University of Medan, Indonesia
My Qualifications
Master of Education, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan (2016)
Teacher Certification, State University of Medan, Indonesia (2014)
Bachelor of Education, State University of Medan, Indonesia (2011)
My Awards
2024: Research output, Faculty of Arts, Design, and Architecture, UNSW
2023: Won the Editor’s Choice Category in the Education and Culture Fields, The Conversation Indonesia (TCID) Author Awards 2023
2023: Research output, Faculty of Arts, Design, and Architecture, UNSW
2022: Research output, Faculty of Arts, Design, and Architecture, UNSW
2020-present: UNSW, Scientia scholarship
2014-2016: National Dong Hwa University, graduate research scholarship
2014: Outstanding student, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
2013-2014: State University of Medan, Teacher Education Program
2014: Writing competition (4th Place), State University of Medan
My Research Activities
February 2020 – present: Technology and family-school partnerships
June – December 2022: Using coaching skills in a data collection method
December 2021 – June 2022: A narrative review of the use of technology in home-school partnerships
March – November 2021: A systematic review of Indigenous parental engagement
May – August 2021: Using technology in home-school partnerships during Covid-19
January – July 2019: Indigenous students' cognitive styles and mathematics academic outcomes
January – July 2019: Indigenous students' cognitive styles and mathematical story problems
July – December 2018: Developing an integrative media for primary students
September 2017 – February 2018: Developing a picture storybook for Indigenous West Papuan students
April – July 2017: Research on fundamental mathematics ability of Indigenous West Papuans pre-service teachers
July – September 2015: Ethnography study on Indigenous ways of educating
March – September 2015: Developing a curriculum entitled Who is Papuan
February – June 2015: A literature review on place-based education
September 2014 – January 2015: Indigenous classroom ethnography research
April – June 2014: The effects of smartphones on students’ learning at National Dong Hwa University
November 2010 – January 2011: The implementation of a genius learning strategy
My Engagement
Scientific Journal Roles
2020-present: Editorial Board Member, Studies in Philosophy of Science and Education
2018-2019: Editor in Chief, Musamus Journal of Mathematics Education
2022-present: Reviewer, Journal of Learning for Development
2022-present: Reviewer, Education and Information Technologies
2017-present: Reviewer, International Journal of Instruction
Academic Forum Memberships
2022-present: Ethnoparenting Indonesia
2021-present: The International Academic Forum (IAFOR)
Social Community
2017-present: Founder, Merauke Teacher Center (MTC)
My Teaching
SRAP5101-Research Methods and Project Design (T1 24) (Seminar Leader/Co-lecturer)
ARTS2821-Colonialism: Resistance, Justice and Transition (T1 24) (Tutor)
SOSS2001-Qualitative Research Methods (T1 24) (Tutor)