Select Publications

Journal articles

Jiang C; de Silva C; Doolan C; Moreau D, 2025, 'Design and characterisation of an open-jet pressure gradient test rig for an aeroacoustic wind tunnel', Applied Acoustics, 227, pp. 110214 - 110214,

Hales ADG; Ayton LJ; Wills AO; Jiang C; De Silva C; Moreau D; Doolan C, 2024, 'A mathematical model for the interaction of anisotropic turbulence with porous surfaces', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1001,

Mahgoub AO; Jiang C; Moreau D; Doolan C; de Silva C, 2024, 'A numerical framework to investigate isotropic turbulent inflow interacting with an airfoil's leading edge', International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 107, pp. 109337,

Jiang C; Moreau D; de Silva C; Doolan C, 2024, 'Noise generation mechanisms of a micro-tube porous trailing edge', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 571,

Jiang C; de Silva CM; Doolan CJ; Moreau DJ, 2024, 'Aeroacoustics of a Square Finite-Wall-Mounted Cylinder in Pressure-Gradient Flows', AIAA Journal, 62, pp. 4765 - 4778,

Jiang C; Doolan C; de Silva C; Moreau D, 2023, 'Aeroacoustics of finite wall-mounted square cylinders in pressure gradient flows', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, pp. A104 - A104,

Dixon R; Jiang C; de Silva C; Moreau D; Doolan C, 2023, 'Tandem cylinder aeroacoustic sources', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, pp. A330 - A330,

Doolan C; Kisler R; Jiang C; de Silva C; Moreau D, 2023, 'Theoretical prediction of unsteady wall pressure during turbulence-airfoil-interaction', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, pp. A104 - A105,

Wesley C; Jiang C; Pahlevani F; Doolan C; Heriyanto ; Sahajwalla V, 2023, 'Utilising the microstructure of chemically and thermally activated waste textiles for noise attenuation in an urban Australian context', Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 197,

Hales ADG; Ayton LJ; Jiang C; Mahgoub A; Kisler R; Dixon R; De Silva C; Moreau D; Doolan C, 2023, 'A mathematical model for the interaction of anisotropic turbulence with a rigid leading edge', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 970,

Jiang C; Moreau D; Fischer J; Doolan C, 2021, 'Additively Manufactured Sound-Absorbing Porous Structures for Airfoil Trailing-Edge Noise Control', Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 34,

Delhomme F; Hajimohammadi A; Almeida A; Jiang C; Moreau D; Gan Y; Wang X; Castel A, 2020, 'Physical properties of Australian hurd used as aggregate for hemp concrete', Materials Today Communications, 24,

Echeverria Encina C; Handoko W; Pahlevani F; Jiang C; Doolan C; Sahajwalla V, 2019, 'Engineered hybrid fibre reinforced composites for sound absorption building applications', Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 143, pp. 1 - 14,

Li M; Lenzen M; Keck F; McBain B; Rey-Lescure O; Li B; Jiang C, 2018, 'GIS-based probabilistic modeling of BEV charging load for Australia', IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10, pp. 3525 - 3534

Doolan C; Jiang C; Moreau D; Yauwenas Y, 2017, 'Rotor noise control using 3D-printed porous materials', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142, pp. 2507 - 2507,

Li M; Zhang X; Li G; Jiang C, 2016, 'A feasibility study of microgrids for reducing energy use and GHG emissions in an industrial application', APPLIED ENERGY, 176, pp. 138 - 148,

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