Select Publications

Journal articles

Mohammed N; Ali M; Ciobotaru M; Fletcher J, 2023, 'Accurate control of virtual oscillator-controlled islanded AC microgrids', Electric Power Systems Research, 214,

Li J; Ali M; Fletcher JE; Nurdin HI, 2022, 'Modeling and Analysis of Multiple Inverters With Dual-Loop-Based Virtual Oscillator Control', IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 10, pp. 3963 - 3974,

Ali M; Nurdin H; Fletcher JE, 2021, 'Dispatchable Virtual Oscillator Control for Single-Phase Islanded Inverters: Analysis and Experiments', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 68, pp. 4812 - 4826,

Ali M; Nurdin HI; Fletcher JE, 2021, 'Dispatchable Virtual Oscillator Control for Single-Phase Islanded Inverters: Analysis and Experiments', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68, pp. 4812 - 4826,

Ali M; Nurdin HI; Fletcher JE, 2020, 'Synthesizing Averaged Virtual Oscillator Dynamics to Control Inverters with an Output LCL Filter', IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), 2020-October, pp. 3265 - 3270,

Ali M; Li J; Callegaro L; Nurdin HI; Fletcher JE, 2020, 'Regulation of active and reactive power of a virtual oscillator controlled inverter', IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 14, pp. 62 - 69,

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