Select Publications

Conference Posters

McRae R, 2018, 'Photographic chronosequence after a wildfire on Black Mountain', Perth, presented at Australasian Fire Authorities Council Conference, Perth

McRae R, 2018, 'Recovery of forests after the 2003 A.C.T. wildfires - an operational perspective', Perth, presented at Australasian Fire Authorities Council Conference, Perth

McRae R; Sharples J, 2016, 'Assessing mitigation of the risk from extreme wildfires using satellite hotspot data', Brisbane, presented at Australasian Fire Authorities Council Conference, Brisbane

McRae R, 2016, 'Splitting the indices', Brisbane, presented at Australasian Fire Authorities Council Conferencee, Brisbane

McRae R, 2016, 'Thunderstorm outflow winds.', Brisbane, presented at Australasian Fire Authorities Council Conference, Brisbane

McRae R; Featherston G, 2015, 'A new perspective on Australia's fire seasons', Adealide, presented at Australian Bushfire Conference, Adealide

McRae R, 2015, 'Himawari 8', Adelaide, presented at Australasian Fire Authorities Council Conference, Adelaide

McRae R; Sharples J; McCoy L, 2015, 'Predicting blow-up fire events.', Adelaide, presented at Australasian Fire Authorities Council Conference, Adelaide

McRae R, 2013, 'Dynamic fire propagation and extreme wildfire development', Melbourne, presented at Australasian Fire Authorities Council Conference, Melbourne

McRae R, 2011, 'Recognising and reacting to the extreme bushfire drivers', Sydney, presented at Australasian Fire Authorities Council Conference, Sydney

McRae R, 2011, 'Violent pyro-convection - a tool for understanding extreme wildfire events', Sydney, presented at Australasian Fire Authorities Council Conference, Sydney

Conference Presentations

McRae R, 2022, 'A global problem, needing global change', presented at International Association of Wildland Fire 2022 Fire and Climate Conference, Pasadena

McRae R, 2022, 'New understandings arising from Australia’s Black Summer', presented at International Association of Wildland Fire 2022 Wildland Fire Conference, Edmonton

McRae R, 2022, 'Predicting blow-up fire events: lessons from Black Summer', presented at International Association of Wildland Fire 2022 Fire and Climate Conference, Melbourne

McRae R, 2022, 'What black Summer told us about C-Haines – new findings.', presented at Australasian Fire Authorities Council Conference, Adelaide

McRae R, 2019, 'Experiences with the global impacts of climate change', presented at Australasian Fire Authorities Council Conference, Melbourne

McRae R, 2019, 'Stand recovery dynamics after the 2003 wildfires in the A.C.T.', presented at International Association of Wildland Fire 2019 6th International Fire Behavior and fuels Conference, Sydney

Ziaeyan Bahri M; Sharples J; Huntley S; McRae RHD, 2018, 'A universal rate of spread index for Australian fuel types', presented at International Conferenceon Forest Fire Research, Portugal

McRae R, 2018, 'Extreme fires – extreme solutions', presented at Australasian Fire Authorities Council Conference, Perth

McRae R, 2016, 'A new technique for predicting blow-up fire events.', presented at Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Confere, Canberra

McRae R, 2016, 'Lessons from the operational application of Himawari-8 products.', presented at International Association of Wildland Fire 5th International Fire Behaviour and Fuels Conference, Melbourne

McRae R, 2015, 'Linking local wildfire dynamics to pyroCb development', presented at American Meteorological Society 11th Symposium on Forest Fire Meteorology, Minneapolis

McRae R, 2015, 'Linking local wildfire dynamics to pyroCb development', presented at Australasian Fire Authorities Council Conference, Adelaide

Sharples J; McRae R; Weber R, 2011, 'Atypical bushfire spread driven by the interaction of terrain and extreme fire weather.', presented at Australasian Fire Authorities Council Conference, Sydney

McRae R; Sharples J; Weber R, 2008, 'Are big fires inevitable?', presented at Australasian Fire Authorities Council Conference, Hobart

McRae R, 2006, 'Lessons from the January 2003 fires', presented at Australian Bushfire Conference, Brisbane

McRae R, 2004, 'Breath of the dragon', presented at Australian Bushfire Conference, Adelaide

McRae R, 2003, 'Technological advances in understanding wildfire behaviour using geographic information systems', presented at FRFANZ Conference, Auckland

McRae R, 2001, 'Isolated pockets of excellence', presented at Australian Bushfire Conference, Chritshurch

McRae R, 1999, 'Sharing spatial data', presented at Australian Bushfire Conference, Albury

McRae R, 1997, 'Considerations on operational wildfires spread modelling', presented at Australian Bushfire Conference, Darwin

McRae R, 1997, 'Linking wind to fire growth modelling for operations', presented at 13th Conference on Fire and Forest Meteorology, Lorne

McRae R, 1989, 'Use of digital terrain data for calculating fire rates of spread with the PREPLAN computer system', presented at Australian Bushfire Conference, Canberra


McRae R, 2011, Learning, Improving, Blaming: Science and Bushfires,

McRae R, 2008, Fire risk in the high country,


McRae RHD; Sharples JJ; Fromm M, 2014, Linking local wildfire dynamics to pyroCb development, ,

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