Select Publications

Book Chapters

Sear T; Lieber PS, 2019, 'Power, Responsibility, Strategic Communication and Culture: Improving Risk Calculus in Defence Environments', in Horn B (ed.), Risk & Decision Making, Canadian Special Operations Forces Command CANSOFCOM, Winnipeg, pp. 129 - 138

Sear TI, 2016, 'Uncanny Valleys and Anzac Avatars: Scaling a Postdigital Gallipoli', in Frances R; Scates B (ed.), Beyond Gallipoli: New Perspectives on ANZAC, Monash University Press, pp. 55 - 82,

Sear TI, 2016, 'Dawn Servers: Anzac Day 2015 and Hyperconnective Commemoration', in West B (ed.), War Memory and Commemoration, Routledge, pp. 67 - 88,

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