Select Publications

Book Chapters

Kuchelmeister V; Bennett J; Kenning G, 2022, 'Cultivating empathy through VR engagements with lived experience', in Clarke L; Kelomees R (ed.), [re|dis]connection Interactive Storytelling Art, ETC Press, Pittsburgh, pp. 91 - 108,

Kenning G; Bennett J; Kuchelmeister V, 2022, 'The Visit: A collaborative confabulation', in Bennett J (ed.), The Big Anxiety: Taking Care of Mental Health in Times of Crisis, Bloomsbury Academic, London & New York, pp. 80 - 89,

Kenning G; Bennett J; Kuchelmeister V; Ginnivan N; Neidorf M, 2021, 'An immersive art-based approach to engaging with the embodied, sensory and affective experience of living with dementia', in Dementia Lab 2021: Supporting ability through design, Springer, Switzerland, pp. 95 - 104,

Fisher L; Kuchelmeister V, 2017, 'The Veloscape Project: Cyclists Sensing the City', in Curtis D (ed.), Building Sustainability with the Arts., Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, pp. 49 - 62,

Kuchelmeister V, 2001, 'Computer based Knowledge transfer - Praxisbeispiele computergestützter Wissensvermittlung', in Weibel P (ed.), Vom Tafelbild zum globalen Datenraum, edn. Original, Edition ZKM, Hatje Cantz, Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 171 - 179

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