Select Publications


Harris M; Haigh F; Fatema K; Hirono K; Crimeen A; de Leeuw E, 2019, A literature review of gender-sensitive and equity focused service delivery models

de Leeuw E; Crimeen A; Freestone R; Jalaludin B; Sainsbury P; Hirono K; Reid A, 2018, Healthy Airports, Centre for Healthy Equity Training, Research and Evaluation (CHETRE), Liverpool,

Harris-Roxas B; Cave B; Dreaves H; Gulis G; Haigh F; Harris E; Hirono K; Jabot F; Rise M; Rivadeneyra A; Roué le Gall A; Simos J; St Pierre L; Wise M, 2018, International Union for Health Promotion and Education Position Paper on Health Impact Assessment, International Union for Health Promotion and Education - IUHPE, Saint-Maurice, France,

Hirono K; Haigh FA; Jaques K; Crimeen A, 2017, Integrating Health Considerations into Wollondilly Shire Council Planning Processes.,

Hirono K; Haigh FA; Jaques K; Fletcher-Lartey S; Millen L; Calalang C, 2017, Is anyone listening? Health impact assessment of the Western Sydney Airport community engagement process,

Wise M; Hirono KT; Harris E, 2015, Equity Focused Health Impact Assessment of Healthy Together Victoria, Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, UNSW Australia

Hirono KT; Wise M; Harris E, 2015, Equity Focused Health Impact Assessment of the Quit Victoria Review 2012-2105., Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, UNSW Australia

Hirono K; Haigh FA; Gleeson D; Harris P; Thow AM, 2015, Negotiating healthy trade in Australia: Health impact assessment of the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, Centre for Health Equity Training Research and Evaluation, part of the Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Australia, Liverpool, NSW,,

Hirono KT; Gleeson D; Haigh F; Harris P, 2014, The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement negotiations and the health of Australians: A policy brief., Centre for Health Equity Training, Research and Evaluation, Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, UNSW Australia.

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