Select Publications
2019, A literature review of gender-sensitive and equity focused service delivery models
,2018, Healthy Airports, Centre for Healthy Equity Training, Research and Evaluation (CHETRE), Liverpool,
,2018, International Union for Health Promotion and Education Position Paper on Health Impact Assessment, International Union for Health Promotion and Education - IUHPE, Saint-Maurice, France,
,2017, Integrating Health Considerations into Wollondilly Shire Council Planning Processes.,
,2017, Is anyone listening? Health impact assessment of the Western Sydney Airport community engagement process,
,2015, Equity Focused Health Impact Assessment of Healthy Together Victoria, Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, UNSW Australia
,2015, Equity Focused Health Impact Assessment of the Quit Victoria Review 2012-2105., Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, UNSW Australia
,2015, Negotiating healthy trade in Australia: Health impact assessment of the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, Centre for Health Equity Training Research and Evaluation, part of the Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Australia, Liverpool, NSW,,
,2014, The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement negotiations and the health of Australians: A policy brief., Centre for Health Equity Training, Research and Evaluation, Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, UNSW Australia.