Select Publications

Journal articles

Quill R; Sharples JJ; Sidhu LA, 2020, 'A Statistical Approach to Understanding Canopy Winds over Complex Terrain', Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 25, pp. 231 - 250,

Quill R; Sharples JJ; Wagenbrenner NS; Sidhu LA; Forthofer JM, 2019, 'Modeling Wind Direction Distributions Using a Diagnostic Model in the Context of Probabilistic Fire Spread Prediction', Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 5,

Phelps H; Watt S; Sidhu H; Sidhu L, 2018, 'Using phase change materials and air gaps in designing fire fighting suits: a mathematical investigation', Fire Technology, 55, pp. 1 - 19,

Hao Z; Drake VA; Sidhu L; Taylor JR, 2017, 'Locust displacing winds in eastern Australia reassessed with observations from an insect monitoring radar', International Journal of Biometeorology, 61, pp. 2073 - 2084,

Chambers MS; Sidhu LA; O'Neill B; Sibanda N, 2017, 'Evidence of separate subgroups of juvenile southern bluefin tuna', Ecology and Evolution, 7, pp. 9818 - 9844,

Chambers MS; Sidhu LA; O'Neill B; Sibanda N, 2017, 'Flexible von Bertalanffy growth models incorporating Bayesian splines', Ecological Modelling, 355, pp. 1 - 11,

Waters EK; Hamilton AJ; Sidhu HS; Sidhu LA; Dunbar M, 2016, 'Zoonotic Transmission of Waterborne Disease: A Mathematical Model', Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 78, pp. 169 - 183,

Ganendran LB; Sidhu LA; Catchpole EA; Chambers LE; Dann MP, 2015, 'Effects of ambient air temperature, humidity and rainfall on annual survival of adult little penguins Eudyptula minor in southeastern Australia', International Journal of Biometeorology, pp. 1 - 9,

Chambers MS; O'Neill B; Sidhu LA, 2015, 'Frailty models for the estimation of tag shedding rates with tagger effects', Fisheries Research, 161, pp. 303 - 311,

Waters EK; Sidhu HS; Sidhu LA; Mercer GN, 2015, 'Extended Lotka–Volterra equations incorporating population heterogeneity: Derivation and analysis of the predator–prey case', Ecological Modelling, 297, pp. 187 - 195,

Hao Z; Drake A; Sidhu L; Taylor JR, 2014, 'Investigating wind effects on insect migration', ANZIAM Journal, 56, pp. 399 - 415,

Dann P; Sidhu LA; Jessop R; Renwick L; Healy M; Dettmann B; Baker B; Catchpole EA, 2014, 'Effects of flipper bands and injected transponders on the survival of adult Little Penguins', Ibis, 156, pp. 73 - 83,

Chambers M; Sidhu L; O'Neill B, 2014, 'Southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) shed tags at a higher rate in tuna farms than in the open ocean – Two-stage tag retention models', Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 71, pp. 1220 - 1228,

Sidhu LA; Dann P; Chambers L; Catchpole EA, 2012, 'Seasonal ocean temperature and the survival of first-year little penguins Eudyptula minor in south-eastern Australia', Marine Ecology - Progress Series, 454, pp. 263 - 272,

Sidhu LA; Catchpole EA; Dann P, 2011, 'Modelling banding effect and tag loss for Little Penguins Eudyptula minor', The ANZIAM Journal, 52, pp. C206 - C221,

Ganendran LB; Sidhu LA; Catchpole EA; Dann P; Chambers L, 2011, 'The effect of directional wind components on survival of Little Penguins Eudyptula minor', The ANZIAM Journal, 52, pp. C1012 - C1030,

Sidhu LA; Catchpole EA; Dann P, 2007, 'Mark-Recapture-Recovery Modeling and Age-Related Survival in Little Penguins (Eudyptula Minor)', The Auk, 124, pp. 815 - 827

Sidhu LA; Carss M, 2000, 'Dynamics modelling activites', Australian Senior Mathematics Journal, 14, pp. 15 - 25

Sidhu LA; Carss M, 1999, 'The Use of practical modelling activities and technology in Queensland senior mathematics', Australian Senior Mathematics Journal, 13, pp. 21 - 32

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