Select Publications

Creative Written Works

Gleeson M, 2020, World in motion, Inside Story,

Gleeson M, 2017, IMAs and UMAs and SAMs: A powerful anthology about asylum seekers, Australian Book Review,

Gleeson M, 2016, Searching for Truth in all the Hidden Places, Sydney PEN Magazine,

Recorded / Rendered Creative Works

Gleeson M, 2022, Cruel, costly and ineffective: The failure of offshore processing in Australia, Published: 07 January 2022, Recorded / Rendered Creative Works,


McAdam J; Ghezelbash D; Gleeson M; Harley T, 2024, The Consequences of the Government’s New Migration Legislation Could Be Dire – For Individuals and for Australia, ,

Gleeson M, 2023, The case against mandatory detention, ,

Gleeson M, 2023, How Australia shaped Britain’s refugee policy, ,

Gleeson M, 2023, How Australia inspired the UK's floating detention centre, The Saturday Paper, ,

McAdam J; Barbour B; Higgins C; Ghezelbash D; Gleeson M; Harley T, 2023, Our cruel and costly offshore processing system was a failure. We have a better solution on asylum policy, The Conversation, ,

Gleeson M; Hodgson N, 2023, Courts, Channel crossings and the Rwanda plan: A conversation about UK asylum policy, Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law,

Gleeson M, 2021, Australia’s asylum policy has been a disaster. It’s deeply disturbing the UK wants to adopt it, The Conversation, ,

Gleeson M, 2021, How Australia's tough stance on immigration is influencing European policy, ABC Radio, ,

Gleeson M, 2021, Should refugees continue to be considered outside of Australia?, ,

Gleeson M, 2021, Unpicking the legacy of the Tampa, ,

Gleeson M, 2021, Unpicking the legacy of the Tampa,

Gleeson M, 2021, MV Tampa – 20 years on, 2ser, ,

Gleeson M, 2021, The Wire, 2ser,

Gleeson M, 2021, Does offshore processing work?, ABC Radio, ,

Gleeson M, 2021, How should Australia respond to asylum seekers arriving by sea during the COVID-19 pandemic?, ,

Gleeson M, 2021, Offshore processing in the Nationality and Borders Bill, ,

Gleeson M, 2020, Offshore processing didn't work and Australia's mistakes shouldn't be repeated elsewhere, The Guardian, ,

Green M; Gleeson M, 2020, What happened to the asylum seekers medically evacuated to Australia?, The Guardian, ,

McAdam J; Gleeson M, 2020, Australia's offshore asylum centres have been a cruel disaster. They must not be replicated by the UK, ,

Gleeson M, 2019, Behrouz Boochani: Still in limbo, Lowy Institute, ,

Gleeson M, 2017, Manus detention centre: Australia is still responsible for these men — and those who haven't made it this far, ABC, ,

Gleeson M, 2017, Regional Cooperation on Refugee Protection: The Unanswered Questions, Middle East Institute, ,


McAdam J; Ghezelbash D; Gleeson M; Harley T, 2024, Written evidence to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, Response to Questions on Notice from Senator Paul Scarr, ,

Gleeson M, 2024, Offshore Processing Offers False Hope for United Kingdom, ,

McAdam J; Ghezelbash D; Gleeson M; Harley T, 2024, Submission No 11 to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee on the Migration Amendment (Removals and Other Measures) Bill 2024, ,

McAdam J; Ghezelbash D; Gleeson M; Harley T, 2024, Kaldor Centre statement on new migration bill, ,

Gleeson M; Konstadinides T, 2024, The UK’s Rwanda policy and Lessons from Australia, ,

McAdam J; Gleeson M; Tamara W, 2023, Meet the editors: How to get published in the International Journal of Refugee Law, ,

Gleeson M; Yacoub N, 2021, Cruel, costly and ineffective: Australia’s offshore processing asylum seeker policy turns 9, The Conversation, ,

Gleeson M, 2021, Case Law Summaries (Australia and New Zealand), Oxford University Press,

Gleeson M, 2021, Case Law Summaries (Australia and New Zealand), Oxford University Press,

Gleeson M, 2020, Submission on costs of offshore processing to the UK House of Commons Home Affairs Committee Inquiry into Channel crossings, migration and asylum-seeking routes through the EU,

Gleeson M, 2020, Submission on mental health implications of offshore processing to the UK House of Commons Home Affairs Committee Inquiry into Channel crossings, migration and asylum-seeking routes through the EU,

Gleeson M, 2020, Evidence to UK House of Commons Home Affairs Committee inquiry into Channel crossings, migration and asylum-seeking routes through the EU,

Gleeson M, 2020, More boats and a pandemic bring urgency to unanswered questions of the Andaman Sea crisis, ,

Gleeson M, 2020, Case Law Summaries (Australia and New Zealand),

Gleeson M, 2020, Case Law Summaries (Australia and New Zealand),

Gleeson M, 2020, Case Law Summaries (Australia and New Zealand),

Gleeson M, 2020, Case Law Summaries (Australia and New Zealand), Oxford University Press, ,

Gleeson M; Pillai S, 2019, A legal blackhole?,

Gleeson M, 2019, Supplementary submission No 53.1 to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee on the Migration Amendment (Repairing Medical Transfers) Bill 2019 [Provisions],

Gleeson M, 2019, Evidence to Senate inquiry on Migration Amendment (Repairing Medical Transfers) Bill 2019 [Provisions], Canberra,

Gleeson M, 2019, Evidence to Senate inquiry on Migration Legislation Amendment (Regional Processing Cohort) Bill 2019 [Provisions], Canberra,

Gleeson M; Goodwin-Gill G; Pillai S; Ogg K, 2019, Submission No 53 to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee on the Migration Amendment (Repairing Medical Transfers) Bill 2019 [Provisions],

Gleeson M; McAdam J; Goodwin-Gill G; Foster M; Saul B, 2019, Submission No 7 to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee on the Migration Legislation Amendment (Regional Processing Cohort) Bill 2019 [Provisions],

Gleeson M, 2019, Five Questions: On six years of Australia’s offshore processing policy, Andrew & Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, ,

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