Select Publications

Creative Written Works

Gonsalves R, 2023, How to Take Over a Book Fair, The Frankfurt Kabuff Critical Edition, Wilfrid Laurier Press,

Gonsalves R, 2023, How to take over a book fair: A Bourdieusian fiction, The Frankfurt Kabuff Critical Edition, Driscoll B; Squires C, (ed.), Wilfrid Laurier University Press,

Gonsalves R, 2023, BLT 1984, The Writing Mind: Creative Writing Responses to Images of the Living Brain, Prendergast J; Herbert-Goodall E; Webb J, (eds.), Recent Work Press,

Gonsalves R, 2023, Nature abhors a vacuum, The Writing Mind: Creative Writing Responses to Images of the Living Brain, Prendergast J; Herbert-Goodall E; Webb J, (eds.), Recent Work Press

Gonsalves R, 2020, How to Work from Home, The Noteworthy Project, Peril,

Gonsalves R, 2020, The East Australia Company Mango Bridge, After Australia, Ahmad MM, (ed.), Affirm Press,

Gonsalves R, 2020, I is for, Goa Writers' Lockdown Alphabet,,

Gonsalves R, 2019, The Skit, Glass Walls: Short Fiction from Australia and the Indian Subcontinent, Rundle S; Bharat M, (ed.), Orient Blackswan

Gonsalves R, 2019, A Breeze Blows, or It Doesn’t Blow: History’s Beckonings, Southerly,

Gonsalves R, 2018, The thing about Myron, Goa and its worlds: A literary journey, Joao Roque Literary Journal,

Gonsalves R, 2018, Curry Muncher 3.0, Of Indian Origin: Writings From Australia, Sharrad P; Chatterjee Padmanabhan M, (ed.), Orient Blackswan

Gonsalves R, 2017, George Jarvis, black hindoo servant, Port Jackson, 1809 (preparatory study), Westerly, CENT STUDIES AUSTRALIAN LIT,

Gonsalves R, 2014, The Skit, Mascara Literary Review,

Gonsalves RA, 2014, Friending and Trending, Only Connect, Rundle S; Bharat M, (ed.), Brass Monkey Books,

Gonsalves RA, 2013, The Patron Saint of Excess Baggage, Joyful Strains: Making Australia Home, McCarter K; Lemer A, (ed.), Affirm Press,

Gonsalves R, 2009, Curry Muncher, Eureka Street,

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