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Select Publications
2024, 'Integrating Belowground Interactions into Seagrass Restoration Strategies', in Oceanography and Marine Biology, CRC Press, pp. 192 - 214, http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/9781003477518-4
,2022, 'Endangered Posidonia australis Seagrass Meadows in Australia', in Imperiled: The Encyclopedia of Conservation: Volume 1-3, pp. 640 - 643, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-821139-7.00095-7
,2020, 'Operation Crayweed', in Sustaining Seas: Oceanic Space and the Politics of Care, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
,2019, 'Biology and ecology of the globally significant kelp Ecklonia Radiata', in Oceanography and Marine Biology, Taylor & Francis, pp. 265 - 324, http://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/24721
,2019, 'The Past and Future Ecologies of Australasian Kelp Forests', in Hawkins SJ; Bohn K; Firth LB; Williams GA (ed.), Interactions in the Marine Benthos: Global Patterns and Processes, pp. 414 - 430, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/9781108235792.017
,2012, 'Causes and ecological consequences of a climate-mediated disease.', in Lunney D; Hutchings P (ed.), Wildlife and Climate Change: towards robust conservation strategies for Australian fauna, Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman, NSW, pp. 52 - 58
,2012, 'Macroalgae and temperate rocky reefs.', in Poloczanska ES; Hobday AJ; Richardson AJ (ed.), A Marine Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Report Card for Australia 2012, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Ecosciences Precinct, Brisbane, Qld