Select Publications

Journal articles

Eger AM; Eddy N; McHugh TA; Arafeh-Dalmau N; Wernberg T; Krumhansl K; Verbeek J; Branigan S; Kuwae T; Caselle JE; Ospina AG; Vergés A, 2024, 'State of the world's kelp forests', One Earth, 7, pp. 1927 - 1931,

Eger AM; Blain CO; Brown AL; Chan SSW; Miller KI; Vergés A, 2024, 'Kelp forests versus urchin barrens: A comparison of ecosystem functions and services provided by two alternative stable marine habitats', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 291,

McKibbin O; Vergés A; Pottier P; Mayer Pinto M, 2024, 'Marine infrastructure support fewer producers and more filter feeders than natural habitats: a review and meta-analysis', Environmental Research Letters, 19,

Garthwin RG; Poore AGB; Ferretto G; Wright JT; Vergés A, 2024, 'Seagrass Tolerance to Simulated Herbivory Along a Latitudinal Gradient: Predicting the Potential Effects of Tropicalisation', Ecology and Evolution, 14,

Golo R; Santamaría J; Vergés A; Cebrian E, 2024, 'The role of species thermal plasticity for alien species invasibility in a changing climate: A case study of Lophocladia trichoclados', Marine Environmental Research, 200,

Eger A; Aguirre JD; Altamirano M; Arafeh-Dalmau N; Arroyo NL; Bauer-Civiello AM; Beas-Luna R; Bekkby T; Bellgrove A; Bennett S; Bernal B; Blain CO; Boada J; Branigan S; Bursic J; Cevallos B; Choi CG; Connell SD; Cornwall CE; Earp HS; Eddy N; Ennis LA; Falace A; Ferreira AM; Filbee-Dexter K; Forbes H; Francis P; Franco JN; Geisler KG; Giraldo-Ospina A; Gonzalez AV; Hingorani S; Hohman R; Iveša L; Kaleb S; Keane JP; Koch SJI; Krumhansl K; Ladah L; Lafont DJ; Layton C; Le DM; Lee LC; Ling SD; Lonhart SI; Malpica-Cruz L; Mangialajo L; McConnell A; McHugh TA; Micheli F; Miller KI; Monserrat M; Montes-Herrera J; Moreno B; Neufeld CJ; Orchard S; Peabody B; Peleg O; Pessarrodona A; Pocklington JB; Reeves SE; Ricart AM; Ross F; Schanz FR; Schreider M; Sedarat M; Smith SM; Starko S; Strain EMA; Tamburello L; Timmer B; Toft JE; Uribe RA; van den Burg SWK; Vásquez JA; Veenhof RJ; Wernberg T; Wood G; Zepeda-Domínguez JA; Vergès A, 2024, 'The Kelp Forest Challenge: A collaborative global movement to protect and restore 4 million hectares of kelp forests', Journal of Applied Phycology, 36, pp. 951 - 964,

Castro LC; Vergés A; Straub SC; Campbell AH; Coleman MA; Wernberg T; Steinberg P; Thomas T; Dworjanyn S; Cetina-Heredia P; Roughan M; Marzinelli EM, 2024, 'Effect of marine heatwaves and warming on kelp microbiota influence trophic interactions', Molecular Ecology, 33,

Griffin KJ; Johnston EL; Poore AGB; Vergés A; Clark GF, 2024, 'Reducing direct physical disturbance also mitigates hidden drivers of decline in a threatened seagrass meadow', Frontiers in Conservation Science, 5,

Wood GV; Filbee-Dexter K; Coleman MA; Valckenaere J; Aguirre JD; Bentley PM; Carnell P; Dawkins PD; Dykman LN; Earp HS; Ennis LB; Francis P; Franco JN; Hayford H; Lamb JB; Ling SD; Layton C; Lis E; Masters B; Miller N; Moore PJ; Neufeld C; Pocklington JB; Smale D; Stahl F; Starko S; Steel SC; Verbeek J; Vergés A; Wilding CM; Wernberg T, 2024, 'Upscaling marine forest restoration: challenges, solutions and recommendations from the Green Gravel Action Group', Frontiers in Marine Science, 11,

Roberts CJ; Vergés A; Poore AGB, 2023, 'A new resource for monitoring reef ecosystems: The background of recreational diver photographs contains valuable habitat data', Journal of Applied Ecology, 60, pp. 2688 - 2698,

Eger AM; Marzinelli EM; Beas-Luna R; Blain CO; Blamey LK; Byrnes JEK; Carnell PE; Choi CG; Hessing-Lewis M; Kim KY; Kumagai NH; Lorda J; Moore P; Nakamura Y; Pérez-Matus A; Pontier O; Smale D; Steinberg PD; Vergés A, 2023, 'Author Correction: The value of ecosystem services in global marine kelp forests (Nature Communications, (2023), 14, 1, (1894), 10.1038/s41467-023-37385-0)', Nature Communications, 14,

Eger AM; Marzinelli EM; Beas-Luna R; Blain CO; Blamey LK; Byrnes JEK; Carnell PE; Choi CG; Hessing-Lewis M; Kim KY; Kumagai NH; Lorda J; Moore P; Nakamura Y; Pérez-Matus A; Pontier O; Smale D; Steinberg PD; Vergés A, 2023, 'The value of ecosystem services in global marine kelp forests', Nature Communications, 14,

Pecl GT; Kelly R; Lucas C; van Putten I; Badhe R; Champion C; Chen IC; Defeo O; Gaitan-Espitia JD; Evengård B; Fordham DA; Guo F; Henriques R; Henry S; Lenoir J; McGhie H; Mustonen T; Oliver S; Pettorelli N; Pinsky ML; Potts W; Santana-Garcon J; Sauer W; Stensgaard AS; Tingley MW; Verges A, 2023, 'Climate-driven ‘species-on-the-move’ provide tangible anchors to engage the public on climate change', People and Nature, 5, pp. 1384 - 1402,

Sgarlatta MP; Karkarey R; Smith SM; Suthers IM; Poore AGB; Vergés A, 2023, 'Predation domes: In-situ field assays to measure predatory behaviours by fish', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14, pp. 2029 - 2035,

Nagelkerken I; Allan BJM; Booth DJ; Donelson JM; Edgar GJ; Ravasi T; Rummer JL; Vergés A; Mellin C, 2023, 'The effects of climate change on the ecology of fishes', PLOS Climate, 2,

Ferretto G; Glasby TM; Poore AGB; Callaghan CT; Sinclair EA; Statton J; Kendrick GA; Vergés A, 2023, 'Optimizing the restoration of the threatened seagrass Posidonia australis: plant traits influence restoration success', Restoration Ecology, 31,

Ferretto G; Vergés A; Poore AGB; Glasby TM; Griffin KJ, 2023, 'Habitat Provision and Erosion Are Influenced by Seagrass Meadow Complexity: A Seascape Perspective', Diversity, 15,

Santana-Garcon J; Bennett S; Marbà N; Vergés A; Arthur R; Alcoverro T, 2023, 'Tropicalization shifts herbivore pressure from seagrass to rocky reef communities', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290,

Flores-Moreno H; Dalrymple RL; Cornwell WK; Popovic G; Nakagawa S; Atkinson J; Cooke J; Laffan SW; Bonser SP; Schwanz LE; Crean AJ; Eldridge DJ; Garratt M; Brooks RC; Vergés A; Poore AGB; Cohen DR; Clark GF; Sen Gupta A; Reich PB; Cornelissen JHC; Craine JM; Hemmings FA; Kattge J; Niinemets Ü; Peñuelas J; Moles AT, 2023, 'Is Australia weird? A cross-continental comparison of biological, geological and climatological features', Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11,

Marta IRD; Vergés A; Powell S; Smith SM; Poore AGB, 2023, 'Marine protected areas are linked to higher predation rates by fish in shallow urbanised reefs, but only in no-take reserves', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 721, pp. 135 - 150,

Vergés A; Lanham BS; Kono M; Okumura S; Nakamura Y, 2022, 'Differences in fish herbivory among tropical and temperate seaweeds and annual patterns in kelp consumption influence the tropicalisation of temperate reefs', Scientific Reports, 12,

Ferretto G; Vergés A; Poore AGB; Gribben PE; Glasby TM, 2022, 'Floating bags have the potential to minimise oyster farming impacts on Posidonia australis seagrass meadows', Aquaculture, 560,

Eger AM; Eddy N; Gleason M; Layton C; McHugh TA; Steinberg P; Vergés A, 2022, 'The Kelp Forest Alliance: A Global Community of Practice to Understand, Advise, and Motivate Kelp Forest Conservation and Restoration', Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin, 31, pp. 130 - 132,

Eger AM; Marzinelli EM; Christie H; Fagerli CW; Fujita D; Gonzalez AP; Hong SW; Kim JH; Lee LC; McHugh TA; Nishihara GN; Tatsumi M; Steinberg PD; Vergés A, 2022, 'Global kelp forest restoration: past lessons, present status, and future directions', Biological Reviews, 97, pp. 1449 - 1475,

Tebbett SB; Sgarlatta MP; Pessarrodona A; Vergés A; Wernberg T; Bellwood DR, 2022, 'How to quantify algal turf sediments and particulates on tropical and temperate reefs: An overview', Marine Environmental Research, 179,

Evans SM; Griffin KJ; Blick RAJ; Poore AGB; Verges A, 2022, 'Erratum: Correction: Seagrass on the brink: Decline of threatened seagrass Posidonia australis continues following protection (PLoS ONE (2019) 14:4 (e0216107) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0216107)', PLoS ONE, 17,

McCosker E; Stuart-Smith RD; Edgar GJ; Steinberg PD; Vergés A, 2022, 'Sea temperature and habitat effects on juvenile reef fishes along a tropicalizing coastline', Diversity and Distributions, 28, pp. 1154 - 1170,

Wood G; Steinberg PD; Campbell AH; Vergés A; Coleman MA; Marzinelli EM, 2022, 'Host genetics, phenotype and geography structure the microbiome of a foundational seaweed', Molecular Ecology, 31, pp. 2189 - 2206,

Bosch NE; McLean M; Zarco-Perello S; Bennett S; Stuart-Smith RD; Vergés A; Pessarrodona A; Tuya F; Langlois T; Spencer C; Bell S; Saunders BJ; Harvey ES; Wernberg T, 2022, 'Persistent thermally driven shift in the functional trait structure of herbivorous fishes: Evidence of top-down control on the rebound potential of temperate seaweed forests?', Global Change Biology, 28, pp. 2296 - 2311,

Roberts CJ; Vergés A; Callaghan CT; Poore AGB, 2022, 'Many cameras make light work: opportunistic photographs of rare species in iNaturalist complement structured surveys of reef fish to better understand species richness', Biodiversity and Conservation, 31, pp. 1407 - 1425,

Pessarrodona A; Vergés A; Bosch NE; Bell S; Smith S; Sgarlatta MP; Wernberg T, 2022, 'Tropicalization unlocks novel trophic pathways and enhances secondary productivity in temperate reefs', Functional Ecology, 36, pp. 659 - 673,

Straub SC; Wernberg T; Marzinelli EM; Vergés A; Kelaher BP; Coleman MA, 2022, 'Persistence of seaweed forests in the anthropocene will depend on warming and marine heatwave profiles', Journal of Phycology, 58, pp. 22 - 35,

Bennett S; Alcoverro T; Kletou D; Antoniou C; Boada J; Buñuel X; Cucala L; Jorda G; Kleitou P; Roca G; Santana-Garcon J; Savva I; Vergés A; Marbà N, 2022, 'Resilience of seagrass populations to thermal stress does not reflect regional differences in ocean climate', New Phytologist, 233, pp. 1657 - 1666,

Eger AM; Earp HS; Friedman K; Gatt Y; Hagger V; Hancock B; Kaewsrikhaw R; Mcleod E; Moore AM; Niner HJ; Razafinaivo F; Sousa AI; Stankovic M; Worthington TA; Bayraktarov E; Saunders M; Vergés A; Reeves S, 2022, 'The need, opportunities, and challenges for creating a standardized framework for marine restoration monitoring and reporting', Biological Conservation, 266,

Bolt MH; Callaghan CT; Poore AGB; Vergés A; Roberts CJ, 2022, 'Using the background of fish photographs to quantify habitat composition in marine ecosystems', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 688, pp. 167 - 172,

Sen Gupta A; Stellema A; Pontes GM; Taschetto AS; Vergés A; Rossi V, 2021, 'Future changes to the upper ocean Western Boundary Currents across two generations of climate models', Scientific Reports, 11, pp. 9538,

Ferretto G; Glasby TM; Poore AGB; Callaghan CT; Housefield GP; Langley M; Sinclair EA; Statton J; Kendrick GA; Vergés A, 2021, 'Naturally-detached fragments of the endangered seagrass Posidonia australis collected by citizen scientists can be used to successfully restore fragmented meadows', Biological Conservation, 262,

Smith SM; Malcolm HA; Marzinelli EM; Schultz AL; Steinberg PD; Vergés A, 2021, 'Tropicalization and kelp loss shift trophic composition and lead to more winners than losers in fish communities', Global Change Biology, 27, pp. 2537 - 2548,

Wood G; Marzinelli EM; Campbell AH; Steinberg PD; Vergés A; Coleman MA, 2021, 'Genomic vulnerability of a dominant seaweed points to future-proofing pathways for Australia's underwater forests', Global Change Biology, 27, pp. 2200 - 2212,

Sinclair EA; Sherman CDH; Statton J; Copeland C; Matthews A; Waycott M; van Dijk KJ; Vergés A; Kajlich L; McLeod IM; Kendrick GA, 2021, 'Advances in approaches to seagrass restoration in Australia', Ecological Management and Restoration, 22, pp. 10 - 21,

Vanderklift MA; Pillans RD; Hutton M; De Wever L; Kendrick GA; Zavala-Perez A; Vergés A; Garthwin R; Oades D; McCarthy P; George K; Sampi T; George D; Sampi C; Edgar Z; Dougal K; Howard A, 2021, 'High rates of herbivory in remote northwest Australian seagrass meadows by rabbitfish and green turtles', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 665, pp. 63 - 73,

Callaghan CT; Poore AGB; Mesaglio T; Moles AT; Nakagawa S; Roberts C; Rowley JJL; Vergés A; Wilshire JH; Cornwell WK, 2021, 'Three Frontiers for the Future of Biodiversity Research Using Citizen Science Data', BioScience, 71, pp. 55 - 63,

Whalen MA; Whippo RDB; Stachowicz JJ; York PH; Aiello E; Alcoverro T; Altieri AH; Benedetti-Cecchi L; Bertolini C; Bresch M; Bulleri F; Carnell PE; Cimon S; Connolly RM; Cusson M; Diskin MS; D’Souza E; Flores AAV; Joel Fodrie F; Galloway AWE; Gaskins LC; Graham OJ; Hanley TC; Henderson CJ; Hereu CM; Hessing-Lewis M; Hovel KA; Hughes BB; Randall Hughes A; Hultgren KM; Jänes H; Janiak DS; Johnston LN; Jorgensen P; Kelaher BP; Kruschel C; Lanham BS; Lee KS; Lefcheck JS; Lozano-Álvarez E; Macreadie PI; Monteith ZL; O’Connor NE; Olds AD; O’Leary JK; Patrick CJ; Pino O; Poore AGB; Rasheed MA; Raymond WW; Reiss K; Kennedy Rhoades O; Robinson MT; Ross PG; Rossi F; Schlacher TA; Seemann J; Silliman BR; Smee DL; Thiel M; Unsworth RKF; van Tussenbroek BI; Vergés A; Yeager ME; Yednock BK; Ziegler SL; Emmett Duffy J, 2020, 'Climate drives the geography of marine consumption by changing predator communities', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117, pp. 28160 - 28166,

Holland MM; Smith JA; Everett JD; Vergés A; Suthers IM, 2020, 'Latitudinal patterns in trophic structure of temperate reef-associated fishes and predicted consequences of climate change', Fish and Fisheries, 21, pp. 1092 - 1108,

Wood G; Marzinelli EM; Vergés A; Campbell AH; Steinberg PD; Coleman MA, 2020, 'Using genomics to design and evaluate the performance of underwater forest restoration', Journal of Applied Ecology, 57, pp. 1988 - 1998,

Eger AM; Vergés A; Choi CG; Christie H; Coleman MA; Fagerli CW; Fujita D; Hasegawa M; Kim JH; Mayer-Pinto M; Reed DC; Steinberg PD; Marzinelli EM, 2020, 'Financial and Institutional Support Are Important for Large-Scale Kelp Forest Restoration', Frontiers in Marine Science, 7,

Castro LC; Cetina-Heredia P; Roughan M; Dworjanyn S; Thibaut L; Chamberlain MA; Feng M; Vergés A, 2020, 'Combined mechanistic modelling predicts changes in species distribution and increased co-occurrence of a tropical urchin herbivore and a habitat-forming temperate kelp', Diversity and Distributions, 26, pp. 1211 - 1226,

Vergés A; Campbell AH, 2020, 'Kelp forests', Current Biology, 30, pp. R919 - R920,

Tan YM; Dalby O; Kendrick GA; Statton J; Sinclair EA; Fraser MW; Macreadie PI; Gillies CL; Coleman RA; Waycott M; van Dijk KJ; Vergés A; Ross JD; Campbell ML; Matheson FE; Jackson EL; Irving AD; Govers LL; Connolly RM; McLeod IM; Rasheed MA; Kirkman H; Flindt MR; Lange T; Miller AD; Sherman CDH, 2020, 'Seagrass Restoration Is Possible: Insights and Lessons From Australia and New Zealand', Frontiers in Marine Science, 7,

Morris RL; Hale R; Strain EMA; Reeves SE; Vergés A; Marzinelli EM; Layton C; Shelamoff V; Graham TDJ; Chevalier M; Swearer SE, 2020, 'Key Principles for Managing Recovery of Kelp Forests through Restoration', BioScience, 70, pp. 688 - 698,

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