Select Publications

Journal articles

Cossins AI, 2002, 'The Hearsay Rule and Delayed Complaints of Child Sexual Abuse: The Law and the Evidence', Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 9, pp. 163 - 176

Cossins AI, 2001, 'Complaints of Child Sexual Abuse: Too Easy to Make or Too Difficult to Prove', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, pp. 149 - 168

Kriesler PR; Mcnaughton AM; Cossins AI, 2001, 'Introduction to Special Issues: Mandatory Sentencing, Rights and Wrongs', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 7, pp. 1 - 2,

Cossins AI; Corpuz-Brock J, 1999, 'A Reply to the NSW Royal Commission Inquiry into Peadophilia: Victim Report Studies and Child Sex Offender Profiles - A Bad Match?', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, pp. 42 - 60

Cossins AI, 1999, 'Defying Reality: Child Sexual Assault and The Delay in Complaint Rule', Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 11, pp. 17 - 34

Cossins AI, 1997, 'Recovered Memories of Child Sexual Abuse - Fact or Fantasy?', Judicial Review Journal of Judicial Commission of New South Wales, pp. 163 - 199

Cossins AI; Pilkinton R, 1996, 'Balancing the scales: the case of inadmissibility of counselling records in sexual assualt trials', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 19, pp. 222 - 267

Cossins AI, 1996, 'Contempt or Confidentiality: Counselling Records, Relevance and Sexual Assault Trials', Alternative Law Journal, 21, pp. 220 - 226

Cossins AI, 1996, 'Counselling notes, relevance and sexual assualt trials', Alternative Law Journal, pp. 223 - 229

Cossins AI, 1995, 'On stone throwing from the feminist sidelines: a critique of Helen Garner`s book `The First Stone`', Melbourne University Law Review, 20, pp. 528 - 561

Cossins AI, 1995, 'Revising open government: developments in shifting the boundaries of government secrecy under public interest immunity and freedom of infromation law', Federal Law Review, pp. 226 - 276

Cossins AI, 1992, 'Uncertainty, Risk Assessment and Legal Regulation: A Look at the Debate Surrounding the Release of Genetically-Engineered Organisms into the Environment', Environmental and Planning Law Journal,, 9, pp. 320 - 330

Cossins AI, 1990, 'Women’s Dependence on the State', Legal Service Bulletin, 15, pp. 105 - 110

Norton RS; Cossins AI; Kem WR, 1989, '1H NMR Study of the Solution Properties of the Polypeptide Neurotoxin I from the Sea Anemone Stichodactyla helianthus', Biochemistry, 28, pp. 1820 - 1826,

Conference Papers

Cossins AI; Goodman-Delahunty J; Martschuk N, 2014, 'Persistent misconceptions about child sexual abuse: The impact of specialized educative information and deliberation on mock jurors.', in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Empirical Studies of Judicial Systems: Citizen Participation Around the World, Institutum Jurisprudentiae Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, presented at Third International Conference on Empirical Studies of Judicial Systems: Citizen Participation Around the World, Taipei, Taiwan, 05 September 2014 - 06 September 2014

Cossins AI, 1999, 'Masculinities, sexualities and child sexual abuse', in British Criminology Conference, British Criminology Conference 1999, Liverpool, presented at British Criminology Conference 1999, Liverpool


Cossins AI; Goodman-Delahunty J; Martschuk N, 2016, Jury Reasoning in Joint and Separate Trials of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse: An Empirical Study, Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse, Sydney, ISBN 978-1-925289-61-9,

Cossins AI, 2012, Australian Institute of Judicial Administration Committee ‘Children Giving Evidence’ (2012) Bench Book for Children Giving Evidence in Australian Courts, Australian Institute of Judicial Administration, Melbourne

Cossins AI, 2006, Responding to sexual assault: the way forward, Criminal Law Review Division, Attorney General's department of NSW, Criminal Justice Task Force report December 2005

Creative Written Works

Cossins AI, 2010, Alternative Models for Prosecuting Child Sex Offences in Australia, Alternative Models for Prosecuting Child Sex Offences in Australia, The National Child Sexual Assault Reform Committee, UNSW,

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