Select Publications
Journal articles
2022, 'Supervised and semi-supervised 3D organ localisation in CT images combining reinforcement learning with imitation learning', Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, 8,
,2022, 'Efficient corner detection based on corner enhancement filters', Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 122,
,2022, 'Automated segmentation of normal and diseased coronary arteries – The ASOCA challenge', Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 97, pp. 102049,
,2022, 'Half and full solar cell efficiency binning by deep learning on electroluminescence images', Progress in Photovoltaics: research and applications, 30, pp. 276 - 287,
,2022, 'Automated post-operative brain tumour segmentation: A deep learning model based on transfer learning from pre-operative images', Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 86, pp. 28 - 36,
,2022, 'Training radiomics-based CNNs for clinical outcome prediction: Challenges, strategies and findings', Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 123, pp. 102230,
,2022, 'Video Generative Adversarial Networks: A Review', ACM Computing Surveys
,2021, 'Estimation of three-dimensional chromatin morphology for nuclear classification and characterisation', Scientific Reports, 11,
,2021, 'Deep learning for segmentation in radiation therapy planning: a review', Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 65, pp. 578 - 595,
,2021, 'Deep learning applied to automated segmentation of geographic atrophy in fundus autofluorescence images', Translational Vision Science and Technology, 10,
,2021, 'Efficient EM-variational inference for nonparametric Hawkes process', Statistics and Computing, 31,
,2021, 'Context-Enhanced Representation Learning for Single Image Deraining', International Journal of Computer Vision, 129, pp. 1650 - 1674,
,2021, 'Model structure uncertainty in the characterization and growth of geographic atrophy', Translational Vision Science and Technology, 10,
,2021, 'The use of closed-circuit television and video in suicide prevention: narrative review and future directions', JMIR Mental Health, 8,
,2021, 'The Use of Closed-Circuit Television and Video in Suicide Prevention: Narrative Review and Future Directions (Preprint)', ,
,2021, 'Attentive feature refinement network for single rainy image restoration', IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 30, pp. 3734 - 3747,
,2020, 'A comparison of machine learning methods for survival analysis of high-dimensional clinical data for dementia prediction', Scientific Reports, 10, pp. 20410,
,2020, 'Computer vision in autism spectrum disorder research: a systematic review of published studies from 2009 to 2019', Translational Psychiatry, 10, pp. 333,
,2020, 'Efficient inference for nonparametric hawkes processes using auxiliary latent variables', Journal of Machine Learning Research, 21
,2020, 'Artificial intelligence algorithms for analysis of geographic atrophy: A review and evaluation', Translational Vision Science and Technology, 9, pp. 1 - 18,
,2020, 'Fast multi-resolution segmentation for nonstationary Hawkes process using cumulants', International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 10, pp. 321 - 330,
,2020, 'Introducing the Targeted Mass Killing Data Set for the Study and Forecasting of Mass Atrocities', Journal of Conflict Resolution, 64, pp. 1524 - 1547,
,2020, 'Corner detection based on shearlet transform and multi-directional structure tensor', Pattern Recognition, 103,
,2020, 'Offshore Underwater Image Restoration Using Reflection-Decomposition-Based Transmission Map Estimation', IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 45, pp. 521 - 533,
,2020, 'Automated Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Multimodal Brain Scans: A Survey Based on Models Submitted to the BraTS 2012-2018 Challenges', IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 13, pp. 156 - 168,
,2020, 'Cascaded Attention Guidance Network for Single Rainy Image Restoration', IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 29, pp. 9190 - 9203,
,2020, 'Learning a Compact Vein Discrimination Model with GANerated Samples', IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 15, pp. 635 - 650,
,2020, 'Multi-Weighted Co-Occurrence Descriptor Encoding for Vein Recognition', IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 15, pp. 375 - 390,
,2020, '377 Machine Learning to Predict Hemodynamic Risk in Left Main Bifurcations', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 29, pp. S207 - S207,
,2019, 'Building change detection from remotely sensed images based on spatial domain analysis and Markov random field', Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 13,
,2018, 'Single camera multi-view anthropometric measurement of human height and mid-upper arm circumference using linear regression', PLoS ONE, 13,
,2017, 'Applications and Challenges of Wearable Visual Lifeloggers', Computer, 50, pp. 60 - 69,
,2016, 'Soft Hough Forest-ERTs: Generalized Hough Transform based object detection from soft-labelled training data', Pattern Recognition, 60, pp. 145 - 156,
,2016, 'Automatic 3D modelling of human diaphragm from lung MDCT images', International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 11, pp. 767 - 776,
,2015, 'An Underwater Color Image Quality Evaluation Metric', IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 24, pp. 6062 - 6071,
,2015, 'Automatic patient-customised 3D reconstruction of human costal cartilage from lung MDCT dataset', International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 10, pp. 465 - 472,
,2014, 'Dictionary learning framework for fabric defect detection', Journal of the Textile Institute, 105, pp. 223 - 234,
,2014, 'New image quality evaluation metric for underwater video', IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 21, pp. 1215 - 1219,
,2013, '3-D segmentation of human sternum in lung MDCT images', Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2013, pp. 3351 - 3354,
,2013, 'Machine learning based urban change detection by fusing high resolution aerial images and lidar data', Communications in Computer and Information Science, 398 PART I, pp. 522 - 532,
,2012, 'Cell tracking and mitosis detection using splitting flow networks in phase-contrast imaging.', Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, pp. 5310 - 5313
,2010, 'Multiple kernel learning for classification of diffuse lung disease using HRCT lung images.', Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, pp. 3085 - 3088
,2010, 'Multiple kernel learning for classification of diffuse lung disease using HRCT lung images.', Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, 2010, pp. 3085 - 3088
,2009, 'Directional Multi-scale Modeling of High-Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) Lung Images for Diffuse Lung Disease Classification', Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6038, 5702/2009, pp. 663 - 671,
,2009, 'Multi-level classification of emphysema in HRCT lung images', Pattern Analysis and Applications, 12, pp. 9 - 20
,2009, 'Provably correct on-chip communication: A formal approach to automatic protocol converter synthesis', ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 14
,2008, 'Multi-level classification of emphysema in HRCT lung images using delegated classifiers', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5241 LNCS, pp. 59 - 66,
,2008, 'Multi-level classification of emphysema in HRCT lung images using delegated classifiers', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5241 LNCS, pp. 59 - 66,
,2008, 'Automatic Detection of Bronchial Dilatation in HRCT Lung Images', Journal of Digital Imaging, 21, pp. S148 - S163
,2008, 'Automatically transforming and relating uppaal models of embedded systems', Embedded Systems Week 2008 - Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Embedded Software, EMSOFT 2008, pp. 59 - 68,